Teen with a gun

Kim wanted to scream, she went behind the drum and threw out her guts. Who would do that? Who would kill someone and what would they did if they were to find her?

The though dreaded her but she had to get out of here and get help. Laura's image kept coming into her head as she remembered seeing her thrown aside like a weightless feather. Regaining her composure she stood up straight and that's when she heard a loud bang as a gun went off.

It startled her and without thinking she started walking towards where the gunshot sound came from, she wasn't the only one heading there though. Four other men in denim jackets could be seen heading that way as well.

"Hey what do you think is happening that side," one of the four asked.

"No clue but its better if we check it out first," the second of the four replied but he noticed someone up a head. "...wait isn't that the girl?"

"Yeah it certainly is. Well I guess our job got easier," the third smirked. The four picked up their pace.

Tyler Calvin hadn't vacated the area just yet as he knew that the gunshot from earlier would have alerted more guards. He waited patiently in the shadows but the first person to reach the scene was someone he had not expected.

It was a girl with silver hair that shone in the night. She looked dishevelled and distraught so Tyler could only guess that it must have been the other girl who had escaped with Laura.

'Why would she be stupid enough to come here when other guards could arrive soon' Tyler mentally facepalmed himself but he now had a lead and she could very well be the key to finding Laura.

Not thinking twice Tyler begun to step out of the shadows but before he could reach her four men in the denim jacket uniform came up behind her.

"Well well well did you do this?" the first man said as he saw his unconscious comrade on the ground.

"Well it doesn't matter anyway get her!" he ordered and two men were already grabbing at her arms.

"No!" she protested and struggled but it was all useless. There was no way she could overpower two fully grown men. That's when the fourth man noticed something move in the shadows a distance away.

"Hey I think I saw something," he said

"Go check it out," ordered the first.

The fourth walked towards the shadows but he soon found himself vanished from view all the others could see were rough movements and grunts followed by something dropping to the ground then before any of them could respond a loud bang followed by a muzzle flash could be heard and seen indicating that a gun had just been used.

13/15 bullets

One of the men holding Kim had his head flung back from the force of the bullet as it went through his skull. Some of the blood even splashed onto Laura's face and she couldn't help but scream at the top of her lungs.

Finally stepping out of the shadows,Tyler dashed towards the three his gun in his right while a blade in his left. The men had panicked as they never expected to see their mates taken out in a blink of an eye like that. I raised my hand to throw the blade and the man holding Kim decided to use her as a shield. With a whoosh, the knife zoomed past her ear and pierced the first man who seemed to be in charge through his heart but he wasn't out of the fight just yet and using the little energy he had left he reach for his gun that was in his jacket.

Tyler didn't spare him a second as he quickly aimed his own gun and fired off two bullets. One hit him in the chest while the other one punched through the side of his face.

11/15 Bullets left.

The man holding Kim was visibly shocked.

"Let her go!" Tyler stated which snapped him out of his daze and only gripped her tighter as he brought her infront of him even more. She was completely in the way of his aim.

Kim was scared, shocked and beyond bewildered. When she saw the dead man and heard the gunshot and even witnessed someone take out the men who had given her trouble in a flash, she never would have expected that the person would look so young. On the contrary the guy holding the gun was a actually a teenager who was a little older than herself but there was a certain air around him that could not be explained.

'I have to help in any way I can' she thought with determination and without a thought she stomped on the man's shin before wiggling out of his grip. She fell knees first to the ground but she didn't care.

Tyler didn't think twice, he took the chance to fire off a single shot that went in between the man's eyes.

"I guess your smarter than I thought," Tyler said while looking at the girl who was now rising to her feet.