Chapter 48: The black Ford

A week had passed since the incident involving Houston's faction within the Rattlesnake gang…mafia…whatever the hell it was.

Tyler sat on his desk as he stared helplessly at the question paper on his desk. He was looking at a physics question concerning projectile motion.

"Tarzan stands at the edge of a cliff and looks down at Jane who is surrounded by poisonous snakes. He has a vine in his hand and he wishes to swing to her aid. At what speed must he swing inorder to achieve this and at what force must he land on the adjacent branch inorder to prevent it from snapping in the process," Tyler murmured under his breath.

This pop quiz had made Tyler realize that if he were to choose between writing this and fighting delinquents and gangsters, he would probably choose the later. Tyler also realized that he hadn't been studying at all during the past week as he was too concentrated on the trying to understand the 'force energy' within his body.

During that time he had made multiple discoveries. For one the world around him had traces of energy that could be absorbed by him and assimilated into 'force energy'. He could also circulate his 'force energy' around his body with less difficulty as compared to the first time he tried it. Third he found out that as the energy circulates it his system it also seemed to do something else as his body felt different, his body felt lighter than usual and his movements had become more refined.

Giving up Tyler moved on to the next question. This one a least he could try to respond to.

Two hours later, the test was over and as Tyler walked out of class he felt and looked depressed.

"Yo whats up with your face man?" Nate said as he approached him.

"What do you think scatterbrain," Tyler groaned. He had long since had his cold heart open up to Nate and Rochelle and he could now socialize with them at ease.

"Guess the exam bit you in the ass huh," Nate joked

"Shut up!" Tyler retorted which caused Nate to laugh. They stood just waiting beside the classroom door.

Rochelle shortly came out and the group of three walked down the halls. The school was more lively than it ever had been. The shy nerds walked with straight backs, the collections on 'protection fees' had been abolished. The school delinquents rarely caused any trouble for anyone and minded their own business. Brandon was still nowhere to be seen and the police were even looking for him since his father was discovered to be among the dead burnt alive in the fire of the Mac-Constructions building.

Allen Baker had changed his ways as he took the time to rethink his life after the multiple things that had happened to him.

The three friends exited the halls. Rochelle and Nate were discussing about the test they had just written, this just seemed to worsen Tyler's mood as his academic ego had been shattered. They walked past the cafeteria and headed to the diner behind the school.

Nate had finally managed to get Tyler and Rochelle to try it out and they had discovered that having breakfast for lunch wasn't that bad after all (doesn't mean it was healthy though).

They sat at the table and had ordered apple pies for themselves. Rochelle and Nate were stuffing themselves while Tyler still looked at his pie, still feeling depressed. This caught Rochelle's attention as she had finally had enough.

"Cheer up tough guy," she said. "The test may have not been for you but there are always other tests you can try to beat. And besides you think you're the only one who had a tough time during the test? I mean did you see that Tarzan question?"

Nate choked and coughed on his pie as he heard this.

"Don't even talk about it guys. You'll spoil my appetite," he grumbled.

The three of them laughed and Tyler's spirit was lifted. They were right there were bound to be other opportunities in the future, he just had to make sure that he was prepared for them. In the midst of eating Tyler had an ominous feeling that they were being watched.

At first Tyler ignored that feeling and simply continued to eat his meal.

Ten minutes passed. Then fifteen but the feeling didn't leave him. It made him feel uncomfortable.

"Hey you guys seem done with your food right?" he asked the two

"Uh yeah," Rochelle replied

"Then I think we should head out of here," Tyler said while standing up and heading out the glass doors of the diner.

"Did that seem strange to you?" Nate asked as they followed behind him.

"Isn't he always strange?" Rochelle replied.

The trio headed back to class to finish the rest of the day.

Time flew by fast. Classes were over and students all had to head out.

As usual the three of them walked out together.

"Tyler!" he heard a familiar voice behind him as he stepped out of the main school block and was in the car park. With a smile, Tyler turned his head and saw Laura rushing his way. Her crimson skirt swaying to the sides and her backpack on her back. Her black hair was tied back in a pony tail that expressed her facial features even more.

Rochelle and Nate had also stopped moving as they saw her coming her way.

"Hey sis whats up?" Tyler greeted with a rarely seen smile. That caught the attention of several girls who were passing by.

"Not much you heading straight home?" she asked

"Uh…yeah," Tyler replied with a puzzled expression. "…aren't you?"

"I'll come by later. The girls and I are heading to the beauty salon," she replied.

"What's the point I mean aren't you girls already pretty enough?" Tyler stated this as a matter of fact. "And besides your beauty usually attracts trouble."

"Hey don't be mean to your older sister," Patricia had just arrived.

Tyler wanted to say something but Patricia gave him a death stare leaving him no choice but to raise both of his arms up in mock surrender.

"Well then see you later," Tyler said while walking out of the front gate.

As usual there was a black fancy looking Benz waiting to take Nate home. It had been like that since last week and despite Rochelle and Tyler asking about it from time to time. Nate would always say that it was something to do with his family and that they shouldn't worry about it at all. And after some further pushing Nate finally revealed that his father was the CEO of Chisel Tech Corp and that he was the future heir of the company.

At the time Rochelle had been extremely shocked to hear that because everyone knew that Chisel Tech was the most leading organization when it came to technological evolutions and innovations within the country as well as globally as well. To think that she had been in the same class as the heir to someone who could only be known as the prince of technology was a huge shook to her. While Tyler's reaction was a little more subtle as he knew very little about Chisel Tech as he had been virtually cut off from the rest of the world.

"I'll see you guys later alright," Nate said goodbye to the two of them and headed towards the vehicle. Not long after, it took off.

It was at that moment that Tyler saw another vehicle that was parked quietly at the end of the road where it was away from prying eyes. It was a black Ford 4x4. It moved following the direction of where Nate's car had gone.

Tyler had a thoughtful expression on his face as he watched the Ford go.

"Hey man we going or what?" Rochelle snapped him out of his thought. She stood a few feet infront of him.

"Ah yeah lets go"

Tyler and Rochelle took off even though the Ford was giving him an eerie feeling.

Nate Chisel was seated quietly in the back as his care taker or butler, Wilfred, so to say drove him away from the school.

"How was your day young master?" Wilfred asked from behind the wheel.

"It was good I guess but I really miss going to the PC Café," Nate's voice was low and Wilfred could tell that his mood was a little down.

Seeing him like this pained Wilfred slightly as he could only guess that it was because Nate had finally made some friends. Whether it was genuine friendship or not Wilfred would have to see for himself.

"Worry not young master. Once this is over I'm sure you'll be able to go their freely," Wilfred said knowing how much Nate loved playing games there even though he could play the same games at home with better equipment. "For now you could invite you friends over to the house and play" Wifred offered and Nate's mood seemed to be elated after that.

"For real? Can that really happen?" Nate was brimming with excitement as he asked and Wilfred couldn't help but laugh softly at his behavior.

"Now, now young master you need to calm down. As the future of Chisel Tech you need to learn to keep your emotions in check," he commented.

With a fake cough Nate put on a serious face as he said:

"Of course that would be much appreciated Wilfred"