Audition (2) - 3

Walking into the room, I was met with the sight of another panel of judges.

"Auditioner 63, you'll be taking a rhythm test in this room." Said one judge.

"The rules are simple, you will dance freestyle in beat with the music." Continued another judge.

"We will be evaluating how well you keep up with the beat and the creativity of your performance." Finished a third judge.

Nodding, I showed them that I had acknowledged the rules, and so the head judge nodded to the person manning the speaker.

Hearing a soft melody, perfect for a hot scenario, I immediately came up with a slow dance that emphasized the littlest of movements, making it so that they spoke a thousand feelings.

Showing a little femininity, I took of my hoodie in the middle of the dance, revealing my slim, slender arms that searched across my body, touching and feeling as a lover would.

Too entranced in my own dance to sneak a glance at the judges, I continued.

A hot, burning feeling welled up in me as I moved along with the music, imagining that I was the only one under the spotlight, dancing for thousands to see.

Then, hearing the conclusion of the music, I also ended my dance in a pose that symbolized the heat that the song had brung to this room.

Finally taking a look at the judges, I just laughed inwardly at their shocked expressions as I tried to get my breathing under control, not from the exertion of my body, but due to my excitement.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I broke the final pose and stood up again, grabbing my hoodie off the floor.

Graciously accepting a towel that a helper gave to me, I wiped my sweat off and waited for the judges' verdict.

"Auditioner 63, you pass."

Expecting this, I just calmly nodded before heading out of the room.

But then, as soon as I exited the room, another system notification popped up in my vision.


[The host has completed the quest, "Wow the Audition Judges - Part 2".]

[Quest: Wow the Audition Judges

Part 1: Leave them completely astonished in the first round of auditions (Completed!)

Part 2: Leave them breathless in the second round of the audition (Completed!)

Part 3: ???


1. Advanced Vocalist's Memory

2. Charisma (Medium Level)

3. ???]

[Would the host like to integrate with "Charisma (Medium Level)"?]


This time, I felt nothing different, but I knew that something had changed.

For some reason, the way I walked was now different, the way I imagined myself talk was now different, and for some reason, looking in a mirror that lined the hall, I somehow appeared more... handsome?

No, it was more like I was prettier.

Anyways, after I was finished looking at my changes, a helper took me to a shower room to freshen up, and I did just that, taking a cold shower to improve my blood flow and get my weary muscles working again.

It was actually only in the shower that I realized how much of my energy I had left behind in my dance, how I had expressed so much in so little time.

Letting the cool water run over my body, I stared at the water drops as they ran down my hair, trying to catch them in my palms as they dropped from my bangs.

Deep in thought, I just let the water run over my head as I planned for the third audition.

By the time I had finished planning, I realized that my hands had started pruning, so I quickly turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

Wrapping the white towel around my waist, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Trying on a smile and then posing, I frowned, as I saw that there was something wrong with my expression.

It took me a second to realize, but I finally noticed the dark expression that my eyes seemed to always possess.

At first, I thought it was sadness or depression from my death, but after looking through my emotions, I knew that wasn't the case.

So, what was it?

Finally, I decided that my eyes showed my desperation, after all, I was basically a death row inmate that knew the date of his execution.

Sighing, I tried on the happy expression again, smiling and tilting my head up a little to hide some parts of my eyes.

After all, my outward appearance was the most important thing in the next and last stage of the audition.

Spending some time turning my happy idol expression on and off again, I perfected it as much as I could before putting the provided white t-shirt on and sliding my hoodie on top.

Fixing my appearance, I left the room where I was met with one of the attendants.

"Please follow me."

Nodding, I started walking behind her as she took me to one final room.

Finding a chair before the panel of judges, I waited until the head judge told me I could sit down before actually taking a seat in the chair.

I was now faced with the third and final phase of the auditioning process, the interview, where they measured everything from your roots to your aptitude for idol life, specifically, if you had enough charm to wow the audiences.


"Kim Ha-neul."

"Place of birth?"





"Half Korean, Half Scottish."

Some of the judges raised their eyebrows after hearing this, but that was expected.

After all, I looked like any Korean would. The only feature of my body that pointed towards my Scottish heritage were my green eyes.

"What languages do you speak?"

"Korean, Japanese, and English."

You see, well, it was obvious why I knew Korean and English. As for Japanese, I had learned it in my past life as an idol.

"What position can you take?"

"Vocalist and Performer."

"What was your reason for auditioning?"

"It was to achieve my dreams, to become a person that shines brighter than the stars."

"Why SPK Entertainment??"

"Because it's the most famous."

"Do you work well with others?"

"Yes, I..."


It continued on for some time, the back and forth, until they were finally through dissecting my life and what made me tick.

In the end, after they were finished, I thanked them for their time before leaving the facility.

By now, it was already late, and the sun had already set, so I quickly called a taxi to head home.

Now, I could only wait for the results to arrive in the mail.

Watching the flashing lights of Seoul in the night through the window of my cab, I sighed, and could only let Lady Fate decide the direction of my destiny.