Team of strangers (1)

Kim was curious as to what the commotion in the adjacent cell was. She had seen a girl carried there a few hours ago and before the commotion a man had gone in just before the commotion started. Kim could not help but assume the worst as the tunnels were now filled with silence. Walking towards the door her shoes tapped against the ground noisily.

Peaking through the bars and to her surprise a girl with long black hair, chocolate brown skin and piercing brown eyes looked at her with a confused expression. This was of course Laura.

Kim would have considered the girl pretty if her hair didn't look like she had just been kidnapped. Amusing though Laura thought the same as she looked at the silver haired girl who seemed to have been here longer than her.

"Can you get me out of here?" Kim asked

"We just met so why would I trust you?" Laura replied. Although she wanted to help the girl, she had to look out for herself and in this situation having someone who could possibly betray you was a complete red flag.

"Please," the girl pleaded as tears started coming out of her eyes. Kim had been here for a full day wondering what was going to happen to her, she hadn't gotten a bath and she had not eaten efficiently since she had been captured. All of this was a completely new experience for her and not in the good way.

Laura felt a pang in her heart as she saw the sight of the silver haired girl breaking down in tears. She had always been the girl who helped others out even in desperate situations but here she had only thought about herself all so she could survive and now she was starting to feel ashamed.

"Hey, hey, hey it's alright okay we'll both get out of here," Laura soothed as she moved the locks on the cell door and opened it wide.

"Thank you!" Kim gave her a tight hug. She truly was happy that she had not been left behind.

Slightly embarrassed Laura tried to pull away.

"Okay come on let's go!" Laura said taking the lead and turning right.

"That's the wrong way!" Kim shouted behind her. Surprised, Laura turned and looked at her "You know the way?"

"Of course I was still conscious when they brought me down here after all," Kim replied as she was thankful that she at least had a way to help out.