Chapter 54: Tai Long vs Drake (part 1)

"Oh even your murderous intent is impressive" Drake said clearly unphased but he truly was surprised. Only a few men and of course women could actually manage to exude their murderous intent especially to the extent that Tai Long had exuded.

"Shut up!" Tai Long roared and fired in Drake's direction he aimed at his chest. Drake also moved swiftly his own pistol in his right and he fired off his own rounds. Tai Long also moved to avoid getting turned into a sieve. But he didn't stop firing.

Meanwhile at the front gates the two guards stationed there were deeply concerned about the constant gunshots that were coming from within the manor's tree garden. This was something they had not expected. After all the manor had very sensitive sensors all around, an automatic SOS system that would directly contact the police should anything go wrong and even the guards were well trained. But in this situation, none of that mattered. The power was cut off so all the technological systems were shut down and practically just useless decorations right now.

"Should we check it out?" one of the two guard's asked. He was a man in his late thirties with a white goatee and a smooth shaved head.

"For now lets wait" replied the other one who was older. They didn't know what was going on but he doubted that the attack in the trees was all there was. "Just get ready for whatever happens, got that?"

Just then the gates flew out of their hinges with a loud boom. They had been blown out by C4 explosives or equally destructive explosives.

The older guard groaned as he tried to get off the ground. His body was hurting. He looked beside him and saw the other guard lying on the ground slightly injured. When he saw this he immediately became concerned and hurried over while coughing. He checked his pulse and a sigh of relief escaped his lips. He looked back at the fallen gates as smoke covered the entrance.

Suddenly headlights turned on and the sound of an engine revving could be heard. Tires screeched as the vehicle moved with speed. The old guard's face became grim and without hesitation he grabbed his unconscious partner and dragged them out of the way as fast they could. They had barely gotten out of the way when the vehicle zoomed past. If they hadn't moved then they definitely would have been crushed under its wheels.

The old guard's heart trembled at this thought.

"Oh Valentine you missed the two cockroaches" Vinny said with a pout from inside the vehicle. Valentine who was naturally the captain of this team merely shrugged his shoulders.

"We'll deal with them later" he said just then he received a message from his radio.

"Captain you are not gonna believe what I'm about to say." It was Skip.

"What is it?" Valentine asked

"Uh…well it seems a kid just jumped off the roof and dashed for the trees heading in Drake's direction." Skip said helplessly.

"What!?" both Vinny and Valentine said in unison

"Its as I've said cap" Skip said.

"Hey Skip are you on drugs again?" Vinny asked with a slightly serious tone

"Hey what do you take me for!" If anyone saw Skip right now they would have seen his flushed face

"Skip are you sure of what you saw?" Valentine asked once more.


"Alright. Give Drake a heads up" Valentine said

"Tsk. Knowing that battle animal he probably turned off his comms" Vinny said as she checked her dual guns.

"We'll just have to leave it to him then" Valentine sighed. The vehicle stopped right before the fountain infront of the dark manor. "You ready sis?"

"Let's make some money yo!!" Vinny exclaimed loudly as she got out of the vehicle. Meanwhile Valentine could only shake his head in amusement.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out throughout the body of trees and two figures could be seen weaving in and out between the trees. One of these figures crouched as it took cover behind a coniferous tree. Sweat treating its black hair to the temple. This figure was none other than Tai Long. His breathing was heavy and if one were to see him now they might have believed that he had just finished running a marathon…if he didn't have his gun that is.

They had traded several dozen bullets in the space of 20 seconds but to Tai Long it might as well have been an hour. He had always been good at shooting his pistol and had been one of the best sharp shooters that DA{Dynamic Arms} Security Company had to offer but shooting at immobile targets wasn't the same as shooting at a living moving target that could fire back as well!

The pressure of the battlefield was immense, especially for someone who rarely had to deal with this kind of situation and definitely not Tai.


A bullet drilled into the tree with a force that sent splinters flying across the air like miniature projectiles. Tai Long had to shut his eyes and lower his head to make sure he wouldn't be blinded by the splinters. The bullets continued to come his way just sparingly weaving past his head by a mere centimeter.

"Fuck!" Tai Long had never been one for foul words but in that moment, he just couldn't control himself. With a flick of his wrist he fired towards where he thought Drake's shoots were fired off from. A silhouette dove out of the trees. Trying to avoid Tai's shoots.

Drake fired off another round in Tai Long's direction. Only narrowly missing as well. Tai Long's insticts were almost primal as his hair stood on end. It he didn't move from his position then he would surely di or be critically hit.

Without any hesitation Tai Long hopped like a frog in distress as a barrage of shots tore through the space he just vacated. He landed on his front crawling for cover. His suit was now tattered with dirt, grim and blood. Drake inched forward. Gun aimed straight but before he could fire Tai Long's gun spat. Bullet after bullet Tai Long didn't let up. Drake smiled, his hair standing on end. His excitement boiling.

This was exactly what he wanted! A real fight to the death!

He rolled out of the way but not before a searing heat was felt in his leg. A stinging pain manifested from his leg as a bullet made a home in his thigh. A bloody hole the size of a ping pong. Tai Long had managed to actually land a hit.

"Argh" Drake groaned. He had been shoot at many times before but the feeling of a bullet tearing through your flesh was never something that one could get used to. That didn't mean that Drake would be hindered though.

Tai Long had a glint in his eyes when he heard the groan. The fact that he actually managed to land a hit boosted his spirits. A confidence was building up within him.

'As long as he bleeds he can be killed' this was Tai Long's thought. But he would soon learn that sometimes when you wound a lion it bites harder than it usually would have.

[AN: sorry for the late update I've been really caught up school but I try to at least update once a day]