Chapter 64: Interesting!

It is yet another day at Crimson academy. Thursday to be precise and the students were already pouring in the hallways of the school main block as well as classrooms. Everything would have been normal had it not been for most of the students who looked rather roughed up. With their uniforms either looking disheveled and dirty or some with even bruised faces and arms.

"Yeah they just came out of nowhere and attacked"

"No way! You too?" another student exclaimed it seems he too was attacked

"They took my wallet and even threw my bag in the trash"

"Just when I thought I was done with this crap" a male student whined

At that moment Tyler, Nate and Rochelle had entered the hallways. And the sight of the students truly caught their attention. No even calling them students would be giving them too much face. They looked a little less like beggars.

"Is it just me or do a lot of these guys look ragged" Nate commented as he looked around.

"I'm suddenly getting a bad feeling about this" Rochelle muttered. Tyler didn't say anything though. He simply closed his eyes and focused his ears. Slowly the sounds and noises seemed to deafen before rising once again only this time it was the sounds coming only from the conversations of the students.

As he eavesdropped on the different conversations he came to one conclusion.

"Guess we weren't the only ones who had a hard time" he whispered more to himself than anything else.

In class 2A a girl with long silky blonde hair, an oval shaped face and large blue eyes was sitting quietly on her desk while her friends were talking all around her. She was considered the most beautiful girl in the class but lately she had been rethinking about her place on that position.

Was she really that pretty?

If the guys and other girls heard her they would probably throw a fit.

Ireen was lost in her thoughts she couldn't help but think of a certain new boy. She was so frustrated that he wouldn't pay her any attention.

"Argh" she groaned loudly. "Does he not think I'm pretty perhaps?" she muttered to herself.

"Uh Ireen are you alright" one of the girls asked. It was at that moment that Tyler, Nate and Rochelle entered the classroom.

When Ireen saw them she couldn't help but think that Tyler had become much more handsome than he was the previous times she had seen him. Her heart was beating loudly. This was the very first time that Ireen had fallen head over heels for a boy but it was also the first time that a boy didn't pay her much attention.

Tyler felt a pair of eyes landing on him through his extended senses and most of those eyes were coming from the girls who had blushed cheeks.

"Uh…" Tyler suddenly felt awkward. "What's going on?"

Rochelle placed her finger on her chin and thought for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure but since that time you came back from well you know…"

Tyler nodded in acknowledgement.

"…you seem to have changed as in you are somehow more attractive heck even I have to admit that I'm slightly attracted to you…what should I call it?"

"Charm?" Nate interjected

"Right…charm" Rochelle replied. Tyler merely tilted his head at Nate in confusion.

"Why does your face tell me that you have no idea what we're talking about?" Nate commented

"That's because I have no idea what you're talking about" he replied almost instantly

"*Sigh* I guess I have to explain huh" Nate said

Charm if we refer to video games is a character's passive stat that makes it easier for the said character to have an open conversation and it especially works well during quests in fantasy games and in fantasy novels it also attracts the opposite gender and if the charm stat is high enough it could even cloud someone's senses to the point that they would basically become your puppet.

When Nate finished his explanation Tyler understood where this was going. If that was true then it would probably have something to do with his recent changes. He also remembered how he called himself handsome so proudly in the morning. Turns out this could actually be quite problematic.

The teacher came in and the lessons of the day finally begun.

The bell rang indicating lunchtime. The students from different classes were already filling up the hallways and were heading off to the cafeteria for lunch.

Tyler closed his text and note books and placed them carefully in his bag. The class had almost cleared out. Of course most of the girls took one last look at Tyler before heading out.

At this Tyler could only sigh helplessly, this was really going to be a big problem.

"Let's go bud" Nate patted his shoulder

"I think I'm going to stay behind for a little while before heading out. The girls are giving me the creeps" Tyler had just said that but immediately he felt chills in the back of his head. Quickly, he turned around before saying awkwardly: "Of course there are some exceptions"

"Glad you know" Rochelle said before standing up and walking out the door. "Come on rich boy lets go"

Nate's lips twitched

"Rich boy?" he said dejectedly but still followed either way

Tyler laughed. "Well at least you know how I feel!"

As the duo left Tyler closed his eyes. As if he was lost in thought.

My charm had increased huh, he thought to himself. Well there must be a way of suppressing it right?

With that thought Tyler unleashed his Force Energy. It swirled around him before he suppressed it quickly.

At that point a boy with a muscular appearance was passing through the set of steps that led past the second floor. He had black eyes that contrasted with his purple curly hair. The boy had a somewhat bored expression on his face as he yawned, his eyes were half closed. Of course this was the carefree Jex the class boss or former class boss of class 3C either way you look at it.

As he was about to take another step he suddenly felt it.

A strong concentration of Qi!

His eyes immediately snapped open. His head turning in the direction where the Qi came from.

Jex was familiar with Qi even though he wasn't really talented in that department, all he knew was that if he tapped into it to a certain degree he could somehow unlock his transformation without the need for a spirit core. He also knew that a couple of talented humans could use it but to think that he would feel it in the school and a large amount at that.

It was coming from the second floor. Without hesitation he made a turn. This was simply something that he could not ignore. There were somethings that concerned his master's past and Jex feared that this could be related to that. He believed that for someone to have that much Qi, they had to be at the level of his master or maybe slightly below in terms of strength and that the large amount of Qi he felt a second ago was like someone beckoning him to come.

If that was the case then the person already knew of his presence so ignoring it wouldn't mean anything. He would just have to deal with it as he usually did. With his fists.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Tyler muttered under his breath. He may have had a lot of control over his Force but that was it. He knew nothing more about it only that he could use it somewhat internally and that the source of it was actually from the environment itself. Ignorance sure was frustrating.

Tyler simply let the thought go for now and decided that now would be the best time to head out. With that Tyler walked out of the classroom with his backpack on his back. He had only stepped into the hallway when he felt a strong presence that immediately put him on alert. Something that had happened only once and that was when he first met Rochelle's father.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the only person standing in the middle of the hallway. A boy his age with purple hair and a muscular build.

Tyler's eyes narrowed when he saw the faint hostility in the boy's eyes. There was no doubt about it, this boy wasn't normal at all.

Jex also thought the same. He could feel that the person infront of him was flooding with Qi. He was like a burning candle and on top of that he felt the presence of a spirit core. That just confirmed his suspicion that this guy was a cultivator.

"Why did you summon me?" Jex asked

Tyler raised his eyebrow at the odd question. "We just met so how I even summon you?" was Tyler's reply which caused the purple haired boy's eyes to become colder.

"So you're not going to reveal yourself?" Jex said while his aura suddenly erupted from his body. His very being demanding respect.

If Jex released this aura infront of a normal person they would have fallen to their knees due to the intense pressure. But…

Tyler smiled before he released his Force, his aura colliding with Jex's

"It seems that you can also use Force energy huh. I was starting to wonder if I was special but…I guess not" Tyler chuckled.

Jex pondered for a moment. Force energy? Wasn't this Qi?

As the auras of the two collided, visible sparks started to appear in the air. The floor finally let out a single crack as it could not withstand the pressure for any longer.

Seeing this they both cancelled out their energy emissions almost instantly.

Jex's expression was placid but deep down he was very surprised. This supposed cultivator was of a similar age to him but to think that he could match him to this extent. His heart beat wildly. He only felt like this when he was going against opponents who could match him.


That was what this purple haired teen was experiencing. His inner beast wanted nothing more than to face the black teen before him but if they fought here then the destruction of the halls were certainly guaranteed. But would it even be possible to just leave like that?

That was what he thought until Tyler spoke.

"Hey what's your name?" Tyler asked

The question startled Jex but he replied nonetheless

"My name is Jex what about you?"

"Tyler" Tyler replied. "So Jex I can tell that you are not satisfied with this alone and honestly so am I so how about we meet after school's over…"

Tyler pointed his forefinger at the ceiling and continued "…on the roof?"

Jex smiled at the proposal. "Alright then. Just don't run on me"

Normally Jex would have rejected in a second but for some reason he felt that Tyler would keep his word. Jex turned around and headed for the steps heading down.

"Tyler huh" Jex muttered a trace of a smile present on his face

"Jex huh" Tyler looked at his fist and clenched it expectantly

"Interesting!" they both said in unison