­Chapter 69: Prey

Meanwhile in Reinfield city

Tyler Calvin had retreated to about 15 meters away from Jex's unnerving golden eyes. They were still on the rooftop of Crimson Academy. The full moon was now out. Shining brightly in the sky. And it was greatly affecting Jex.

Jex's agitation only grew worse. It felt as though something foreign was trying to settle within him. He didn't know what it was but he resisted it. He tried to push that feeling away only for it to come back stronger than it had before. It felt as if a thousand fire ants were crawling all over his body and the feeling just seemed to irritate him more.

The foreign feeling came again. Jex resisted and his agitation and discomfort only grew. 

The feeling came once more and Jex once again resisted it.

Jex didn't know that for him to fully transform he needed to connect with his wolf spirit. In fact it was very impossible for werewolves to transform even a single limb without establishing any connection with their wolf spirit yet Jex had always been able to use his claws and even partially transform his arms. 

It just went to show how different Jex was from the rest of his kind and how much potential he had. This was one of the reasons he had been sentenced to death after his birth. He was too much of a mystery to keep alive, a risk to the pack and the werewolf alpha.

At this moment the feeling came once more and this time Jex could no longer resist. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his vision instantly faded.

Within his sea of consciousness, the specter of his soul met that of the powerful spirit of his wolf. His small timid figure standing before a massive wolf with white fur and golden runes running along its front legs as well as spine. It looked down at Jex with majestic golden eyes. It looked menacing and domineering but it held no malice in its gaze.

Jex in his spectral form stood straight and met the creature's gaze. They stood still for a long moment before a toothy grin formed on the wolf's mouth. It bowed its head to him before an ethereal light shone and the wolf shrunk into a baseball sized orb that floated into Jex's chest. It began melding with his soul.

Jex's vision cleared and he was once again on the roof with Tyler still 15 meters away. 

'What was that?' he pondered but before he could organize his thoughts the pain came.

It felt like Jex was hit by a speeding truck. His muscles began to tear apart, his ligaments stretched and snapped. His bones shattered to dust and his organs felt like they were melting. His body was being broken down just like how the Lycanian kids felt but this was on a different level.

If the kids on Lycania had their bodies broken down but still retained their foundation, then it could be said that Jex's body was being demolished past that foundation before it could be rebuilt again. In other words, his body was being rebuilt from scratch.

In all honesty, something like this would require a lot of energy. Lucky for him he had a massive reservoir of Qi inside his dantian that would allow this process to be done successfully, but the pain would be ten-no twenty times more than what the Lycanian kids had to endure. 

His nervous system was restructured to enhance performance. His neurons being replicated in massive amounts, connecting the spine, brain as well as other parts of the body. This process itself wasn't anything that painful and Jex could still endure it. 

The pain started during his bone re-forging process and Jex couldn't help but send out a soul retching scream that made Tyler's blood run cold. 

Loud snapping sounds could be heard as Jex's bones repositioned themselves in the most optimal way. A process that took twenty minutes. Immediately after that, came the muscles, tendons and ligaments. They reformed and repaired and hardened once more, a process that was twice as slow and twice as painful as the bone re-forging because the muscles were connected to the active nerve cells from his enhanced nervous system.

"Aaaaargh!" Jex screamed as his body subconsciously arced. This pain was something that no living being should ever go through, human or otherwise. Thirty minutes passed and that process ended. The next phase immediately starting afterward.

'C-can't you give me a break!' he internally screamed as an inhuman roar escaped his lips. The floor of the roof trembled lightly and Tyler had to take a few more steps back.

Jex's skin tore open and finally, snow white fur took its place, his nose elongating into a snout with a black nose as his jaws enlarged and expanded. His teeth shattered before being immediately replaced by large sharp canines. His finger nails elongated into long 5 inch claws capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease. 

Jex's screams were now replaced by vicious growls. 

Tyler stood frozen. His eyes failing to peel away from the sight before him.

Jex was no longer there, instead there stood a massive 7 foot tall wolf with snow white fur and what looked like a purple mane around its neck. It stood on its hind legs that seemed to have been made of pure muscle. Golden runes covered its forearms and its golden fierce eyes, petrified Tyler.

The aura it exuded was that of an unmatched champion. It stood tall and domineering. Strong and unyielding. It looked up at the moon for a moment before it opened its mouth and howled. Its strength had soared unbelievably high to the point of resembling a peak 4th Rank cultivator.

The power released from that howl was unlike anything Tyler had ever seen before. The pressure that Tyler felt was akin to someone dumbing a military tank on his back and telling him to climb a mountain. Sweat covered his face as he stared at this beast.

The howl echoed throughout the entire city. It was so loud that it caused many to cover their ears and cower in fear. This was something that had never happened before. It felt like death was knocking right at their door. It didn't matter where you were. Everyone felt it all the same.

In Lycania

The once bright night sky suddenly darkened before a howl so powerful and domineering filled the skies. The land trembled, the skies quaked, and even the magic arrays that protected the island threatened to break and an immense pressure suddenly engulfed every single werewolf. The newly turned werewolves who once stood tall cowered in fear before forcefully reverting back to their human forms and losing consciousness. It was just too much for them to endure.

Regardless of age, strength and position, they all felt the need to bow and submit to the howl alone. Even the beasts in Lycania's forests shivered in fear, their instincts telling them that a powerful entity was present, one that could kill them with little effort. Even Salazar was affected and wavered slightly before he himself released his own howl.

His alpha aura slightly repelling the howl's might. His eyes glowed dangerously as a crimson red was reflected from his irises. One thought came into his mind.

'Something that shouldn't have existed has been released once more'

The werewolf looked at Tyler with its golden eyes. It felt that a lot of its energy had been used up and it needed to replenish it before going out for its hunt. Its instincts taking over.

Jex's consciousness was suppressed so when it looked at Tyler it only designated him with one word.
