
Chapter 2

We arrived at Salina's house, she did a face recognition to open the door, we marched in, "Lights on!" They turned on.

"What can I offer you all?" She asked "Champagne" We all chorused. "To celebrate our victory" Roger said. "The battle just begun and will not be over anytime soon."

Salina headed to the kitchen to get trays, I followed her. As she opened the refrigerator, I closed it. "You look disturbed, tell me what's up?" I asked.

She was shocked to see me. "Oh God, you scared me? What do you want? If it's my sis Emily, I wont let you touch her even if it means dying for her I'm ready."

I wandered round the empty space in the kitchen, "Tell me who are you to dictate my life, I Killed my mum because she tried to stop me and I have only one brother and he is not in this country damn it!" I said as I banged the counter.

"You're not even her real sis you are her step sis so don't you dare get in my way or I'll shove my knife through your skull" I said. "Tell me, if you love your sister so much..." I cut in. "I don' have one."

"Just imagine and stop arguing." She sighs. See was about to pick the knife and I immediately brought out my knife and gun pointing them to her face. I raised her chin up and grabbed her to myself.

"Look me in the eyes bitch if you continue like this I might have to clear you out of the ways." I said leaving the kitchen until she said. "What about your father? Did you kill him to?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I turned back "No, he was shot by my best friend dad who was once a cop", "Oh, ok what do you see in Emily you don't see in me?" She asked.

I eyed her head to toe, I came closer and held her hand, "You've got a really good body but I don't see courage in you, I see you as an obstacle to my plan but It doesn't mean I don't like you but..." She cuts in. "I know you want me" She pulled my neck down and wrapped her hands round my neck and kissed me. She pulled me back "That's all for now".

I left the kitchen feeling good that not only did I have a weak spot but also I had an enemy. I quickly blended in to the conversation they had while waiting for dinner.

Few minutes Salina came out, "Dinner is served." As she knelt down to serve I realized that she really pretty, I was lost in her beauty until she called my name.

She sat beside me, "Come on lets go check on Emily?" She asked. Honestly I was passionate about seeing Emily but looking at Salina made me go gaga.

"I think you should change does clothes of your before meeting her before she gets suspicious.


I waited outside for Salina to dress up, She came out wearing a long sleeve with bikinis, "Shall we?" "Of course, also make sure she gets enough rest don't allow her to come out for any reason" She said. "Yeah I know" I said as I ran my hand through my messy hair.

We knocked on the door and we heard a soft voice saying come in, Emily sat there as beautiful as ever even when she is sick she is still legit.

"Hey sis, What the fuck are you wearing?" Emily asked. "Clothes and besides how are you?" Salina asked.

"Fine" She replied.

"Hey Hob, what's up?" She asked. "I'm good. I thought I would lose you but not until now." I said. "Don't you say that, I should have died, yes but I remembered that dying means leaving all of you behind so I had to respond to treatment." She said.

She was about to move but she felt pain at her sides. "Ouch!" She said. "Carefully, wait let me help you." I rushed quickly to get the glass of water by her side.


"Well then good night"

We left and met the others. "Time to sleep folks we've got ourselves work to do tomorrow" I said.

"Ok, will do. Now give us some minutes alone would you?" Blaze said. "Fine, also take" I handed it over to her. It was a briefcase filled with money. "What's this?" She asked.

"A gift, go buy yourself whatever you want." I said. She smiled, "Well played" I turned to Salina and we went to the room.

I sat on the bed, and she sat next to me. "Good night" I said and was about leaving. "Wait!" She called back and I turned. "Don't forget to watch Emily in her room and make sure she takes her medicine." She said.

"Yeah, will do" I shut the door on my way out.

I paced around Emily's room watching her sleep, She was admirable I eventually fell a sleep, Well I call it a day now, I sighed tomorrow is gonna be a long day.