Chapter 63: Chain reaction

Tyler then addressed Nate

"Why don't you stay at my place until all this dies over?"

"You're the best you know that?" Nate said

"Of course I am!" Tyler replied feeling a little narcissistic.

Minutes later Aunt Carol arrived in her Camaro. The three walked over.

"Are you kids alright?" she asked as she got out of the car. She hugged Tyler.

"Yes I'm alright" Tyler replied feeling a little embarrassed by the show of affection and was now starting to understand how Rochelle must have felt either way it wasn't so bad either, that is until…

"Blegh…what is that smell?" Aunt Carol pinched her nose and stepped away from him.

Tyler didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. It seems he needs to take that bath ASAP.

Aunt Carol drove them all home. And since Nate was staying over, he would sleep in Tyler's room and share a bed, something that Tyler took gloomily since he was used to the extra bed space. Rochelle also asked if she could stay over and since there wasn't really any problem she would share a bed with Laura. And of course Tyler had taken that bath and was now clean and fresh.

With everything determined the gang had dinner before heading to bed. Nate immediately slept like a flipped switch the moment he fell on top of the covers. Meanwhile Tyler sat on the floor with his legs crossed. Before long he entered a meditative state where he comprehended the changes in his body. And what he found shocked him.

The pebble sized spirit core in Tyler's heart radiated with Force energy. It was acting as a generator, a source of force that used the energy in the world as a raw material and converted it to Force that was stored in his body. Said Force would then be assimilated by his cells, blood vessels, muscles, ligament, bones and even his internal organs and this would strengthen them.

He also noticed the flow of Force energy within his body was a lot smoother. If the path of force in his body before was a dusty road with potholes, now it could be said to be a road smoothed out with the finest bitumen and asphalt. The change was that massive.

His comprehension of force had taken another leap. With this Tyler deduced that if he ever ran out of Force in his body then his spirit core which Tyler decided to call it 'Force Core' would reduce the time needed to replenish it.

As he had already noted before his senses had reached new heights. His sense of smell had improved a lot just not to the point of a hound, his eyesight also improved to the point that he could see for more than 50 meters with his naked eye. His sense of hearing improved to the point that he could hear every whisper if he was to be in a room.

On top of that, his overall senses had evolved to the point that he could envelop his senses around the environment around him for a distance of 50 meters! Nothing could escape his scrutiny and it would feel as if he had a bird's eye view of everything within his range of senses

After one hour, Tyler finally stood up and laid down on the bed. He wasn't tired in the least and he even felt that he could stay for a least a week without needing to sleep at all. But he closed his eyes either way.

Meanwhile at Police HQ

Drake sat in a steel chair, his hands were cuffed on top of a steel table before him. He was currently still in his boxer shorts which really annoyed him and his freshly stitched wounds on both his legs were irritating to say the least. Seated across from him were two men. One was lean with short black hair. He looked to be in his early thirties and he gave of an approachable feel.

The other man was burly and the coat he wore did nothing to hide his muscles. His red hair fit perfectly with is stone cold face as he gazed at Drake. These two men were of course Marcus and Hunter.

"Can you at least get me some clothes? I'm freezing here" Drake complained

"Tch! You endangered those kids at the mansion and even killed innocent people. You're lucky we even let you were your boxer shorts" Hunter retorted. His tone of voice laced with deadly malice. Right now he was pissed. Pissed that his daughter was put in a risky situation because of this son of a bitch sitting right in front of him.

Of course Drake sensed the malicious intent but simply shrugged it off because he knew that these police officers wouldn't do anything to him.

"You call those guys kids?!" Drake shot back. "I'm telling you there was a little monster among those kids and though I'll admit that I had my guard down and was exhausted. It doesn't change the fact that he shot me in the leg! Twice!" Drake shouted to which Marcus looked at him skeptically.

"What are you talking about?" Marcus asked with a raised brow.

"Wait…you don't know? Hehehehe…that kid is more resourceful than I thought" Drake said leisurely

"Care to speak?" Hunter spoke he could no longer keep silent after hearing what he said.

"What, you think I'm just going to talk now? Get me some damn clothes first!" Drake demanded

"Not happening" Hunter didn't even take a second to think. Which caused a vein to appear on Drake's forehead, this detective was starting to really get on his nerves right now. Just when he was about to boil over…

"You talk. You get your clothes. How does that sound?" Marcus interjected which earned him a glare from his partner. Marcus could only ignore it and fake a cough.

"Mmmh…" Drake hummed as if what he was deciding on would affect him for the rest of his life.

Several minutes later the two detectives walked out of the interrogation room.

Hunter's phone beeped

[Hey dad I'll be staying at Tyler's for the night *smiley emoji*]

Hunter had a complex expression on his face when he saw this. He didn't know what was going on anymore.

Marcus took out a phone and was instructing the officers to check out a rundown apartment building.

The police worked fast not only to avoid mass panic but also because the Chisel's were the ones who had been attacked and the higher ups wanted the case to be solved as fast as possible.


The next day came pretty early. Tyler blinked himself awake as he felt something heavy on his chest. When he looked down…

"Huh?" he voiced out and immediately Nate's eyes also snapped open. His eyes meeting Tyler's before looking down. His eyes widened

"Ah!" he gave a short yell before he jumped off Tyler's chest like an abused cat. His face was full of embarrassment as he tried to correct himself. "Listen man I don't roll like that okay?" he pleaded.

At first Tyler had an incredulous expression on his face before he suddenly laughed but unlike before, he was able to control his energy in a much better fashion. Tyler also got out of bed and prepared to brush his teeth. He wasn't planning on training his body today, there was honestly no need at the moment because he still had to fully get accustomed to his Force core as well as think of how best to use it.

He simply stretched his body before heading down to the kitchen. He could already hear Laura and Rochelle chatting away. Aunt Carol was still in her room.

The current time was 6:30am. Still pretty early considering that their classes started at 8 so they had about two hours to prepare which was honestly enough.

"Did you girls even wake up?" Nate asked while yawning when he saw the girls already dressed in their uniforms. Laura was in a skirt and Rochelle was in a pair of pants as usual.

"Unlike you and soldier boy over there. We like to do things on time?" Rochelle replied as she worked the frying pan. Not even bothering to turn around and face them.

Tyler's eyebrow twitched. Soldier boy again??

Laura simply giggled before she pushed the boys out of the kitchen. "Come on you guys need to freshen up"

Laura was acting in place of Aunt Carol who upon hearing the commotion headed down to make sure that the kitchen wasn't burnt down but the interactions of the youths put a smile on her face.

Tyler and Nate had no choice but to comply and when it was Tyler's turn in the bathroom he checked himself in the mirror and was surprised to see that his muscles were more aligned than they usually were and the scars from his Tonitruum days had faded.

'Is this another change?' he thought to himself as he continued to check out his body. He couldn't help but grin. His body could only be described as perfect.

'I guess Jake Harper would be jealous of how much more handsome I am than him' he laughed to himself

Somewhere in Manhattan a black man with a large portion of black hair at the top of his head and shaved sides was currently having dinner with a lovely woman with blonde hair cut in a Japanese style bob. This man was a former CIA agent as well Tyler's role model. Jake Harper.

"Acho!" Jake suddenly sneezed

"Are you cold honey?" a soft voice came from the lovely woman who was sitting across from him. She was his wife Amy Summers.

"Nah I think someone is thinking bad things about me. It's probably that old man" Tyler commented causing Amy to giggle slightly

Meanwhile in a building located in Langley, Virginia, USA

An old man with white hair and a serious expression on his face was going through some paper work and was looking at footage that just came in. It was footage from a camera that showed Tyler facing off against an unknown assailant on the roof.

This man was the director of the CIA Covert Ops section, Vince Harold aka CHIEF.

"Acho!" he suddenly sneezed. He wiped off his nose seriously and continued to look at the footage.

"This kid just doesn't know how to stay out of trouble" he sighed.

Back to Tyler…

He had just stepped out of the shower when "Acho!"

He sneezed. "Argh what was that?!"

He shook his thoughts before going on to prepare for school.