Preparing for war

Alpha Ramus couldn't help himself, as he smile inwardly, because his long time rival would soon meet his end.

'Samuel, I will make sure to be the one who kills you. You might be strong but you and your pack won't be able to fend off three different packs, I can't wait to pay you back for all the insult you have pour on me' said Ramus inwardly.

"So when we will be attacking?" asked Ramus to Kelvin.

"Meet us at the shore of the Delature town, we will be attacking tonight, make sure your people are all ready" said Kelvin before turning back to go his way.

"Be careful not to go back on your words, because I'm not someone to be played with" said alpha Ramus while looking at Kelvin as he departed from his territory.

"Alpha, is it really okay to trust him, I know we are currently not in a good terms with the frost moon pack, but alpha Kelvin and Desmond might use that to their advantage, seeing that the frost moon pack and ours has a big conflict, they might try to manipulate us into trusting them" said Benjamin.

"Don't worry about it Benjamin, I have it all under control, I have know Kelvin for a long time and he is not someone who easily go back on his words, but as a precaution, out and some people will stay here to protect the pack" replied alpha Ramus.

"Alpha, forgive me for saying this, but why don't you stay and let me and some people go, in case if it's a trap".

"Benjamin, I know you meant well, but if I don't go, it will be a breach of trust, don't worry about it. I will make sure to pay Samuel back for all the insults he has pour on me. Gather the people who are coming with me, make sure to leave some strong men who will be able to protect the pack" said alpha Ramus.

"I understand alpha, I will attend to it right now" said Benjamin.

"Those of you right now, should make sure to relay this information to everyone in the pack. 'We will be joining force with the Amoral moon pack and Drasville pack to attack the frost moon pack, so we can reclaim our land over the east side, our long lasting war will soon be coming to an end by the annihilation of the frost moon pack, so all of you should get ready for an inevitable blood bath" said Ramus in a commanding tone with his eyes changing color.

Immediately after Ramus speech, everybody disperse to get ready for the inevitable war that was about to get started.

'Samuel, you really were a good man, it pains me to see that you are going to go down this way, I know you are the most powerful alpha among all, but I'm sure you won't be able to do anything against three different packs' said Benjamin inwardly while selecting those who would accompany the alpha to battle.

In the flick of an eye, the night were already upon them, a great multitudes could be seen at the shore of Delature, a town not too far from Ventrace. Alpha Kelvin and Desmond were already there waiting for the arrival of alpha Ramus.

"It didn't take up to ten minutes of waiting before alpha Ramus could be seen coming with his people, all in their human form.

"I was beginning to think that you won't be coming anymore" said alpha Kelvin.

"I'm not here for small talk, let's discuss about the plan, so we can quickly finish with it" said Ramus while looking at both Kelvin and Desmond.

"I don't see any reason to delay things anymore, the plan is a very simple one. Alpha Ramus and his pack will attack the western gate for the frost moon pack, while alpha Desmond and his pack will be in charge of the northern gate" said Kelvin to Ramus and Desmond who were listening to his plan.

"Then me and my pack will be in charge of the eastern gate, as for the southern gate, we will each leave three of our men to block that path, so as to scout for anyone trying to escape, they will make sure to report to us if anyone try to escape, but I highly doubt that they would try to escape. The southern gate is where most of his men are guarding right now, I don't want to risk the life of my pack by attacking head on, and neither do you guys. so we will all attack from the back and side, then coordinate our attack to the southern gate, I hope it's okay with you guys?" asked alpah Kelvin.

"That's a good plan, but as you clearly know, I don't fully trust you, so I hope you don't mind me saying this, I will be glad if you agree to swap position with me, I will attack the eastern gate, while you attack the western gate, hope it's no big deal?" asked alpha Ramus.

"I don't see any problem there" said Kelvin with a hint of amusement in his voice

"Okay then, let's get started" said Desmond.

They all departed to their various positions, each pack moving to their place assign to them. The tension in the air could be clearly feel, because some of them knows that this fight might be the last one they will ever experienced. The thought of going against the strongest pack currently in existence was giving some of them goosebumps, while others were thrilled about it.

Some of them wanted to find a way to run from the fight, but they just couldn't because of the fear of their alpha, they don't have a choice than to swallow their fear and keep on going, praying that they survive from this war.

Alpha Ramus couldn't keep himself from smiling evilly as he picture himself already standing on top of Samuel dead body and taking over his lands and businesses.