On to the next

With the sun down and the cover of night I was able to sneak into the construction facility with no trouble at all. I had left the bike parked behind a pharmacy adjacent to the construction site. Right now I knelt behind a pile of planks and was scouting the area, I had changed out of my uniform and was dressed in the clothes I took from the man I left naked which consisted of blue jeans, black t-shirt and a blue denim jacket that seemed to be a perfect fit. There was nothing I could do about my shoes though, I just had to hope that they'd remain undamaged.

Looking around the area, there were several other piles of construction material, machinery, broken concrete, sand and quarry dunes here and there. It really looked like a genuine construction business and not gang related at all.

Some guards wearing the same denim jacket as the one I appropriated were running up and down the place. It looked like they were looking for something.

I noticed a two men walk past and I had to lower my head to avoid detection. The two were talking.

"How is it so hard to find one little girl?" the first man complained to the second.

"Jimmy! For the upteeth time could you please be quiet she might be near by and we don't want to alert her," the second man replied, annoyed at how lax his partner was being at the moment.

Overhearing their conversation, it piqued my interest. Did Laura escape and is hiding around the facility somewhere? Or is it someone else maybe who had escaped? Kidnapped or a traitor?

These questions came in my head but there was only one way to get the clear answer.

Looking back to make sure I wasn't being followed, I began to trail behind the two. The metal pole I took from the warehouse tucked ready at the back of my jeans together with a now clean steel blade.

The two men had no idea I was right behind them as they never thought no one would be stupid enough to do that. They turned around a large drum at this point I was approaching them in a crouch as I held the metal pole.

When they were completely out of view I closed the distance. They were completely oblivious to the fact that I was right behind them but before I could completely close the distance my phone vibrated from my pocket.

'Crap didn't I leave it behind?' I cursed.

Though it wasn't loud enough to travel over two metres, it was still enough to give my location away to these men.

They turned towards me but I had already brought my metal pipe above one of the men's neck from behind, with the tight pull I choked off his air supply off before kicking the back of his legs. The man went down on his knees with a low grunt but I didn't stop there though, I flung his body to the side making his head him the drum with a large bang. His friend took the opportunity to try and stab me with a blade he got out of his jacket. He was aiming for my side but twisting my body I was able to prevent the blade from going deep in my body and instead just create a surface cut deep enough to draw blood.

Gritting my teeth I swung my metal pole at his leg, causing him to lose balance. I followed up my attack with another swing aiming for the side of his head. The man leaned back to the point of craning his neck, barely even avoiding the hit. He was working on instinct as he thrust blade forward once more to find the hand wacked away by my metal pole which was now in my left hand. Using the flat palm of my right hand hit him on the solar plexus. He stumbled backwards meanwhile his buddy was coming to from his daze as he stood up. He brought out his own blade and dashed towards me from behind.

Before he could reach me though I already whipped around as I took the blade I appropriated from the man back at the warehouse and without any hesitation, threw the blade across the air.

The man just saw a tiny flash before he felt something pierce through the hollow part of his neck. Blood splattered as the bewildered man staggered backwards before dropping to the ground on his back. He was now a lifeless corpse.

His partner stood infront of me in shock as he watched his partner drop dead. I took the opportunity to close the distance between us as I threw a fist directly under his chin. His head flung upwards while I whipped around him and wrapped my forearm around his throat while also giving his knife hand a painful twist, snapping it in the process.

The man wanted to scream but I squeezed around his neck choking his voice. The man whizzed. I snatched blade away as well.

"I'm looking for a girl who was brought in here not too long ago," I stated in a rough voice.

The man gulped "Yes know but a few moments ago she tried to escape together with a high priority hostage but she didn't escape and now she's in the boss' office and he was sure as hell pissed," The man replied.

"Is that who you were looking for this whole time?" I asked the man nodded in response.

"What are you going to do to me?" the man asked genuinely scared for his life as he looked at his partner's body.

"I'm gonna make sure you stay out of my way," I replied as I squeezed around his throat tightly. It was sudden and the man struggled to break free but that didn't last long because he lost consciousness soon after.

Ten minutes later I left him wrapped in chains and gagged. As I turned away I realised my mistake.

"Shit I should have asked him where his boss was," I mumbled.

'Oh well I'm sure I can find someone who knows' I thought to myself as I walked away from the scene. On to the next one.