Quest for a dragon

'Dragon', that was the word on everyone's mind after the appearance of the ice dragon. They had all heard the tales of the ice dragons that roamed the shivering sea, with some even hearing the tale of Adara. 

The world new dragons existed, It was with dragon fire that the Starks knelt and it was with it that the iron throne was forged none would deny their existence, but that was only with Valyrian dragons. Great fire breathing beasts of old .The world however still considered the stories of ice dragons to be just that... stories.

Arthor was once one of those people, in his past life he had not observed such creatures on the show, and hence like many people of this world he discounted them as myths. Like the myths of the hairless men, pure fiction. However there was now undeniable proof.

He had seen an ice dragon, a living breathing ice dragon, the whole fishing village was in chaos after the appearance of the ice dragon. Although it had taken with it the frost its effects still lingered around, just as the remains of the Leviathan it had feasted on before their very eyes.

Arthor honestly could not say how long he stood there like a simpleton, his eyes focused on where the dragon had disappeared. He remained there frozen in the moment until Freya rushed to his side soon followed by Lothor and Ronell.


His meeting was of course postponed as the village dealt with the effects of the appearance of the ice dragon. "Arthor are you okay? You've barely said a word since this morning" Freya asked concern laced in her every word as she simply looked at Arthor who was seated in a longhouse.

Lothor who stood some distance away from the pair piped up at that moment, "yeah, you are starting to look and act Ronell and it is giving me the shivers"

"A dragon..." Arthor's words caused all to look at him, as these were the first words he had spoken since they brought him to the longhouse. "A bloody Dragon! hahaha" the spacey look he had disappeared, replaced by a wide grin and a light in his eye, the people around him were all too familiar with. Arthor however ignored the reactions of the people who surrounded him.

He could not count how many people in his past life would give anything for a dragon. Majestic creatures who had cemented themselves as a staple in fantasy, Arthor would not deny that since his discovery of the world he lived in, there were times when he lamented not being with Valyrian heritage.

He had accepted that his dreams of soaring through the sky on dragon back, would simply remain dreams. Yet today his eyes were opened, he had glimpsed an ice dragon. A creature which had nothing to do with Valyria of old, a creature rooted deeply in the lore of the North.

His blood was of the North, who was to say he would not be the Adara of his time. With these thoughts swimming around in his head a plan was formed.


"You want to what?!" Freya couldn't help but yell after Arthor told them of his plan. Lothor stood shell shocked, conflicted as to which facial expression to express. On the one hand, he felt absolutely proud as only Arthor could come face to face with an ice dragon and have the thought to conquer said beast, on the other he was dumbfounded.

This was an ice dragon, the pinnacle of beasts. It feasted on leviathans, creatures which took well over four Ibenese whaling ships to hunt, whenever it wished with barely any effort. And yet Arthor wanted to subdue it?

Even Ronell who was almost always a picture of stoicism, had his eyes widen and his jaw slack once he heard the words.

"Just think about it. With a dragon at our side, all our problems would come to an end." Arthor tried to argue, but hearing his words Freya simply scoffed. "At your side you say?" Freya let out a chuckle before continuing, "You make it sound like getting a dragon is an everyday thing. You have done the impossible many at times but this is one task I doubt even the great Arthor can accomplish. Hells even the valyrian fuckers who came up from the south riding on the things were burnt to ash only gods know how many times!"

"Yes, but these aren't valyrian dragons. These are ice dragons, creatures of the north, ice flows through their veins just as it does ours." Arthor moved closer, cupping Freya's face in his hands before continuing, "I have had these dreams, for a long time now. Dreams I did not understand, dreams I thought thing more of. Dreams of dragons."

"And now a dragon appears before me," Arthor turned to the others at those words. "If this isn't a sign from the old gods, you tell me."

All remained silent after those words, seeing this Arthor gained a grin, "Then it is time I fulfill my destiny, It is time Arthor gained a dragon"