| How Deep Was Her Scar?


My body shuddered violently against the cold wall, and my hips moved faster against James' ministrations, every muscle in my stomach tightening and flexing. 

James paused, lifted his hands, and gripped my hips. "Keep still."

"Are you kidding me? That's like asking me to stop breathing."

"Then stop breathing. I don't care what the fuck you do, but you keep these greedy hips of yours still so I can eat you the way I fucking want to."

"Oh, God." I moaned, leaning my head back against the wall.

His thumbs were back between my legs, opening me wide for him, his tongue working every inch of me. The urge to move my hips was so strong, that it took every ounce of control I had left to stop myself. A few quick flicks of his tongue forced me hard and fast toward the orgasm threatening to erupt up my spine, and my insides were twisted tight with the need for release.