Chapter 68: Power of the full moon


You usually hear about them in folklore or maybe in bed time stories to scare kids to bed. As time goes on you no longer take them seriously. But that's understandable, after all it has been more than 50 centuries since anyone has ever seen them. Especially in the 21st century where technology has evolved to the point that nothing can go completely unnoticed. The fact that werewolves were still nowhere to be seen despite all this though just proved that they really were a myth. At least that is what most people know.

The truth is that they took sanctuary on a large island, nestled in the Indian Ocean at a very famous location. 

The Bermuda Triangle. 

The island was as large as Australia but it was hidden away by tier 6 magical arrays specialized for deception, presence concealment, reflection, refraction, protection and spatial distortion. All these factors muddled together make it impossible for the island to be picked up on satellites. The main reason why most planes and boats sink within the Bermuda Triangle is the spatial distortion array that disrupts the electrical functions of the vessels by tampering with the laws of physics.

People have come countless times to investigate but the reflection and refraction arrays manage to trick the naked eyes and even cameras, get too close and the spatial distortion will tear you to shreds. The only way in and out of the island is through the use of teleportation platforms and tokens. 

One would think that the werewolves lived in nothing but tree and woodlands but that was not the case. They established a large city with a stone, marble and some rare and unique crystals. It had a large beautiful palace at its focal point. They had a temple where they worshipped the moon goddess, they developed an education system, schools and a large spectacular colosseum for major events like the full moon and the first transformation of the young ones when they come of age.

The island is home to close to one thousand werewolves who call this place The Kingdom of Lycania, all of them are ruled under one king, one ruler, one alpha.

Alpha Salazar.

A man stepped onto the platform. His aura was overbearing and dominant. His very being demanding respect. He exuded an air of arrogance that would make even the president of the United States seem insignificant. His broad shoulders, large chest, muscular arms, his towering height of almost 7'5". Black long hair that ran to the base of his neck, strong jaw, sharp nose, bronze colored skin and brown eyes. He had features equivalent to a man in their early thirties but he was actually 58 years old. He had been the alpha since he was 20.

When he looked at all the wolves that had gathered in the colosseum he could see their gazes filled with awe, admiration, worship and a slight fear.

These were his people, loyal, strong and proud. Alpha Salazar had pride filled in his eyes when he saw how they all quietly and obediently waited for him to speak.

"Brothers and sisters…" Salazar's voice was loud and domineering. "…today is the time of the month when we have another full moon where our goddess Luna grants us power. It is also the day when she blesses our young ones with a wolf spirit giving them the power to shift!" 

The wolves shouted into the night sky. The clouds cleared and revealed the full moon shining in its glory. The wolves immediately felt their power surging throughout their bodies. It was an intoxicating feeling, they all wore ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"Bring the kids forward!" Salazar commanded. 

The crowd parted and 20 adolescent kids most of which were mostly 16, 17 and 18 years old approached the platform in a single file. When they reached the edge of the platform, they immediately spread out and stood with their backs straight just like how they were taught in school. They had trained in the matters of modern technology, literature, combat, politics, general magic theory most importantly, the history of their kind. It was only after this that they would finally specialize in six main specific fields and would get to join either The Hunters, Warriors, Magic Department, Technological R&D Branch, The Teaching Department as well as The Legislation. There were also some other fields such as the Medical Field, Agricultural Fields and even The Blacksmith Field

Most of the kids had excited expressions when they felt something tagging at them from within. A strange sensation could be felt by them. As if something were trying to connect with them. The agitation in their bodies was undeniable and their eyes gave off a yellow glow.

"Yes kids don't fight that feeling. Embrace it!" Salazar could tell what these young ones were going through. He was an Alpha after all with the strength equivalent to a peak 4th Rank cultivator!

The wolf spirits of each of the young ones melded with their human counterparts. Their auras soaring as energy swirled around them. It gathered in their hearts forming their spirit cores. The kids instinctually raised their heads into the sky and groaned.

Their bodies trembled as they felt their muscles tear and repair themselves. The pain they were experiencing wasn't small to say the least. Almost half of the kids fell to their knees. Pained screams escaping their mouths. Some even shed tears.

"Endure it! Benefits don't come without a cost!" Salazar coached. His aura forcing the children to follow his command.

The first transformation was always like this. Painful but after today they would be stronger than ever before.


The sounds of bones snapping out of place could be heard as their bones were shattered and reshaped, before being repositioned. The screams intensified but the kids endured. They had already learnt of how excruciating the first transformation would be and the benefits they would gain here after, so they endured.

The process lasted ten minutes before the bones stopped snapping and the kids got a very brief respite before their skin finally broke and fur took its place. Their noses and mouths elongated into snouts, their teeth turned into sharp canines, their finger nails extended into two inch long claws. Their muscle weight doubled and they even grew a little bit in size

After a full five minutes the process ended. The screams were now replaced but silent growls. 

Where 20 children once stood, 20 wolf-like figures took their place as they stood on their hind legs making them almost seven feet tall. Their eyes gave off a brilliant yellow glow. Their auras now resembled that of 2nd Rank cultivators.

They all looked at the moon and howled in excitement. The children had now become Fledgling werewolves who wanted to hunt, they wanted to feel the thrill of chasing down their prey and devouring it. They wanted to immediately ran off into the Lycanian forest just beyond the colosseum but they stayed stilled looking towards Salazar their alpha as they recognized him as their superior.

Salazar looked at them with a prideful smile. His eyes gave off an impossibly red glow. He was about to officiate the hunt but then something unexpected happened. 

Something that had never happened before.

Within the Werewolves' temple a large totem laid underground. Hidden away from prying eyes. This totem displayed a vicious looking wolf with strange markings along its body. The thunder would rumble with its command, fire would fall from the sky at its beckon.

Beneath the totem one word alone was written


At this moment the totem shook and gave off a bright golden glow before a sudden outburst of energy was released. The energy was so massive that the temple shook, threatening to collapse. 

The shaman also known as the priestess had been in the main prayer chamber kneeling before a stone statue of an impossibly beautiful woman with long pointed elf-like ears. The stars were depicted around her as her feet stood upon a crescent shaped moon with infallible and unmatched grace.

The priestess whose eyes had been closed at that time abruptly snapped them open. 

Shock and fear revealed within her beautiful blue eyes.

"Dear goddess," she muttered under her breath.