Here be Dragons

When the sun arose the next day Arthor awoke under his covers with a naked Freya at his side. He gave her a once over smiling before dressing and heading out, with it being the early hours of the day, the fisher men were busy getting ready to head out to fish with the rest of the village waking up as well.

Seeing all this Arthor decided to have a quick look around the village once more before returning and having his meeting with Joseth. Taking a deep breath to fill his his lungs he began his short run.

Running through the surrounding woods before making it through the cliff side and to the beach where he took note of the birds flying overheard their calls forming a strangely harmonious melody with the waves that slapped against the cliff faces.

following the call of the waves Arthor arrived at the beach were he came to a halt, his eyes locked on the endless blue that stretched out into the horizon, 'nature truly was beautiful' Arthor muttered to himself as he observed the waves rush onto the beach only to retreat just as quickly.

This was the first time in both his lives that he had laid eyes on the sea, and everything from the sand beneath his feet to the endless blue stretching out before him to the sea breeze that gently caressed his face. With his eyes closed Arthor had half a mind to abandon everything right there and then.

To forget about the Crowl's, the wars and everything to simply build a small beach house and enjoy the serenity and beauty of nature. He knew however he couldn't do such a thing, people were waiting for him, lives depended on him, he was not allowed to be selfish.

Having seen enough Arthor turned around to leave but stopped when he felt it, a chill that reminded him of the coldest winds of winter. Turning back around he could make out the silhouette of something, and from the looks of the fishermen who had taken to seas it would seem he was not the only one.

As the figure grew closer, Arthor could finally make out its shape. "A whale?" he muttered as he took a few steps forward trying to focus on the figure, his curiosity taking center stage. "No Leviathan" Arthur eyes widened once he realized just what it was he was seeing.

The creature was one he had heard many tales about, he had thought most of them exaggerated considering the development level of this world, exaggerated tales were more than common. The sheer size of the creature could not be expressed with words.

The fishermen on the sea began their return to the shores as the movement of he leviathan were creating large wild waves. A sudden scream forced Arthor's attention back to the creature, the cries conveyed the pain and fear the creature was feeling to every one who heard its cry.

With the cries, Arthor looked beyond the creatures size and saw the various wounds which caused fear to seize Arthor's being. The leviathan was a beast truly worthy of its name yet here it was bleeding into the sea dying it a crimson color as it let out cries of pain.

Something was hunting this creature, with said realization a question was quick to follow. "What could hunt a Leviathan?" in mere moments Arthor observed as the surface of the sea froze before his very eyes. All was silent as a frost overcame the beach. 

The terror filled cries of the Fishermen who had abandoned their ships, and were now scrambling to the shore did not register in Arthor's ears as he focused on the Leviathan who was now frozen in place. He observed as it let out its last cry before its head was ripped by a large pair of jaws.

The owner of the jaws made its presence known as it burst through the sheet of ice, the mountain of a beast made its presence known. Its wings glittered as the light of the rising sun refracted through it, with eyes of pale blue crystal. A creature of living ice.

There was no denying it, with a breath of frost, pale blue eyes, translucent giant wings, a true creature of living ice. An ice dragon, he had heard the tales, due to his past life he knew Valyrian dragons existed but ice dragons... he had thought them mere myth creatures that existed solely in old wives tales.

Arthor stood still watching as the dragon made a feast of the Leviathan, entranced by its every movement. His stare had attracted the attention of the Dragon as it looked up from its meal, staring at him. Arthor's eyes traced up from the bloody maw of the dragon to its eyes.

"Rooooar!" with a deafening Roar the dragon took to the sky, vanishing to where it came from taking with it the frost, leaving just as suddenly as it arrived.