Chapter 27: Round 4: Izuku V.s Sans

"OKAY FOLKS, NOW FOUR ROUND 4. IF THIS BATTLE IS ANYTHING LIKE THE OTHERS YOU BETTER HOLD ON TO THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT!" Mic said as the crowd got excited. Concession stands walked around as they were selling peanuts, hot dogs, soda, and merchandise. Pro heroes were in the stands talking about previous matches and who would be the best fit for their agency. "That Enel kid seems extremely promising" one hero said as another talked about Bryce and another about Bakugou and Cally. Sans and Izuku got ready as Mic called them out "OKAY FOLKS, FOR ROUND 4 OF THE QUALIFYING ROUND WE HAVE W.D SANS V.S IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Mic shouted as the crowd roared in excitement . Midoriya walked to the arena from the right side and Sans walked onto the arena from the left side. "Mwehehe, i hope you're ready, i've been training for this" Sans said as Midoriya smiled "i'm as ready as i'll ever be" they both got ready as Mic then shouted "3..2..1..FIGHT!" Sans made two long bones as he rushed at Izuku. "Here he comes" Izuku said as he took a deep breath through his teeth. Faint green electricity could be seen crackling around him. Izuku opened his eyes and managed to block the overhead strike Sans was attempting to hit him with. Izuku then landed a punch right on Sans's chin which sent him sliding back. "Owwie,heh you're no pushover but it's time that i take it up a notch" Sans said as he rushed back in this time barehanded and faster than before. Izuku tried to rush and grapple Sans. Sans then dashed to the left and then behind Izuku and managed to grab him by the waist and suplex him. Izuku hit the ground hard and was then put in a bad situation as Sans grabbed one of his arms and but him in an arm bar hold. "Gaah" Izuku shouted as Sans's grip and hold was extremely painful. "I have no choice then, this is going to hurt" Izuku thought as he mentally prepared himself for this move. Izuku grit his teeth and red lines could be seen on two of his fingers as he flicked the air in Sans's direction and sent a massive gust of wind that blew Sans' back with the sheer force of his fingers flicking the air. Sans who was already on the ground was almost sent sliding out of the arena. Sans managed to put to bones in the ground and stop himself from flying out of the Arena. Izuku got up but held his first two fingers on his right arm as they were broken and horribly discolored. His first two fingers were purple and were in immense pain. "What was that?" Sans asked surprised as Izuku gave him a painful smile "Just a taste of what i'm really capable of" Sans smirked as he got excited "then let's see what your truly made of then" Sans said as from the stands Papyrus could see something that a few people could also see.

"This isn't going to end well for Sans, he's a fighting genius, Izuku is much smarter when it comes to strategizing. Izuku has got him beat, and since their strength is somewhat comparable it really stacks the odds against Sans" Papyrus says as Enel notices this. "Your right, I don't think he can win this" Enel said as we cut to Sans inhaling deeply. "Here we go" Sans thinks as he makes 2 blasters and rushes in with a long bone staff. Sans fired the blasters as cover fire and tried to rush Izuku. Izuku managed to see through the diversion and hopped over the blasters and managed to grab one mid-fire and forcefully point it towards Sans. "GAAAAAAAH!" Izuku shouted as he could feel just how heavy the blaster was. "Oh crap!" Sans said as he made a large wall of bones to protect him from the laser being fired from the blaster. As the laser died down and the smoke cleared. The wall of bones was nearly destroyed and Sans was putting all his strength into maintaining his ground "just what is this guy made of?" Sans thought as Izuku was looking as if he could collapse. "I need to finish this, I can't maintain this level of one for all for much longer. My body feels like i'm going to collapse at any moment" Izuku thought as Sans sent large blue bones that came bursting from the ground. Izuku pulled his ring finger back and flicked another air blast that broke his finger. The blast of air easily destroys the bones and pushes Sans back further. "If I utilize my pinky, thumb, and other hand it should guarantee me a win. But I don't know if I can break all my fingers and still be conscious" Izuku thought as he heard someone he never thought he'd hear cheering him on. "YOU BETTER NOT LOSE YOU DAMN DEKU!" Bakugou shouted as Izuku looked back with surprise on his face that soon turned into a determined smile "HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Izuku shouted as he pulled his pinky back and sent another air blast at Sans. Sans put bones behind him that stopped him from moving back further. "One for All 5%: Air Force Barrage" Izuku shouted as he used his other hand and sent 5 more air blasts in quick succession and ended up sending Sans flying back into the wall outside of the arena. Izuku made a fist with both of his hands and raised one fist in the air. "THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH IS IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Mic shouted as all of class 1-A cheered except Papyrus.