Anti Arthor Collation

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

Arnolf looked the other chief's who gathered in his tent. When he had sent Wymar to confirm the stories that had been brought to his attention, this was not what he expected to happen.

Arthor was a beast with few chief's in history comparing to him in terms of brutality. 'The wingmaker' they call him, hah, 'Arthor the butcher' was more like it. His forest of flesh had grown at an unbelievable rate, as Arthor continued in his hunt.

Arnolf and his people were barely able to avoid that fate due to Wymar's warning, the tribes and clans they once called neighbors were now either dead or under Arthor. The lands they once called theirs were now inhabited by Arthor's growing army.

All the invited chiefs had finally arrived with their trusted people at their, making the once empty tent to be nearly cramped. Their voices fueled by their anxiety and rage carried through out the tent as they argued amongst themselves. "Enough!" Arnolf shouted out as he slammed his Flagon into a table.

The others turned towards him, "I sent messengers to all of you because of the problem that grows with each passing day. I am certain you all want the same thing else you all wouldn't be here".

"So can we begin discussing how to deal with Arthor" Arnolf continued.

"Aye, I agree with that, but who made you our leader", One of the chiefs spoke up. Looking to the others, Arthor saw that although they all remained silent they agreed with him. "I have made no claims for leadership here, but amongst our tribes mine has been the only one to have contact with Arthor."

"Aye, you ran", Arnolf's frown tightened at those words. Glaring at the chief who spoke Arnolf continued, "Arthor doesn't have a single clan behind him, he doesn't lead a single tribe of men. He is the high chief of the woodlands, all the tribes in the woodlands swore themselves to him."

"He leads a veritable army, an army that no single tribe here can hope to match on their own. Aye, I ran, every one of you thinks the same way I do r else you wouldn't be here" The chiefs all gained the same look in their eyes as they knew Arnolf was right.

"The tribes people have already began suggesting we hand over the survivors we have. A few of them have already left the tribe to head into the Crowl lands, loosing people to Crowls during spring!". Arnolf slammed his fist into the table causing it to give out.

"You've made your point, true but the question remains is it truly to late for talks?" Another chief spoke up her eyes glued on Arnolf. "I spoke to Arthor" Wymar spoke up after hearing the woman's question, "he is not a simple man who will walk away because of talks, he won't stop until he gets what he wants."

"And we can't give it to him" Arnolf picked up where Wymar left off, "once we bow our heads once then we might as well bow to him. Aye we've done that before, but that was to a man we deemed worthy. Who is this boy to demand that of us?!" The chiefs showed their agreement by nodding their heads.

Seeing this, a wide grin formed on Arnolf's face. "Seeing that we are all in agreement, then let us begin our discussion, on the end of Arthor".


Freya followed after Sigorn, Arthor had called for Sigorn, why the messenger had not said. Sigorn had then decided she would follow after him, she knew why he had done so.

Mummers had begin to spread that she and Arthor had something, how the fools had come up with that from the little to no conversation she had with Arthor she would never know. Hells she was five years his senior, idiots the whole lot of them.

As they made their way through the settlement she laid eyes on the man everyone feared. Only in his current state, he looked nothing like the monster he knew him to be. He spotted a wide grin on his face as he played around with the children, the sounds of laughter carrying all around.

The chief lifted a little girl spinning her around, letting her down once he spotted the two. "Alright Palla go play with the others", the little girl gave a nod before running of with the others laughing all the way, Arthor stood still watching the children leave before turning to the two.

"Sigorn, Freya good I have something to talk to you about. Lets go to my tent" Arthor began his journey back to his tent, the two free folk shared a look before following after him wondering what this was about.