A Small Battle

Su Xiaoxiao took out the dagger at her waist. "My father's dagger fell off. Please give this to my father."

Su Qi took the dagger and strode towards the entrance of the hunting ground. "Uncle!"

Su Cheng tightened the reins.

The others also habitually looked back.

Su Qi saw that person's face clearly.

After handing the dagger to Su Cheng, he returned to his seat.

The Old Marquis and Qin Canglan were called over by Emperor Jing Xuan. Wei Ting was not there either. He was there to supervise the marking of the papers.

Su Yu said, "What's wrong, Second Brother? You don't look right."

Su Qi clenched his fists and said with a serious expression, "The imperial guard beside Qin Jiang… was… the archer who hid in the forest that night!"

Su Yu was stunned. "You mean the expert who escaped from Big Brother?"

Su Qi nodded. "That's right!"

Su Yu confirmed again, "The was the one who assassinated the Third Prince and Wei Ting?"