Chapter 51: The Tyrant Alliance

Waking up. Tyler went through his normal routine.

Meditate, exercise, shower, breakfast and school. The only thing that was different was that instead of walking to school like he usually would, he ran instead.

Yes he ran all the way from home to school which was an unprecedented achievement in itself given that the distance between Crimson Academy and his house was about 800 meters and also not forgetting that he had only needed to run for fifteen minutes at most!

Pant! Pant!

Tyler stopped at the front gates of the school and felt mixed emotions as he tried to study his body more.

'My body has grown stronger and I feel like its about to go even further!' Tyler clenched and opened his fist repeated. 'But it feels like something is blocking that from happening. *sigh* Forget it running 800 meters in fifteen minutes without feeling too exhausted is more than enough for now and besides its not like there's any need to grow stronger is there?'

Tyler smiled begrudgingly at his own obsession of making himself stronger. Just then two male students wearing the Crimson academy uniform walked past him. They instantly caught Tyler's attention. It wasn't the uniform that caught his attention but its state.

The uniform was dirty and wrinkled and they're trousers had shoe prints on them. Their faces also had dirt and were bruised as well. In short the two of them looked like they had been beaten up one-sidedly.

"Are you two alright?" Tyler stopped them. Usually he would have ignored things like this since this was a world where the strong feed off the weak but he unexpectedly felt unease in his heart when he saw them like that.

"Uh.." one of the boys looked like he wanted to speak but he soon shut his mouth.

This didn't go unnoticed by Tyler so he naturally looked towards the other one.

"The guys from the Upper District High suddenly blocked us on our way and they beat us up without any reason at all," said one of them who had short black hair and white skin he was shorter than the other one.

"Upper District High?" Tyler muttered under his breath curiously. He was about to ask them for more details but they had already left. Much to his disappointment.

Setting the issue aside, Tyler proceeded to class.

As usual Rochelle was already in her seat reading a book.

"You're here early," Tyler said causing her to look up from her book.

"You say that every time," she commented causing him to feel slightly embarrassed

"Then I guess I just won't be greeting you"

"Hey don't be like that. Its not like I'm complaining or anything," she stared at him with puppy dog eyes.

Rochelle and Tyler had gotten more comfortable with each other to the point that Rochelle often showed her playful side though that was only when she was alone with Tyler which was practically every morning as well as after school when they walked back home. The two of them continued to chat freely for sometime before Nate made an entrance.

"Dude what was up with you yesterday?" Nate immediately went straight to the point as he sat down behind Tyler.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked genuinely confused

"Your phone dumbass." Nate said in a serious tone which made Tyler feel like he was facing judgement from a deity.

"What he means to say is why you weren't active on the group yesterday." Rochelle chimed in.

'O' Tyler mouthed. "I didn't think there'd be anything interesting?"

"You make it sound as if we have dull lives or something," Nate sighed and stared helplessly at Tyler.

Soon the rest of their classmates begun to pour in. One of these people was Ireen who still had an overwhelming crush on Tyler.

The moment she entered the class she immediately spotted Tyler and Rochelle talking to each other though not in the same way as they did when they were alone and Nate was also there as well. Her eyes couldn't help but be fixated on Tyler's figure as she sat down in her desk and was surrounded by the rest of her friends who were all extremely beautiful.

"Hey Ireen why don't you try approach him?" one of the girls said

"Yeah no matter how good looking he is there's no way he wouldn't want someone as beautiful as you"

"Yeah and you should hurry up and claim him before someone else does"

"Come on guys knock it off. Can't you see that this conversation is making Ireen uncomfortable?" a girl with black lustrous hair said. She had snow white skin and smooth oval shaped face. Her beautiful green eyes stared at the girls sternly as she said this and with that all the girls ended the conversation there.

"Thanks Marie." Ireen said to her and looked in Tyler's direction once more with complicated feelings in her eyes.

"Your welcome girlfriend." Marie said to her as she also looked in Tyler's direction before looking back at Ireen. She sighed helplessly as she was the only one who knew how Tyler had not been interested in her as most of the boys and how Rochelle and Nate had also blocked her. After that Tyler just never gave her a second glance at all.

Tyler and the other two continued to chat freely. When suddenly the room went quiet. A student with a rough looking face that did not look like a teenager's at all walked towards Tyler's desk. This shocked everyone because everyone was aware of who this boy/man-looking boy was.

It was Don Grudge the bully who (appeared in chapter 11 of this story) had tried to gang up on Tyler but had instead received a good beating.

Tyler took his attention away from Rochelle and Nate and was now fully focused on Don who stood before his desk.

"Look I know we didn't start off on the right foot but_" Don started to speak but Tyler raised his hand ultimately interrupting him.

"Before you continue. Who are you?" Tyler asked (totally forgot about the punk).

Don felt like spitting out blood and dying on the spot.

Don: "…"

Tyler: "…"

Rochelle: "…"

Nate: "You're kidding right?"

Nate whispered in Tyler's ear.

"No I genuinely have no idea who this guy is" Tyler replied

"What! Dude I'm Don Grudge remember I tried to cause trouble with my friends on the first day but instead you beat the shit out of us" Don felt embarrassed as he said this.

Suddenly something clicked in Tyler's head. "Oh yeah I remember you…Now what do you want"

Tyler's entire demeanor changed and his aura was heavy. He remembered Don and his crew when they met on the first day and he didn't have a good impression of them.

"The class bosses requested your presence leader," Don said respectfully.


The whole class was shocked when they heard this.

"Did he just call him leader?"

"Yeah and he even said the other class bosses requested for him"

"Does that mean he also has the respect of the other bosses!"

"This is insane"

The silence in the class was instantly broken as students of 2A erupted in discussion. Even Tyler was surprised by this sudden change but then he also recalled how Don had stopped causing trouble in class so he relaxed a little bit.

"*Sigh* Did they tell you a reason?" Tyler asked

"No sir." Don shook his head

Tyler quietly thought it through before finally saying: "Alright lead the way"

"I'll be right back," Tyler said to Rochelle and Nate before standing up and following Din who led him out of the classroom. They walked through the hallways and passed by several students who had rough looking appearances, as if they had been beaten up. This quickly caught the attention of Tyler.

"Whats going on?" Tyler asked

"The Tyrant Alliance is making a move against Crimson Academy," Don replied. This time they were heading up the stairs leading to the rooftop.

Tyrant Alliance? Tyler couldn't help but ask himself as they were now on the open rooftop. Waiting for them was Frank, Allen, Randy, Damian and Scott. These were the class bosses of the senior classrooms.

"You guys?" Tyler clearly remembered them because ever since Brandon's defeat as well as disappearance they had been treating Tyler as if he were they're boss. They'd stand infront of the school gates to greet him every morning, they'd even brought an envelop containing what was known as 'protection money' to him but he had quickly dismissed them and gave them the order to return the money and stop the collection of the fees.

"Boss we apologize if we were disturbing you but this was an extremely important matter," Scott said fearfully.

Tyler looked at them silently. His eyes roaming from each and everyone as he saw their sincere faces.

Nodding, Tyler said : "Alright. Why am I here?"

The five looked at each other with some hesitation before Frank finally spoke up.

"Its an issue regarding the Tyrant alliance," Frank said

"Before you continue can you explain what this alliance is?" Tyler said and Frank nodded.

Southern San Francisco had a total of four highschools

1. Mission District Community High which was situated in the west of Crimson acaddemy. It has a total of thirty two delinquents and the vice president of the tyrant alliance comes from here. It was in the East side if Reinfield city.

2. Eden Edge's Girls High. A prestigious catholic school which is both boarding as well as day. It holds a very low percentage of female delinquents who control the school by a small percentage of the students but its not to a very large degree. It was the closest to the East of Crimson Academy and were merely separated by a busy market street.

3. Crimson Academy. This was once a very prestigious institution but it has only been in these recent years that troublemakers and delinquents have been numerous and had controlled the students but this increased with Brandon's enrollment three years ago and the overall performance of the students started to deteriorate. It was in the centre of Reinfield city.

4. Upper District High. This was the very head of the organization where the leader originated from. It controlled 80% of the tyrant alliance while 20% belonged to the rest of the schools and it was situated in the north of Reinfield city.

Now the tyrant alliance was formed among Upper District High and Mission District Community. The alliance had once approached Crimson Academy which was being led by Brandon Macdonald (you remember the punk right) with an offer for them to join but Brandon had denied that proposal by basically telling them to f*ck off and never bother him or the Rattlesnake gang would come and break their legs.

"The alliance knew about the Rattlesnake gang well so they backed off fearful and angry as well but a three days ago they found us and told us to join their alliance and that we had three days to think if over or else they would move against our school." Frank explained

"We think they know about Brandon's disappearance so they think we're at our weakest point right now" Allen added.

"Okay…so why am I here?" Tyler asked because he just didn't see how any of this had anything to do with him. Sure he might have been linked to Brandon's disappearance but that didn't mean that he was involved with the delinquents of Reinfield city, did it?

"We just thought that you would like to know since you're the school boss_"

"Hey! I have nothing to do with you're school hierarchy and I never wanted to be involved with this in the first place," Tyler instantly interjected. "You are the ones who bothered me and before I came you harassed my sister on multiple occasions as well. So don't even think about bringing me into this shit. This should be something that you should take care of on your own"

Tyler didn't even give them time to react as he turned around and headed down the rooftop.

Tyler was genuinely angry. Tis wasn't something he should have been involved with in anyway at all so why come to him. And the fact that they were referring to him as the school boss didn't make any sense at all to him.

I mean sure every society had its own hierarchy but wasn't this a bit too much?

School bosses? Delinquent alliances?

No way was he ever going to get involved with them.

The end of the school day arrived in a flash and as usual Tyler, Rochelle and Nate al walked out the school front together.

"You guys ready to see my place?" Nate asked

"Of course we are," Rochelle responded enthusiastically.

Nate's fancy black benz was waiting out front.

"Wilfred!" Nate greeted him

"Ah young master seems you had a good day," Wilfred bowed politely at Nate before turning towards Tyler and Rochelle. "This beautiful lady must be Rochelle"

"Nice to meet you sir," Rochelle greeted

"And this must be the mysterious Tyler," Wilfred said mysterious because he had done a brief background check on them and Tyler was a mystery because there wasn't much to his background except the fact that he had survived a plane crash when he was 7 seven years old and that he had recently returned home whatever happened in the middle was inaccessible.

Tyler paid attention to the 'mysterious' part.

He must have done a background check, Tyler noted

"Good to meet you sir," Tyler said respectfully while also looking at Wilfred in the eye.

"Mmmh yes it is"

"Alright lets get going Alfred," Nate said while opening the door to the back seats. He entered and the other two followed suit

The car soon drove off

Shortly after another car that was parked quiet a distance away also begun to move. It trailed after Nate's vehicle.