Father's Love

When Su Xiaoxiao woke up, the sky was already bright.

She rubbed her eyes and looked blankly at the room that seemed at once to be both familiar and unfamiliar.

She was familiar with it because she had lived there before, but she was unfamiliar with it because it was not the Cheng family's room.

She finally remembered what had happened last night and quickly lifted the blanket.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Wei Ting asked calmly.

Su Xiaoxiao turned around and realized that Wei Ting was also in the room.

He sat by the window. The window was closed, and a faint golden dawn light shone through the window paper and landed on his impeccably perfect handsome face, shrouding it in a layer of soft light.

His looks were explosive early in the morning…

Su Xiaoxiao swallowed.

Was it her pregnant hormones? Or was this guy deliberately seducing her?

She often had the urge to pounce on him recently.