Completely wrong

(Warning the next set of chapters will depict some extreme levels of violence as well as strong just a heads up😅)

To the man sitting on the stool, it didn't make sense at all. The guy who he was after was highschooler, it made next to no sense how the manacing man's voice would be coming from the bratt he was supposed to take out.

Then again he remembered how the girl had kicked him off balance and how the boy despite being hit with the full force of his bat was able to stand after just a few seconds and kick him under his chin.

'If its really the bratt then what does he think he can do to me!' the man challenged.

"I ain't telling you shit bitch," the man said despite his shaking body.

"I think you should reconsider," Tyler said but the man just kept on screaming curses at him. "Suit yourself" Tyler dug the switchblade into the man's shoulder and gave it a little twist as he strike on the very sensitive nerves.

The man screamed at the top of his lungs as he experienced a pain he had never felt before.

"You still not gonna tell me anything?" Tyler demanded as he relieved some of the pressure on the knife but he didn't pull it out.

The man still felt the knife in his shoulder, his mind was all over the place as he thought of what to do.

Tyler lost his patience. He yanked the blade out of his shoulder so abruptly and without any warning. Some blood splattered onto the floor and the man let out another ear shrieking scream but Tyler still showed no emotion as he only wanted one thing thing and one thing alone.

"You ready to talk?" Tyler asked as he reached for the blindfold. It fell to the ground and the man saw the teenager standing before him, the same teenager he was supposed to go after, the same teenager who had most recently stabbed him in his shoulder and was planning to do more to him if he didn't cooperate with him. This teenager was Tyler Calvin.

"Y-your...a monster," the man said in-between shaky breaths.

"Oh I can be so much more than that because right now I'm a monster with something to protect," Tyler said. " And all those who try threaten that will die by my hands"

As the man looked into Tyler's eyes, they looked crazed and he had a feeling that his words held more than just a metaphor.

"Now back to our conversation," Tyler said as he stuck the knife into the same shoulder only a few centimeters away from the first wound he created.

The man shook and screamed, trying to get away from the knife but Tyler held him in place as he curved the knife through his skin, being careful just to go through the skin and not too deep into the muscle. He worked the blade with a surgeons precision.

"Have you ever seen a human being skinned alive?" Tyler asked calmly. The man barely heard him as he felt the knife going down to his elbow.

"Usually you would pass out from this much pain....but if you hit just the right pressure points I can prevent that and even heighten that pain," Tyler stopped as he looked at the man who now had blood shot eyes and a pale looking face that was covered in sweat as if he had just ran a marathon.

"Are you going to answer now?" Tyler asked. The man stayed inactive for a moment before finally nodding his head.

"Good," Tyler smiled. "Start talking."

The man looked at Tyler with one thought going through his mind 'If I had known that this would happen then I would have preferred to paint the walls with a toothbrush because everything they know about this guy is completely wrong.'