Chapter 52: Fun cut short

It was a smooth ride for the three as they conversed with Wilfred who asked them a lot of personal questions

"So Tyler I heard you've been here for a few weeks?" Wilfred said

"Yes. I was living abroad this whole time," Tyler responded dryly

"Well can you tell me where you lived then?"

"Korea though I travelled to France, Japan, Britain and even Russia on one occation"

"What were you doing while travelling?"

"A lot of things"

"Can you give the specifics?"

"I'm afraid I can not"

Veins were popping out of Wilfred's forehead. Tyler's short answers were really starting to frustrate him.

"Can you tell me the reason?" Wilfred asked trying to suppress his frustration

"No" Tyler simply shrugged

"And why not?" Wilferd's veins were threatening to burst

"I don't want to"

As Rochelle and Nate listened to this conversation that sounded more like a direct interrogation as well as an argument at the same time, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Tyler and Wilfred went at it for about ten more minutes before Wilfred decided to give up and continue to drive in silence.

The car stooped infront of a black gate. Wilfred had to check his palmprint as well as iris at the gate as he usually did before the gates opened and let them through. Wilfred drove until they circled the fountain and he parked directly infront of the large Victorian looking manor.

"Wow" Rochelle stared in amazement as she looked around. The scenery was beautiful and the fountain made her feel as if she was a tourist visiting another country for the first time.

Tyler's reaction was calm but he had to admit that the place was very beautiful.

"Welcome to my humble home" Nate said with his hands spread out

"Humble my ass" Rochelle snorted causing Nate to laugh nervously while Tyler smiled slightly at Rochelle's carefree attitude.

The front entrance doors of the manor opened and a nice looking nurse stepped out with a man beside her who was tall and wore a black suit that did nothing to hide his burly muscles underneath, he also had an earpiece in his left ear.

"Oh Camille. Meet my friends Tyler and Rochelle" Nate said while smiling at the maid.

"Pleasure to meet you young ones" Camille said with a curtsy.

"Nice to meet you too" Tyler said

"The serious looking man beside her is the security captain Mr. Bright" Nate introduced as well

"Nice meeting you" Mr. Bright said to them. Tyler looked at the man with smile because he could feel that this man was not a joke at all. It made Tyler wonder just how he would fair against him in a one on one fight and the mere thought of it made his blood boil with excitement.

Taking in deep breaths Tyler managed to calm himself down. What in the world was that? Tyler wondered to himself.

"Lets not waste time and quickly head in now" Nate said as he strode confidently into the manor. Camille smiled as she saw this.

"The young master is very happy to have you come over. Thank you for being his friends" Camille said. "Now come along now"

Tyler and Rochelle then followed after Nate.

Mr. Bright then walked towards Wilfred who was still standing beside the car.

"I want you to keep a keen eye on Tyler, something about him feels off " Wilfred said

"Even if you didn't say it I would have still done so anyway" Mr. Bright replied as he remember the slight feeling of threat he got from Tyler when he was introduced.

Unknown to Tyler he had actually leak a sliver of murderous intent leak from his body when he got excited which caused Mr. Bright to pay special attention to him. Sort of like putting a target on himself.

Tyler and Rochelle were led around the house by Nate who was giving them a personal tour of the place. The house was much larger than Tyler thought with a large living room, dining room and even a the kitchen was much larger than the one back at Tyler's place.

There was also a special gaming room with the state of the art computer technology. A pool laid behind the manor and even the manor was surrounded by approximately a 1000 yards of grass and trees that were planted around the compound.

The place was also peaceful. I bet if a tried to meditate with my force energy here it would be extremely beneficial, Tyler thought to himself.

They moved around the place more before finally starting off the fun activities.

Currently they were in Nate's room.

"This place is much cleaner that I expected" Rochelle commented as she flopped down on his couch

"Hey what's that supposed to mean" Nate said feeling slightly infuriated by Rochelle's comment

"Well I honestly expected a dump"

"Why you…" Nate failed to find a proper way to express his feelings so he gave up and joined Rochelle on the sofa. Tyler shook his head and flopped down too.

"Alright we'll be watching some series coupled with anime and then we'll move on to gaming" Nate outlined the plan. This was his first time having someone come over so he was basically just going to do what he usually did when he was alone.

And true to his word they sat and watched a crime series while eating snacks and drinks. They later moved on to video games and as it turns out Tyler really sucks at them.

"My god Tyler made us lose the squad mission again" Rochelle complained and Tyler couldn't help but grimace. Guess that's what happens when you don't have natural instincts with you on the battlefield, he internally groaned.

"Okay dude we really need to do something about that that otherwise will be doomed for life" Nate said while patting Tyler's shoulder. "But don't worry bro I'll help you become the best warrior there is"

Tyler didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. If only you guys knew, he thought.

And a thougth entered his head as he contemplated whether he should ever tell his friends about his past life or not.

No. It's better they know nothing because its safer that way. Tyler reassured himself.

He was sure that there would be simeine who could be after him. In the past while working for Tonitruum he had killed 5 army head generals before he helped the US to bring down Tonitruum and even from there he knew that there was someone who had survived and would be planning to deal with him later in the future so he knew he couldn't afford to get his friends involved.

I guess I really do have a reason to get stronger, Tyler said internally.

"Hey so what do you guys want to do next?" Nate asked. Currently they were in Nate's gaming room and they had sat in front of three separate desktops.

"Mmmh not sure" Rochelle said

Just then Wilfred entered the room. "Young master its almost seven I believe it's time we sent your friends back home?"

"*sigh* I suppose you're right" Nate said with a dissatisfied tone

"Don't be down like that bro we can do this again tomorrow" Tyler suggested

"Yeah but not tomorrow's tomorrow. We have a test after tomorrow" Rochelle added

"Wait we have a test?" Tyler and Nate said in unison

"Don't tell me you guys have seriously forgotten that we have a tes_"

Just as she was about to say that the lights suddenly went off. This surprised every one including Wilfred.

"Wilfred whats happening?" Nate asked

"I'm not sure young master. Let me go check it out" Wilfred's silhouette walked out of the room, disappearing from sight.

Rochelle took out her phone to turn on the flashlight when she noticed something

"That's weird there's no cell reception" she commented

"What?!" Nate took out his phone. Tyler did too and they all confirmed that there was no signal at all.

Alarm bells started going off in his head. If the lights were just off he wouldn't have found it strange but the fact that there was no cell reception as well? This meant that something was definitely off here.
