
Chapter 1

"3, 2, 1" he bomb exploded the entrance of the building. Luckily we wore ear buds. "Go, Go, Go!" Shouted the leader of the SWAT team. "They're coming, we need to leave now!" I said.

"Phil, Emily and Roger come with me..." Salina cuts in. " what do I get to do? " Salina asked. "Evan will secure the entrance and you get the guns... It's show time." I said.

The SWAT officer have signals to the troops to stay clear, "Ready" Jones asked. "Yes" One of the soldiers replied. "Fire!" And the bomb was released but this time in form of a missile. Half of the building collapsed.

I quickly snapped my fingers which drew the attention of the officer, as he drew nearer, Emily wanted to shoot but I told her to hold fire and I stealthy went behind his back and slit his throat.

I indicated them to move forward. "Salina, the bombs" "Here" She dropped it in my hand and I threw it 'Boom

The officers screamed to their death as some fell off the balcony while lit. "Hob, do you read?" "Yes" I said as the signal fluctuated "Evacuated the building now! I am hiding behind the bushes watching, it looks like they want to drop bombs through the helicopter, No, no" The call ends.

s"Is she alright? She sounded like she was kidnapped" Roger asked. "She is a tough girl she will survive; now lets move."

Bullets flew hitting the building, poles and places. "Ouch,help!" Emily said. "Emily!" I ran after her, the building she was on fell down; I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I looked into her eyes. As I removed my hand from her sides I saw blood. "She's bleeding; we need to take her to the hospital." "On it" I turned to Emily, "You're gonna be fine, you're no going to leave us." She placed her soft pale hand on my cheeks as tears ran down hers. "I love you." She closed her eyes. "Emily No!"

Evan came to me, "Let's go leave her." "No" I carried Emily on my broad muscular shoulders and killed the soldiers angrily not minding where hey go shot.

Each soldier took at least three bullets to the chest. I was left with one we both didn't have guns only a knife, "Take Emily and go." I said. "Wht about you?" Phil asked. "I'll be alright, jus do as I say."

"Well, well, well if it isn't Hob who else?" Jones said. "I don't want to hurt you Jones." I said. "It's either you die or I die, Look Hob, the spotlight is one you why don't you just urn yourself in, everyone wants to shoot you?" Jones said. "Sorry to burst your bubbles not everyone and let's see about that."

I ran quickly and jumped into the river a lo of gun shot followed but none touched me, as the bomb I planted a while ago just reached it's time limit and blew. Jones watched as the fire caught him accepting his death.

The place blew and the building collapsed making hails of rocks on the remaining soldier killing them one by one, I came out making sure he coast was clear but I saw an injured soldier so I killed him making sure they was no evidence that I survived.

I ran towards where my teammates gathered. "How is she?" I asked. "She's breathing but not conscious, she'll need to rest." Salina said.

"Good to have a doc in our midst, well done" I said. "What about Jones?" Evan asked. "He accepted his death by embracing the fire."

"Wait, where is Blaze?" Roger asked. "Over here" She replied. She was stuck by a helicopter blade. "Let me help" I lifted it up and she came out dusting her clothes.

She kicked me in between my legs. "Son of a bitch! You left me there for over an hour." I knelt down moaning in pains. "You owe me a new laptop and a car." She said. "And you owe me new balls." They all laughed at my words.

"Where next to?" Salina asked. "The hospital" Evan said. "It won't be safe there, they might be looking for us, how about we spend the night at Salina's place where she can take care of Emily, and here she has all the equipment.

"Ok, that sounds good to me." They all chorused. "Well then?"

************Author Note*************

And this comes to the end of the chapter, for those who read, thanks a lot It means a lot to me.

Also feel free to leave your comments. If you enjoyed the first chapter keep reading and don't forget to hit the 'vote' button. It's just an act that put smiles on the authors face showing them how much you appreciate my efforts.
