Team of strangers (2)

The duo moved at a fast pace through the tunnels. Surprisingly it was a smooth journey as there were no guards in the tunnels. Their captors must have been confident that no one can escape while down here.

After walking for a while they came upon a metal door. The girls had gotten to know each other a little bit such that they were now acquainted on a first name basis.

Kim looked towards Laura.

"What now?" Kim asked her and Laura looked at the current states of their bodies. They both had no weapons, Kim was a little weak and Laura was tired from snapping her wrist strains as well as pushing a fully grown man.

It was safe to say that none of the girls were prepared for whatever was on the other side of that door. As the reality of this fact hit them Laura could not help but think that maybe all of what they had done was for nothing and that thought brought their morale down.

'...we Calvin's never stop fighting' her brother's words ran into her head and that steeled her resolve.

"Hey there's only one way to take a man down," Laura said to Kim who seemed lost to the statement. Just then the latch of the door moved and the door slowly swung open. Another man was walking in casually wearing the same outfit as the first only this man looked slightly older.

The man was dazed for second when he saw the two girls but he quickly realized that they weren't supposed to be roaming around. He went for Laura who had already swung out her leg aimed for the man's balls, only this time it didn't go as planned.

Laura felt a strong grip on her leg as the man lifted her in the air as if she was a weightless feather and he tossed her towards the wall. A pained shriek escaped her lips as Kim stood there, her legs shaking with her hands covering her mouth. She was completely shaken due to how the man had mercilessly thrown Laura not even considering whether she was a girl or not.

Turning his head the man looked at her as Laura still lied on the ground. Her whole body was a mess, her insides felt compressed as she gasped and panted repeatedly. She could see Kim visibly shaking, there was no way that she would do anything in her state and Laura knew that as she forced herself to stand even though every part of her body was in protest.