
Qing'er came to a realization. "So you're imposters! No wonder it tastes so bad!"

Manager He shouted, "No, we're the real Jin Ji!"

Manager Zhang said to the servant, "Call him in."

Manager He also wanted to see who dared to impersonate Jin Ji! Soon, they were brought in by the servant. When he saw the three of them clearly, Manager He's eyes almost fell out!

"It's you!"

Who else could it be but Manager Sun, Su Xiaoxiao, and Su Ergou?

Strange, why were the three of them here?

Manager Sun cupped his hands at Steward Zhang and said amiably, "Steward Zhang, how have you been?"

Previously, it had always been Manager Sun who negotiated business with the Qi family. Manager Zhang had seen him and had an impression of him.

As for the fat girl and poor boy beside him, they were unfamiliar faces.