| Paranoia & Pleasure


I had no idea why I was doing this again. It wasn't my intention. I just needed to get out of the house since the atmosphere in there was nothing short of toxic the entire day. Antonio was stomping around like a lion with a sore paw. My dad looked beyond pissed at Antonio, of all people. Fuck knew what happened there. And Daniel kept on giving me suspicious glances like he was extracting little pieces of information from my mind, putting together the puzzle of yet another one of my fuck-ups.

 Like I said, if anyone was going to figure out what the hell I did last night with James, it would be Daniel. So, I had to get out of there. And twenty minutes later, I found myself in front of James' apartment wanting nothing more than to escape the whirlpool of shit that was my life and indulge in another epic sex marathon with Boston's most arrogant, yet hot-as-hell cop.