Noona - 1

A/N: I will be referring to all ages in this novel using the Korean age system.

[Ding! Congratulations, the host is now completely bonded to the Superstar Idol System!]

Suddenly, after reading this message on the blue screen in front of me, a searing pain assaulted my head as I felt something getting injected into my brain.


Bending forward on my bed, I clutched my head as I groaned from the pain.

Keeping the tears from spilling out of my eyes, I endured this pain for as long as I could, the back of my shirt slowly getting soaked as sweat poured down my back.

Finally, at the moment where I felt that I couldn't take it anymore, the pain vanished, as if it was never there in the first place.

Collapsing back on my bed, my eyes quickly closed themselves as my brain shut down to try to sort and organize the memories that had just been injected into my head.

Everything was finally explained to me.

Who knew I was actually just a mob character in a popular slice of life novel in an alternate universe?

I was the mob that was somehow connected to the three female leads whilst being extremely boring and average.

I was the mob that the protagonist stomped on.

I mean, I never thought that it was a competition, and it seemed like Dae-hyuk actually never thought it was a competition too, it was just the readers that had come to this conclusion themselves.

After all, I had never publicized my connection to the female leads as I wanted to gain my dream by myself.

I would never lean on the clout of another person to achieve my goals.

Anyways, in the novel, it seemed that after I died, Dae-hyuk would find out my connection with the female leads, and would then comfort them in their time of sorrow after my death.

He would go about this in different ways with each of the female leads, before they finally all fell for him.

Of course, as this novel was set in Korea, he would finally have to choose between the three FL's, but the memory of this person in the alternate universe stopped right there.

As for me, I was never mentioned again after the FL's got over my death, their pain washed away by their love for Dae-hyuk.

But now, there was something different.

I had this system.

And, living in a universe where transmigration novels did exist, I knew what this meant.

I could sever the fate of both myself and this world.

Making this promise inside my heart, placing it alongside the other promise that I had made, I steeled my heart and opened my eyes again.

This time, I would do anything and everything to become the greatest.

After doing my daily morning routine that included brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, and picking my wardrobe, I opened the door and stepped out of my room.

Heading downstairs, I greeted my older sister.

"Good morning, Noona."

"Good morning… Kiyomi?"

I embraced her from behind, hugging her waist to my own, as she continued pouring our tea out, feeling her frizzy, soft, wet hair on my cheek, breathing in her all too familiar scent.

After stopping for a second out of surprise, she then focused back on the tea as she didn't want to spill it.

"I'll do it, Noona."


Dropping the teapot on the counter, it broke, and hot liquid flew everywhere.

Grabbing my Noona, I pulled her back, and we were both able to escape the hot liquid unscathed.

"Ha-neul, are you sure?" Knowing that this was a serious conversation, she used my real name.

She continued our conversation without even worrying about the liquid that was spreading everywhere.

"Yes, Noona, I must do it myself."

Knowing that I wouldn't budge in my decision, she just sighed, before we both started cleaning up the mess that we had created.

My Noona wasn't actually blood related to me.

You see, her parents had died when she was only two years old (A/N: 1 year old for non-Korean people) and so my 20 year old parents had adopted her before they even had me, as they were her legal godparents.

Nine years later, they had me, and that was how she became my older sister.

Then, when I was only 9 years old, my parents died in a car crash similar to the one that Noona's parents had been in.

With nowhere else to go, I was taken in by Noona.

By now, she had already debuted and been an Idol for 2 years, blowing up about a year ago with her second solo album.

Quickly becoming a celebrity, she was unfortunately forced to announce that she was going on a hiatus for unknown reasons.

Of course, many fans were sad, but many more were curious why.

After all, she had used extremely vague reasons for why she was going on hiatus.

Many theorized that it was due to a scandal, but they were never able to find out.

After a year had passed, she had made her comeback, and the incident was quickly forgotten.

Of course, the reason that she had taken the hiatus was due to having to take care of me.

This was due to the fact that she had to figure out how to take care of me whilst also making room for her activities as an Idol.

So, she had spent a year just taking care of me so that she could become as efficient as possible.

Afterwards, she was able to successfully juggle her activities as an idol whilst also taking me to and from school everyday, cooking food for the both of us, and teaching me anything I didn't understand in school.

Of course, as I grew up, I took over more and more responsibilities so that she could spend more time resting and doing what she loved.

These were the events that led to our current relationship.

You see, although she hadn't spent much time with me when I was aged 3-8 due to her idol training and debut, I was more like her child than her brother now.

She loved me more than anything in this world, and I loved her more than anything in this world.

She was always able to make time for me, and that combined with the fact that she was sacrificing a lot of idol activities to do that, I would be grateful for the rest of eternity.

Knowing exactly what the date today was, I called a taxi before descending from our penthouse suite.

I was 16 years old, and today was the day that I would audition to become a trainee.