Audition (1) - 2

Of course, this was already different from my previous life as I had auditioned when I was 19 at the time.

And, the reason why I was auditioning this early now was due to the fact that, first, it was a lot better if one auditioned before they turned 18, second, this year was the year that most famous idols in the future auditioned, and third, I needed more time, as, although I regressed, the accident and the cancer were just looming over the horizon there, staring at me. I needed to achieve my dreams before those moments this time.

Also, the reason why Noona had asked me if I was sure was due to the fact that she had already started her own Entertainment Company, and she was willing to immediately sign me in as a trainee.

But, just like my past self, I wanted to build up myself from the ground up, I wouldn't take any help, whether it be from my sister or my childhood friend, who's group had blown up in the past few years.

Of course, there was the issue of this system, which would definitely help me no matter what I wanted if it was like the systems in other novels.

Anyways, arriving at the audition building of SPK Entertainment, I used the breathing strategy that I had learned in my past life to ease my nerves a little bit.

Paying the taxi driver, I got out of the cab and looked at the building in front of me, basking in the nostalgia, before entering and joining the line of auditioners.

You see, Seupakeu Entertainment, or SPK entertainment for short, was open to auditions every single day of this week, before closing to train their accepted members before reopening again the next year.

And, during this one week, the history of K-pop would change forever as 15 out of the 20 accepted trainees would go on to become powerhouses in the industry.

Of course, one of these 15 would be my best friend, who had been stuck as a trainee for 5 years before being able to debut due to her age.

That was how we met actually, because we were both depressed and went to find solace in a place that we both liked, only to see each other there.

She wasn't the only one that I knew, her whole group actually came from this batch of trainees, and, like her, they all became famous as part of the girl group, "Here Tomorrow".

I just hoped that my addition to the trainee batch wouldn't mess up their future.

Anyways, back to the present, I was finally at the front counter where the lady at the desk gave me a number and then directed me to sit in a specific waiting room.

Sitting there, surrounded by many other trainees, I just stared at the clock on the wall as numbers kept ringing out over the intercoms.

"Excuse me, may I sit right here?"

Scooting over on the couch I was sitting on, I looked at the person but didn't recognize them, so I just continued to stare at the clock, exuding an unwillingness to speak with them.

Getting my message, they also just stayed quiet and fidgeted with their fingers.

"Number 63, please come to the audition room."

Hearing this, I double checked my ticket before standing up and turning towards the door.

"Good luck." Said the person that had been sitting on the couch with me.

"You too." I replied, before heading out of the room.

Proceeding down the hallway, I walked into a room clearly marked "Audition Room" and stood there, facing the panel of judges.

Instantly shifting to my idol personality, I greeted them happily, telling them my name, age, and place of birth.

Returning my greeting with just a nod, the head judge asked me what song I would be singing for my audition.

"I'll be singing, "Midnight's Road", by Origin."

Hearing this, a few of the judges actually raised there eyebrows.

I mean, my selection was a weird one after all, as Origin was a girl group.

"Please proceed."

Without any music, I started singing the first few opening lines of "Midnight's Road".

At first, it sounded a little bland, as I forgot my purpose for a second, but, remembering what the song I was singing meant to me, I started pouring out my heart and soul into the song.

Fully showcasing my vocals, I brought the judges on an emotional journey as I told them the story of a young girl driving alone on an empty road, running away from her past.

Usually, once an auditioner reached the one minute mark, the judges would tell them to stop and then they would move on to the next auditioner, but, right now, the judges were too entranced by my singing.

After all, they had never realized that they could be at a loss of breath over a song sung with just vocals.

Finishing with the high note at the end, I held it for a second before abruptly stopping my breath and giving the judges a wake up call.

"Auditioner Kim Ha-neul, you have passed on to the next stage of auditioning. Please head out the door at the far end of this room and wait in the room there."

This was announced immediately by the head judge after I finished singing, and it seemed like all the other judges could agree without the need for any discussion between them.

Hearing this, I smiled a happy smile that made the judges feel as if spring had bloomed in the room, before turning my back and leaving through the door.

Finding myself in another waiting room, I took a seat.


Hearing the noise in my mind, I knew that it had something to do with the system.

[The host has completed the quest, "Wow the Audition Judges - Part 1".]

Singing a prompt in front of me, I clicked on it and a full drop down menu of the quest appeared along with all its information.

[Quest: Wow the Audition Judges

Part 1: Leave them completely astonished in the first round of auditions (Completed!)

Part 2: ???

Part 3: ???


1. Advanced Vocalist's Memory

2. ???

3. ???]

[Would the host like to integrate with "Advanced Vocalist's Memory"?]

'Yes." I thought in my mind.

Immediately, a warm flow of memories were injected into my mind, and unlike the first time this had happened, it was a gentle, quit pleasing sensation.

And, afterwards, I was able to sing with a much finer control over my voice.

It was a good reward, but it still wasn't enough.

I needed to get better much faster.

And this system would be the key to everything.

I would finally be able to touch my dream.

"Number 63, please proceed out of this room and enter the room for the second phase of testing."

I once again steeled my heart, took in a few deep breaths, and then put on my idol persona once again.

Smiling, I walked through the doorway.