Right behind

Laura walked in the opposite direction from where Tyler and Rochelle had gone, the reason for this was because she was heading to the convenient store inorder to buy some ingredients for that nights dinner but she was with her two best friends, Patricia and Beatrice. They planned to visit the salon after Laura's errand and that's what they did. Laura bought some bread, spaghetti, tomatoes, vegetables and whatsoever else you could think of that can be used to make dinner.

Walking behind the two, Laura carried her grocery bag carefully. Patricia and Beatrice had all their attention locked onto the door to the salon while Laura was lost in her thoughts cooking up different ways to make dinner while imagining Tyler gobbling it all up with that tiny smile of his on his face.

Honestly that was the only way that Laura could think inorder to thank Tyler for helping her out because today had been a very smooth day without Brandon as well and she couldn't help but think that it might have been something to do with Tyler especially given the fact that she had seen his bruised knuckles yesterday.

It was at this point that she felt a needle injected into the side of her neck with an arm holding her in place. Whatever was in the needle was injected and immediately after her vision became blurry. Her grocery bag dropped to the floor and a figure could be seen carrying her into a white van with "MAC-CONSTRUCTIONS" labelled on it's sides. The van drove off.

Patricia heard a loud thud behind her. Instinctively she turned around and saw the grocery bag on the ground before a door to a white van swiftly closed shut with a loud bang and sped off down the highway. The timing of everything was just too perfect and Patricia's mouth hang open as horror and shock filled her being. Her friend was kidnapped and right behind her no less.


Detective Hunter was in his office working on a few minor cases that were scattered across his desk. While some may have thought they were random seeing as they all had pictures of several lifeless people with pale shrivelled skin lying in alleys, Hunter had found two small puncture wounds on the side of their necks. He was a sturdy man with a goatee, red smooth long hair and he stood nearly seven feet tall. Anyone who saw him could see the slight resemblance to his daughter.

The telephone on his desk rang and picking it up he was surprised to hear his daughter's voice on the other end, which caused the large man to be worried as his daughter almost never calls him especially not on his office line.

"Dad..." Rochelle took deep breaths which didn't go unnoticed by the detective.

"Are you alright honey? Did someone hurt you!" he instantly panicked.

"No! Dad no I'm not the one who has been hurt it's a friend of mine," Rochelle replied which caused her father to let out a sigh of relief because he knew his daughter was safe yet this was the first time he had heard Rochelle openly worry for someone else so he was curious as to who this friend was.

"Okay honey could you please explain to me what you mean by that?" Hunter asked before Rochelle went on to explain things from the very beginning when Tyler had first transfered to her school.


Laura's eyes felt heavy, her mind was spinning as she felt a slight headache. The first thing she saw when she woke up were the rusted iron bars to the cell she was confined in, her arm and legs were bound by zip ties and he laid in an awkward position on the rock hard poor excuse for a bed.

"Where am I?" she asked herself and instantly everything that happened a few moments before she passed out flashed across her mind and she instantly knew what kind of situation she was currently in. And the more that realization made sense, the more she felt her very core shake with uncontrollable tremors of fear.

Her head darted left and right and she wiggled her body inorder to gain some movement but with how restricted she was, she only resembled a worm trying to get out of the sun.

It took a strainous amount of effort but she had managed to stand in one corner of the room. Her mind racing at a 100km/h.

'What should I do? What can I even do?' she looked around trying to find something, anything to get her out of the situation she was in or at least relieve her limbs from the bounds that made her wrists and ankles throb with pain.

After about ten minutes of scanning the impromptu cell, see finally laidbher eyes on a tiny nail sticking out from the side of the bed. She moved towards it by hopping away from her corner and she let her body drop onto the hard bed. Her body protested to the mistreatment she gave it but pushing through she raised her knees to her chest making sure that the zip tie was caught up by the edge of the nail. She pushed her legs forward before pulling them back just to repeat the process once more.

She continued to do so for another fifteen minutes or so.

'Come on! Hurry up!' she internally screamed as she could feel the ties on her feet loosening up. Sweat now covered her forehead, her legs felt numb but she didn't stop. She was on her own and as an older sibling she couldn't rely on Tyler and even if he was here what could he have possibly done?

Reinfield city outlands was a dead part of the Mission District which was disregarded and foresaken. Some factories ran here and there but those were all minor and most of the buildings were run down or were on the verge of tumbling down. There had been several attempts by the mayor to renovate and rejuvenate this part of town but so far nothing has been done to the place and it had become the Haven for small time gangs, people who could not afford the standard quality apartments in the other parts of town and crime rates in this place were on an all time high.

Outside one perculiar abandoned dark warehouse, a man with black hair say on an old stool. He was completely naked minus the fact that he only had his underwear on which had a picture of Mickey mouse on it-rather a strange taste for a gang member to have.

On the left side of his neck a tattoo of a vicious rattlesnake baring it's fangs was on display. Arms and legs were bound by chains and his face was covered with a blind fold

The cold was getting to him and the fact that he was blind folded did not help calm his nerves at all. The task he was given was supposed to be a straight forward one, get the boy named Tyler Calvin back to base no matter what his condition was as long as he was still alive while someone else would get his sister but somehow he was in this shitty situation.

Metal could be heard crushing against metal and from the shadows Tyler Calvin emerged carrying a switch blade he had gotten off the man, as well as a metal pole with a pointed end on one end.

"Now here's how it's going to work from here on out," Tyler said with an unnatural chill coming from his voice. His face showed no emotion.

The man couldn't help but think that maybe he was stuck in a nightmare because the voice didn't sound like it came from a human.

"Now if you tell me why you came after me as well as why you have my sister's picture on you phone," Tyler said his voice still holding that deadly undertone.