
With a confident step, Kelvin walked into the territory of Ramus, nor a hint of fear was seen on his face, he wasn't even consigned about the fact that he was trespassing another man's land, immediately he was five feet pass the border, he could hear the growling and snaring of different people.

"That's as far as you can go alpha Kelvin, turn back now unless you want to start a war against us" said Benjamin the beta to alpha Ramus.

"I'm not here for trouble, I simply want to have a talk with your alpha" said Kelvin with his eyes glowing red.

Immediately seeing his eyes, their instinct as a werewolf quickly kick in to defend their territory, causing all of them to transform into their wolf form, all except for their beta who just stood there unfazed.

"What do you want with our alpha, I wasn't informed about any meeting" said Benjamin looking at him intensively.

"I just want to have a friendly talk with him and that's all" said Kelvin while casually looking at all the werewolf around him, before turning to face Benjamin.

'Alpha Kelvin is here requesting to have a meeting with you, alpha' said Benjamin to his alpha through mind link.

'Where is him right now, is he alone?' asked alpha Ramus through the mind link.

'He is currently standing at our territory, the southern entrance, he is all alone and I don't smell any of his people nearby, what do you want us to do?' asked Benjamin.

'I'm on my way, don't do anything untill I get there' said alpha Ramus before closing the mind link.

The moment Kelvin turned his face from all the wolf growling at him, one of the wolf immediately took the chance to go for an attack, but before he could claw at Kelvin, he was immediately slam into the ground with a great force, causing dust and debris to fly all over the place.

This act from Kelvin, immediately cause all the wolf to howl in anger and was about to rush at him, but before they could attack him, they were all immediately stopped by a single command.

"Stop!!, all of you step back from him" said alpha Ramus while walking with a casual step.

With just that single command, everybody immediately stepped back from him, but their eyes still not leaving him.

"To what pleasure do I owe this visit, alpha Kelvin?" asked Ramus, looking at Kelvin in amusement.

"I simply want to have a conversation with you" replied Kelvin

"You do know that I can kill you for trespassing, right?" asked Ramus.

"I clearly know that, but I know you won't kill me, that's why I'm bold enough to come to you alone" replied Kelvin, which causes Ramus to laugh his guts out.

"What makes you think that, if by any means you think I'm a nice person, you should better remove it from your brain, because I'm not, I don't care if you are an alpha like me or not, I can simply kill you for trespassing".

"But you won't because I clearly know you want to hear what I have to say" replied Kelvin

"Say what you have to say and the leave, consider it as me pardoning your life"

"I will keep that in mind, you don't mind we taking privately, right?" asked Kelvin

"You can say what you want to say in front of me and my pack, I fully trust my people" replied Ramus.

"Very well, my reason for coming here is to ask you to join force with me, so we can attack the frost moon pack, let's join hands so we can take over everything that belongs to them" said Kelvin without battling an eye.

"And can I know the reason you think I will be interested in attacking the frost moon pack?" asked alpha Ramus while staring at him in the eyes.

"I know the kind of grudge you hold against Samuel, taking most of your land over the east side, although we all know that the land belongs to him from the start and was just reclaiming it, and how he always spat on your face by refusing to trade businesses with you. if you join force with me, we can destroy his pack".

"I don't need you to tell me about the grudge hold against the frost moon pack, I want you to tell me why are you so interested in attacking the frost moon pack?" asked alpha Ramus.

"It's really simple actually, I don't like Samuel just as you also don't like him, and surprisedly it's not just you and me, it turns out that Samuel is an enemy to all" replied Kelvin.

"Why do you want to join force with me, why don't you and your pack attack him?".

"You clearly know that my chances of winning would be zero, that's why I want you to join force with us. Alpha Desmond has already agreed to join force with me, so what is your answer going to be?" asked Kelvin.

"I can see you already have everything planned out, if I don't agree to join you, then you and Desmond will be coming after me next if you guys manage to win over the frost moon pack" said Ramus while looking at Kelvin.

"So save yourself from all that trouble and join us, if you join forces with us, we will be able to annihilate every member of the frost moon pack without much difficulties, our percentage of winning will be close to an hundred".

"What will I be gaining if I join forces with you guys?" asked Ramus

"If we succeed then you can take back the land over the east side" replied Kelvin.

"That's not a bad offer, but I will need more than that to endanger the life of my pack" said Ramus.

"You really like taking chances don't you?, fine, some of his businesses will be yours, either you take it or you leave it, I can't offer you more than that" replied Kelvin.

"That's much better".