Chapter 53: Blackout & fireworks

Within the electric box located in the garage of the manor a circular small dot could be seen glowing red and blue repeatedly. It had been about 7 hours since it had been planted there.

"Alright its show time" a man voiced out from a black ford that was travelling towards two large black gates that were held on both sides by concrete walls that had cctv cameras on top facing the front entrance.

"Vinny hit it" the same man voiced out again

"On it captain" a female in black tights, a crop black shirt that exposed her midriff responded from the backseats where she was lying down on her back. Two gun holsters were strapped around each side of her hips with dual hand guns. In her hands she currently held onto a rectangular device with a big red button. She pushed her thumb on it.

The small dot in the electric box within the manor suddenly gave out a small electromagnetic pulse that shut down the electricity within a 500 meter radius. Basically the entire manor had just blacked out and even cell reception would not be possible for the next 48 hours.

A total of 15 guards were under Mr. Bright's leadership. Two were stationed at the front gates, five moved around the compound five more were inside the main building and three were free roamers who were at liberty to move around the manor and check out where they thought required attention.

The moment the entire place went dark Mr. Bright knew something was wrong and he abandoned his position of observing Tyler and left it to the two bodyguards Buke and Duke. They two were brothers who were with him. Ex marines. While walking down the corridor he tried to communicate with the others but it was useless.

Communications are down, damnit.


The floor shook for a brief moment before going still again.

In the trees outside a small explosion went off.

"The hell was that?" one of the guards who were stationed at the front gates asked as he noticed the fiery blaze among the trees 50 meters away. The leaves rattled as three guards ran towards where the small explosion. The guards were well aware that communications had gone down since the blackout so they proceeded with caution as the bright flames danced in the distance. They were all armed with pistols.

They walked forward in a single line. Cautious, vigilant. This was obviously an attack but they couldn't figure out who was responsible.

Up in the trees directly above them a silhouette was perched onto a branch crouching as if he were the Spiderman. A thick steel curvy blade was held in his right hand.

"You can go all out Drake" he heard a voice in his ear. It was Valentine, the captain.

White teeth showed themselves. A vicious smile formed on Drake's mouth as he leapt off the branch. He descended swiftly as he was approaching the ground he got into a roll. There was a disturbance in the ground as leaves rustled from his landing gaining the attention on the five guards infront of him.

"Goddamn behind us!" exclaimed one guard who reacted first and whipped out his pistol towards Drake. Before he could pull the trigger though a shadow passed through his hand. It all happened too fast. With an agonizing scream the guard's entire hand had been hacked off. The guard screamed as he held onto his now handless arm.

Drake bore a hideous expression when he saw this. "Nigga stop screaming like a bitch"

Drake sent the tip of his blade through the guard's throat. And just like that a life had been lost. The other guards were filled with rage and anguish when they saw their comrade die. The guard on the left pointed his gun at Drake. Seeing this Drake had a mad grin on his face as he ripped his blade from the dead guard's throat.

The other guard's gun barked and spat bullets only to hit his comrade's body. Dull thuds could be heard as the bullets ripped into the corpse. Drake kicked the body in the guard's direction without regard to any moral or respect for the dead. He then replaced his bloody blade with a Type 58 semi-automatic pistol.

He shot a guard on the left and the bullet ripped through is jaw before penetrating through the base of his skull. Blood sprayed through the air. A third guard at the rear fired in Drake's direction but he dashed to the side and the bullets missed him by mere inches. He was running in the direction of the guard who had just gotten the corpse off him. He was now smeared in blood.

Drake didn't bother with his gun and instead used his blade once more to stab the guard through his heart. Before ripping it out and throwing it at one of the two remaining guards. The guard didn't just helpless watch. He rolled to the side and counterattacked by firing in Drake's direction as he stood on one knee.

"Nice! Ha ha ha!" Drake lied on the ground as the bullets flew over his head. one bullets actually grazed his ear and it was now bleeding. Drake wasn't worried at all. In fact he smiled like a child on Christmas eve. He looked like he was having the time of his life. He rolled sideways and shot off his pistol. The guard darted for cover behind some trees. Meanwhile Drake was back on his feet as he charged towards the guard who hadn't taken cover.

The guard tried firing off his pistol but Drake's movements were irregular. He moved like a snake as he weaved in and out of gun's line of sight and before the guard knew it Drake had closed in on him. The guard behind the trees tried to get a sneak shot in but it was no use. Drake had already dragged the guard further into the darkness of the trees. Out of sight.

A couple of seconds later screams were heard. They lasted almost a minute before sudden silence. The guard behind the trees was visibly sweating. His breathing was raspy and his heart was beating erratically, threating to leap out of his chest. He remained crouched in his position for a moment trying to decide whether he should go and take a look or should he just stay.

After a full minute the guard made up his mind and carefully crept towards the direction where Drake had disappeared off to with his fellow guard. By now the light from the fire was dimming as the fire was dying out.

The guard swept through the trees in that direction and saw what looked like a man sprawled on the ground. The guard cautiously looked around him. Nothing. It was quiet now. Crouching, the guard inspected the sprawled man and was overwhelmed by dread when he saw the deep lacerations across the body. From the legs slowly rising to the chest, the deep cuts were everywhere. Finally the guard inspected the face and it was his fellow guard, though his eyes were open they had lost all signs of life.

Sorrow was all he felt as he realized this. He made a resolute vow to avenge the deaths of his comrades or die trying. He knelt on one knee and closed his dead comrade's eyes as a sign of honor. Suddenly his senses pricked and without hesitation he ducked.


Just at that moment Drake's blade cut through the spot where his head was before he ducked.

"Oh! So you dodged that?" Drake said with an astonished tone. "I knew you were exceptional since our first clash but I didn't think you were this exceptional"

Meanwhile the guard managed to put some distance between him and Drake such that there was a three meter distance separating them. He was visibly sweating and his senses had heightened. Adrenalin pumped through the guard's body but underneath that he felt something else some other source of energy he didn't know he had.

"My name is Drake Andres what should I call you?" Drake said to the guard. He clearly viewed him in another light. He felt that this guard would possibly give him an exciting battle.

"My name is Tai Long and I will avenge my brothers with your blood today!" Tai Long roared angrily. The pistol in his hand trembled before stabilizing and his gaze became resolute as thick murderous intent seeped from his body.