Motohama returned to his family's inn for the night and followed the usual script by helping his mother make dinner for the inn's restaurant and doing his homework afterwards. He had received the memories of his Shikigami and with those he learned of the dhampir's appearance and then of Rias and Akeno. He thought the two had taken a long time to show up, but seeing that the dhampir had been involved in the battle in the square, he could understand why. They had taken on an observer role longer to be on the safe side. If he was just a guy wanting to help, he wouldn't have a problem with them, but he might have ulterior motives like luring the two out by pretending to be allies and then stabbing them in the back. Besides, the dhampir was probably, in their eyes... too strange or interesting.
After everyone went to sleep Motohama went to a storage room at the back of the property and erected a barrier so that no sound or light came out of his room. He picked up a bottle of water he had brought with him and took a long look at it, deciding if what he planned to do was the right thing to do. He was already supposedly the successor to the fourth monarch. If his plan turned out the way he hoped, he would be much more than the fourth monarch's successor, especially now that his Shin Hogyoku had already carried the third creation coin.
Motohama had idealized that Shin Hogyoku's energy consumption to create something from scratch was much greater than if he altered something to become something entirely different, but that he needed to. If he could turn the vial in his hand and the water inside into what he craved, everything could be different. He wasn't sure if Shin Hogyoku could do what he wanted, but he knew he could create a perfect copy of anything that existed. So if Motohama tried to make that weakling's water become the potion he'd seen in a fanfic when he was Alex, the main question wasn't whether he could. And yes if that potion really existed in some different world.
After taking a deep breath, Motohama made Shin Hogyoku appear on his neck. He held the pendant in his right hand and the water-filled weak one in his left hand. He concentrated on feeling the pendant in his hand vibrate as its energy was absorbed. Seeing himself in a completely white place, Motohama concentrated while imagining the name of the potion, which made a holographic screen appear in front of him with a list full of potions with the same name. So he started to use the information he knew about the potion, which made the list start to be filtered more and more, reducing the number until only one was left. He looked at the image of the potion that appeared on the screen and wished to change it to meet his expectations and reduce the risks. Using his assessment skills that seemed to be stronger than before, he began to see the flaws in the potion and concentrated on fixing them. He repeated the process several times, making modifications and corrections until he reduced the side effects to a minimum and increased the benefits.
Having completed the idealization process, Motohama lifted the weakling in his hand towards the screen, making him enter it. Motohama watched the image of the vial inside the screen begin to spin and slowly change shape. The water inside the once-transparent vial also began to change color as it rotated. When the brewing process was finished, the screen had an image of an exquisite transparent potion vial with golden engravings of people holding bows and arrows protecting a king seated on a throne. The bottle cap was shaped like a strange five-pointed cross. The cost to make that motion, even though it was only through matter alteration, was three spiritual coins - this getting a discount of approximately 999% for the first creation. He couldn't even imagine how much he'd have to pay for that potion without using the flask of water as a base plus the 999% discount. Motohama felt that he had to find a way to earn more coins as soon as possible or a way to cheat and trick the pendant.
Name:Potion of the Soul Destroyer King's Heir
Creator:????(Original version), Motohama Kusanagi (Improved version)
Type: Magic potion.
Description: This potion was made from the Soul Destroyer King's blood, reiki, and many other ingredients from different dimensions. The original version of the potion took over ten years to develop and six months to produce. The original version granted whoever took it the Soul Destroyer King's powers whether in techniques, skills, bloodline, or energy. Unfortunately, the original version quickly consumed the years of life of whoever took it in exchange for the power obtained.
The enhanced version of the potion grants whoever consumes it the powers of the Soulbreaker King and his wife, the Shadow Bringer Queen. As such, the potion grants whoever takes it an improved and stronger bloodline than the previous ones. The potion increases the potential and extends the life of whoever takes it from whoever takes it and drastically reducing their aging after reaching adulthood. However, by granting an evolved bloodline, most of the king and queen's techniques, abilities, and powers are not shared and have to be developed and cultivated from scratch.
Seraphim mark: A mark created by the Soul Destroyer King containing some of his powers and authority, originally granted only to his children.
Resistance to increase.
Healing factor increase.
Increase in energy production.
Increased energy recovery.
Spiritual affinity increases.
Energy harmonization.
Shared energy growth.
Taking this potion caused extreme pain.
Possible loss of consciousness.
Attract dark beings.
Changes in physiognomy, height, and musculature.
Changing the perception of people around you about your appearance.
Motohama looked at the vial in his hand apprehensively. The number of positive effects this potion would have on him is immense, but the pain he would have to feel would not be pleasant either. Furthermore, that potion had cost two spirit coins, which was equivalent to two months of savings.
He lay down on an old mattress, took a deep breath, and drank the contents of the potion. The taste… was for sure the worst thing Motohama had ever had in his life. It tasted so bad that Motohama would classify it as a deadly poison if he killed it. The pain he felt was almost instantaneous. The pain started with his stomach burning at the same time he seemed to be writhing. The pain then started to spread through his body, causing the veins to swell and the skin to start to sweat, taking on a reddish hue. Motohama tried his best to hold back his screams of pain, but in less than a minute he was screaming in pain at the top of his lungs. If he hadn't erected a soundproof barrier in the warehouse, it was certain that all the residents of the building and neighbors would hear horrible screams as if someone was being brutally killed.
Without enduring all that pain, Motohama lost consciousness. In his nightmares, there was always blood and killing. He just didn't want to be alone, so he shared some of his power with others, forming a big family. Unfortunately, monsters attacked his people, forcing them to learn to defend themselves and hunt down those who hunted them.
As time passed, his people began to grow stronger and to seek revenge for their loved ones against those monsters, wanting to eliminate every last one of them. Unfortunately, this attracted the attention of others who tried to stop them from carrying out revenge. They wanted to maintain a "balance". What he and his people didn't accept was that this "balance" was little affected by the brutal murders of his people, but they were affected when they sought revenge against those monsters! So they rebelled against those who tried to control them, which started a new war.
The constant loss of his companions made him change little by little. He was no longer someone who truly cared about others. Victory was the only thing that mattered. No matter the cost. Even after the defeat of his people and even though he was badly wounded, all he wanted was victory over his enemies. Even when he was forced to sleep for a long time to recover from his injuries, he continued to crave victory. It didn't matter what he had to sacrifice or who. All that mattered was victory!
When the moment of his awakening arrived, he didn't feel an iota of remorse for sacrificing the half-bloods of his people so that he could fight again. He was no longer the same and his feelings had long ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the quest for victory. Years later, his army was ready to attack their enemies again with force. They advanced further and further, defeating those who stood in their way. Unfortunately, in the end, he is somehow defeated by an orange-headed half-breed boy.
What seemed like the end began a new life in another world and a new beginning...
On a battlefield covered in ash, bodies and blood, two people faced each other on top of a hill. On one side was a boy wearing red armor in pieces. His helmet was shredding, revealing his bruised face. From his left gauntlet protruded the blade of a sword. On the other hand, was another boy wearing a white military uniform covered in blood with a black cape torn over the top. In his hands was a white sword with golden details and a red jewel in his defense.
– Really… did things have to come to this? – asked the boy in red armor, seeming to suffer with every word.
– Yea. You made your choice, Is... Hyoudou-san. I did mine – said the other boy seriously.
– But we could have found a way to work things out. We could have found a way to coexist! You know it! You got us through all of this, Motohama! – Said Issei irritated.
–To coexist… your kind would have to see us as equals, but in their eyes we are inferior. Also... there was a lot of grudge that couldn't be erased. Blood debts that could not be forgiven. This conflict was inevitable – Motohama said with a sad smile.
–Looks like... this is goodbye then – Issei said closing his eyes before opening them revealing a green glint in his eyes.
–Yea. This will be our last confrontation – Motohama said closing his eyes and when he opened them they were glowing in a blue tone.
Both charge towards each other with their weapons raised and covered with energy. When the two blades collide, they cause a strong flash of light followed by a powerful shock wave that washes away everything around them, including dirt, debris, and bodies.
While Motohama was unconscious in various parts of the world, psychics and psychics linked to different factions and organizations had a vision at the same time. They saw the back of a man wearing white and gold armor. The aura he emitted was so powerful that many people lost consciousness. They saw that man would bring great changes to that world and could be its savior or its destroyer. He was destined to be stronger and more powerful than the three lords who put the world in order during the last great biblical war. They all heard a title followed by a word being whispered by the spirits in their ears: "The Fourth Monarch... has awakened."
At the same time, in different parts of the world, different people woke up scared, feeling their hearts beating faster, accompanied by severe headaches. For some, images and information came to their minds, giving them purpose and a destination. For others, memories from other times invaded their minds, reminding them of friends, familys, loves, suffering, and death from past lives. Some instinctively reacted positively to all that while, others with caution, others with hurt and rancor. What everyone knew was that the "King" had returned.
Even though the pain had subsided, it was still not welcome when you regained consciousness. Motohama sat up slowly, feeling every muscle in his body protesting. Slowly, he got to his feet and the first thing he noticed was that his uniform was tighter than usual. The sleeves of his T-shirt were shorter than usual, as were the hem of his pants. Motohama dragged his feet to an old mirror in the storage room and saw his reflection. He was definitely taller than before, and his face compared to the original was much prettier. His hair even looked better than before. Unfortunately, he appeared to be covered in a very foul-smelling, gooey dirt covering his skin from head to toe.
– How it stinks… I'm going to have to throw this uniform in the trash. Looks like there's a good improvement - Motohama said, first smelling his hands and then lifting his shirt looking at his abdomen with some well-defined muscles. As if remembering something, Motohama looked at the contents inside his pants and gave a big smile – really, there's a big improvement!
Previously, Motohama had managed, through the use of magic and potions, to slightly improve his original appearance and... improve a certain part of his body to a size close to what Alex had. However, now because of the potion, his appearance had improved a lot and a certain part of his body had a great improvement. Motohama, still feeling satisfied with the improvements in his body, noticed that his spiritual sensitivity had reached a completely different level. He could feel the presence of all the residents of the building he lived in and differentiate their presence from humans to supernatural beings. In addition, he could feel the presence of demons in the nearby neighborhoods. With a little concentration, he could even detect the emotions people were transmitting.
He remembered the hallucinations he'd had while unconscious, seeing the world through someone else's eyes. He was an incredibly powerful medium who had the ability to share his power with other mediums, making them the first "Quincys" in the world they lived in. Motohama remembered the deaths that had forced them to learn to defend themselves, from all the training. He also remembered the wars, tragedies, and sacrifices that men made for victory. In the end, deserving or not, he received a new life in this world a long time ago, even though his name is not in the current storybooks.
Motohama looked at his palms, seeing red marks on the palms forming a sword in each palm with six wings attached to them. He felt that his spiritual energy had changed. From what he saw and felt, it was different from reishi, reiryoku... in this world, the soul-destroying king had called that energy reiki. Reiki when he used by the ancient king had similar effects to the reishi he used before, but the way of using it was much more complex.
Name: Motohama Kusanagi.
Title:Successor of Luna La Quarta, Fourth Monarch, Successor King Destroyer of Souls.
Age: 16 years.
Breed: Human.
Bloodline: Neo Quincy + Kusanagi
Genre: Male.
Rank: D.
Reiki: 466/466.
Manna:466/466 - ????/????(Locked)
Equipment:Shin Hogyoku (lost artifact) [?].
family spirit:???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked - unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked - unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable), ???? (Semi unlocked-unstable).
Description: Motohama Kusanagi is a first-year student who is in the same class as the girls at the kendo club. He is currently a virtually novice magician and keeper of one of the greatest treasures in his world. He is the successor of the fourth monarch, Luna La Quarta.
– Huh? Unstable? What the fuck is this now? – Motohama asked himself when he saw that the familiar spirits of Luna's inheritance were not completely blocked, but they seemed to be unstable.
Motohama focused his Total Assessment skill to get more data on what was happening to the familiars she had inherited from Luna. He closed his eyes, feeling that at that moment it was much easier to process all the data he received from his ability. Motohama understood that his evolution from a normal human and the changes in his spiritual power affected the seal Luna had placed on the familiars she transferred to Motohama. This instability came from the fact that they didn't recognize him as their master yet. That meant that if he didn't have enough willpower, he could lose control and let them out of his spirit world. Even if most of their power was sealed, just one of them was enough to sink that island.
– Looks like I'm going to have to train myself to get stronger if I don't want these guys to get out of hand," Motohama said, clenching his fists tightly before the odor that leaves his body enters his nose – but first a shower... or ten.
Bringing another chapter.
I changed Katase's sacred gear to a different one. This will improve a few things that I have planned.
I wanted to apologize for the mistake in the last paragraphs of the previous chapter. My browser is configured to automatically translate texts into my language and there was a small bug in the webnoval text editor that made several html codes appear.
Despite the setbacks, I would like to thank everyone who read and commented for their support.
I would like to give special thanks to those who donated Power stones:
Demon Roozu
I would also like to thank the comments on the homepage of this fanfic: