Where's your boss

I genuinely had no clue what my sister was going through right now, only that I had to hurry up which was what I was currently doing. I had transversed around the compound and I was taking out the guards outside, I was going to storm into the building and I couldn't risk having myself trapped inside. Turning around a corner I was met with a lone guard who didn't hesitate to reach into his jacket the moment he saw me.

I was prepared for when he took out his very own blade but instead out came a gun. As unprepared as I was the man shot at me.

The bullet hit me in the shoulder while I dove to the right. The moment I landed I rolled, disregarding the wound I had obtained as adrenaline coursed through my veins.

The man repositioned his aim to fire off at me but I threw some broken concrete that was on the ground straight to his face. His aim was off a few inches from my face but I charged forward the metal pole wacked the gun out of his hand while I slashed at him with my own blade.

"Argh!" the man tried to grabbed at my knife but then he was met with the pole. It hit his jaw, knocking out a couple of teeth in the process. I whipped my leg forward.hitting him in the thigh causing him to buckle.

Out of desperation the man swung a wild fist at which i simply dodged before countering with a sharp punch to his face. The man didn't want to go down especially after seeing that his opponent was a teenager if word got out then it would be a huge blow to his pride.

"Tell me where your boss is!" I said but the man simply looked at me while falling to his knees. "Very well then," I thrust my blade under his chin but before it could penetrate the skin he shouted

"Wait! It's on the 5th floor! It's the only office available there!"

"You made the right choice answering," I said while wacking him on the back of his head, he fell face first after passing out. The outside was mostly cleared so it was now time for me to head inside. I picked up the gun checked the magazine which contained 13/14 bullets and I dropped my pole, though helpful, to the ground.