Brother Ting's Means

Qin Jiang's gaze swept across the imperial guard.

This person had not spoken since he entered the forest. For some reason, Qin Jiang vaguely felt that his gaze was a little too cold.

However, when he thought of the other party's identity and duty, Qin Jiang felt relieved.

To put it bluntly, Qin Jiang had been protected too well by Qin Canglan and the Old Marquis all these years. He had learned some skills, but he lacked the instinct to sense danger.

Su Cheng had crawled out of the pile of dead people in the year of the famine. At that time, the craziest thing was to eat one's son. He was not anyone's son. If anyone caught him, he would die.

In order to survive, he had no choice but to train his beast-like crisis instincts.

He might not be able to tell who had ill intentions toward him, but he could sense it.

There was something wrong with this imperial guard.

"Hehe, isn't that because you're annoying?"