
Manager Sun said, "Yes."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled. "Before the New Year, I have yet to supply Jin Ji. You bought the egg yolk pastry from me for Old Madam Qi to try, right?"

"Ahem!" Manager Sun cleared his throat awkwardly. "I didn't have any raw materials, okay?"

Manager Sun had the brains and talent to do business. Most importantly, this fellow was bold enough to sell a business that he had not obtained.

Manager Sun had helped her a lot.

"Girl, what are you thinking about?" Manager Sun asked.

Su Xiaoxiao said, "I'm thinking that my egg yolk pastry is not so easy to imitate. If Old Madam Qi finds out that the taste this time is different from the ones she ate before, do you think she will be unhappy?"


Manager Sun gasped.

He had not thought of this just now. That's right. Even after obtaining Su Xiaoxiao's formula, the snacks Jin Ji made still had a slight difference in taste.