Father and Son Reunion (2)

It was said that the second son of the Wei family hid it well, but so did the fourth son of the Su family.

They were a pair of dragon and phoenix chicks.

When they heard that the Saintess had been injured by Wei Xu and had lost a trusted envoy and many puppet experts, they felt extremely happy.

Everyone listened attentively and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

It was always Su Li who spoke. Wei Xu remained silent from the beginning to the end.

Li Wan was the first to look at her father-in-law.

As her father-in-law looked at the Wei brothers sitting beside him without blinking, his eyes were filled with sadness and complexity.

Li Wan tugged at Wei Qing's sleeve, indicating for him to look at his father.

On the way back, Su Li had already told him about the Wei brothers.