The Male Lead's Role

He Miao made dinner in her new apartment.

On this trip to the supermarket to buy ingredients, Jing Yan forced her to stuff kitchen utensils into her shopping cart.

He Miao could not refuse, so he just let him put it. She would have to buy these utensils sooner or later anyway, and this person in front of her was acting out of character today, actively working for her, so why not?

Jing Yan's mood improved after he was done shopping. He stared unblinkingly at He Miao, who was cooking in the kitchen, and could not help but roll up his sleeves to help.

He felt like he was possessed. He used to hate seeing He Miao, but recently, for some reason, whenever He Miao's figure appeared in his line of sight, his eyes would unconsciously follow her.

The closer he got to He Miao, the more he hated his carelessness in the past.

He did not even know one ten-thousandth of He Miao, but he subjectively hated her to the extreme.