Riding and Archery Competition

On the other side, Xiao Zhonghua also came over to greet them.

Su Cheng sized him up. "Who are you?"

"Third Prince." Su Xiaoxiao introduced again.

Su Cheng thought for a moment and his expression suddenly became serious. He stretched out a hand and made a stopping gesture. "Don't come home to play!"

His son-in-law would be jealous!

Xiao Zhonghua was speechless.

The victory on the first day could be said to be a good start. Qin Canglan and the Old Marquis were incomparably proud that their Cheng'er had proven his strength in front of everyone. They also felt complicated because Cheng'er's performance today was different from usual.

It should be said that it was fiercer and more murderous. In terms of the martial arts competition itself, this was not a bad thing. However, when combined with Su Cheng's situation, it could not help but make people suspect that Su Cheng had suffered another blow.

The Old Marquis gave Qin Canglan a look.