From the beginning

After Houston had instructed his men to gather information. It had taken less than the entire day to find out that Tyler was Laura's sister and that Brandon used to date her but after they broke up he harassed her.

Houston took a look at Laura's picture as he sat in his office at Mac-Contructions and as he did he could help lick his lips at the sheer sight of her.

'If I was him I wouldn't want to let her go as well,' Houston thought as he felt his little soldier stand up between his legs because unlike Kim he would have no use for keeping her untouched. His gleeful smile returned to his face as an idea struck in his head.

"I want you to bring these two to me as soon as possible. Make sure the girl is unharmed and as for the boy...make sure he comes back alive" Houston ordered.

He was going to make Tyler watch helplessly as he saw the sister he had fought so hard to protect get broken right before his eyes.


"And...that is how I ended up in this fucked up situation," the naked man in the chair explained.

"So Mac-Contructions is where they are keeping her?" I asked.

"Most likely," the man replied weakly the blood loss was starting to make him lose consciousness but his mind would automatically come back up. It was like his body and mind were in a disagreement.

"Which room exactly?" I asked

"... probably the dungeon"

"The dungeon??"

"Yes the dungeon is the basement of the building that is connected to tunnels underground but it was modified to have some makeshift cells where trafficked girls are held before being sold. It's also the place where Houston can do whatever he wants with the girls that are in them" the man explained.

"By you also include...?" I left the question hanging because by the simple look on the man's face I already knew my answer. Which just made me even more angry and without realizing it there was a slight surge of energy which unconsciously moved to heal my arm. It was as if the energy in itself knew what was coming after this.

I walked towards the man and said " It's time to end your suffering"

The man's fear grew as I approached him. He squirmed but he didn't get that far as I pressed three fingers into the back of his neck. His vision flipped and blurred as he lost consciousness.

I had released the pressure point that prevented him from naturally passing out from the pain and blood loss that he had received.

Pulling out my phone I dialled 911.

'911 what's your emergency?'

"H-Hello? I'm calling from the outskirts and I think I heard a man being tortured!" I answered in a panicked voice.

'Okay please remain calm and tell me your location'

After giving 911 everything they needed to know-of course most of it was fabricated, I place the blade into my waistband and carried the metal pole with a pointed end in my left hand. I got onto the man's bike and shot off into the city that was now dark as the sun had set. It was time to get my sister and this time anyone who stood in my way was my enemy and I'd make them perish.