The Kissing Scene

Xu Meng did not know where he had heard it from, but as the shareholders of the university, it was only natural for the Jing family to care about the reputation of the university. So she nodded without thinking much. "Okay, let's add each other's contact numbers later and I will send you a copy."

"Send it to me too." Li Ming suddenly said.

Xu Meng tightened her grip on the phone and carefully probed, "Don't tell me you want to be the male lead?"

"He's not acting. I'm going to personally choose a male lead who can represent the school's image to act with my sister." Jing Yan announced the final decision in his capacity as a shareholder.

Xu Meng heaved a sigh of relief and winked at Jing Yan gratefully. Then she bent down to avoid the two men's hostile gazes and continued to sit on the sofa to lower her presence.

The dinner was quiet, and even the usually lively Xu Meng was quiet.