
On the road to their new destination, Eros decided to tell his family and their comrades the origin of the Displacement threat.

Seated in front of a campfire, Talen nodded slowly. Removing the fist from his cheek, he pointed at his father across from him.

"So Displacements are here cuz you and the King, huh?" He chuckled. "How twisted."

"I see. After I first settled in Barronia and got my job as the Syndicate head, I started getting these weird instances where I was Monstrum, but it was before he was within me. I just thought they were surreal nightmares but I think they were his memories," Tony said.

"Speaking of which," Eros raised his hand. "You're the vessel for Malum Monstrum, right? I remember you. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He rubbed his chin. "You're… related to our family, aren't you? Rather loosely though."

"Loosely?" Talen laughed. "He's your brother's son. Don't you remember?"

Eros tilted his head. "'Brother'? Sorry, son, but I have no clue what you're talking about," he said.

The lawyer believed his father's genuine tone. Something about the story combined with his confusion seemed convincing to him. Nevertheless, by going off of Eros's word, more mysteries persist now than ever. The secret child of Atlas Amit—Seraph. Everyone could only wonder where he was right now.

"Unfortunately, when it comes to recent events, I'm just as clueless as you are, kid. Even I don't know what's going on at this point—or how it got to be this shitty, to begin with," Eros said.

Talen sighed. "I know. It's pretty bad. There were two Displacements on Uriel's team—Aella and Apollo. More will flock to him at the proper time if they haven't already."

"Well, what's new?"

"That's true. Much of what plagues us is the same issue as usual. How annoying." The lawyer scoffed, scratching his cheek with the hand on his face. "Whatever though. We have a long walk tomorrow so… everyone should get some rest tonight. As much as you can," Talen said, standing up from the dirt, looking down at them only briefly before starting to walk away.

His plentiful comrades decided it best to listen; sleeping in the bags buried within the two tents beside the raging campfire. Yes, everyone listened except for one. Standing up from her spot, the brown-haired woman slid across the dirty ground, striving to reach her son standing some feet away from everyone.

Valentina's smile softened, sliding her hand onto his shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Hm?" Talen turned back, wiping his eyes with one sleeve. The lawyer peeked over his arm. "Oh, it's you. I'm fine, mom, you don't have to worry about me." He scanned her face. "Speaking of which, you don't have to come with us. Neither do Archer or Ava. Frankly, it's too dangerous—I don't want any of you hurt."

She chuckled. His head tilted.

"What?" he asked. "I don't understand what's funny."

"Oh, it's nothing!" She waved away his question, flashing a sheepish grin. "It's just…" She glanced back at Eros. "You remind me of your dad sometimes."

He nodded slowly. Talen's green eyes analyzed the situation, moving from the back of his dear father's head before bending over completely as he leaned closer to his mother.

"And that… makes you laugh?"

She put a hand on her cheek, staring at the ground. "That's the thing! I don't know why but ever since your father finished telling that story, there's been something inside me I can't quite understand," she said.

Talen's pocketed hands shrugged with his shoulders. "Is that my problem though…?" He sheepishly scratched his cheek.

"Yes!" Valentina jumped up, centimeters in front of Talen's wide-eyed face. "I need your help, my son. Please tell your father to come over here so we can talk together!"

"Oh, c'mon!" The lawyer pushed her down. "That's not my job, do it yourself!"

His face was grabbed. Lips clenched between her fingers, Talen's head spontaneously flinched down, now idle before his mother's as Valentina glared into her eyes.

"Listen, I'm your mother, alright? I gave birth to you! That means you have to do anything for me, no matter what." She released him from her grip, pushing him away. "So do it!"

The lawyer scratched his chin, walking toward the campfire and stopping his father with one hand. Eros turned around.

"What?" he asked.

Talen pointed behind him with his thumb. "Mom wants to talk to you. That usually never means well, but from the way she was talking, maybe it isn't. Maybe what awaits you is good… for once."

The man walked away from his father and sat between Alora and Anthony, the former of which leaning over leaning over to whisper into his ear.

Alora covered her mouth with one hand. "What's up?"

Talen stifled a chuckle. "You don't have to worry about that. We're adults, remember? I doubt they give a shit if we eavesdrop anymore." He turned to his friends. "I think things are going well for now. The situation might be dire, but even amid the depths of despair…" He pointed at his mother and father some feet into the distance, melting into each other's arms—kissing underneath the radiance of the moonlight. "Hope still prevails!"

The Next Day - Morning.

Talen led his brother, sisters, mother, and father down the long, dry dirt road. Trekking alongside him was his eye-patched friend, Anthony Whitlock, sweating from the heat of the unfathomable sun. Wiping his temples clean, the young man was exasperated.

"How much… further?" he asked.

Tal inhaled sharply. "Shut… shut up!" The lawyer yelled.

Archer looked to his side, poking his father in the arm; the older man looked down, his vibrant-violet eyes reflecting his son's soft face.

"Use Revival," the boy said softly. "Look even further."

Eros nodded, releasing his arm from Valentina's beside him, hastily summoning his feminine familiar. Revival's long brown hair moving with the wind, she leaned over her master's shoulder and peered ahead, expanding her range wider before the goal became clear. She pointed forward.

"4 more miles left. I'm estimating another hour and twenty minutes before we reach the kingdom," the Unconquerable said aloud.

Ava released a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god!"

Tal scoffed. Looking at his friend, Tony's head lowered, red eyes reflecting his tan-skinned appearance.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Just fine." Talen groaned. "Ugh, why?"

He was exhausted. Tony sighed and patted his friend on the back, still facing straight ahead. The lawyer merely glanced at his old friend's face; emerald eyes glistening in the sunlight.

Talen released a chuckle. "I know I don't say it too often, but I'm glad you're beside me. The world might hate you because of that demon, but that doesn't matter." Staring deep into the horizon, Amit's lips smiled; sunlight illuminating the forefront of his face. "There's no one else I'd rather have with me… but you."

"Really?" Tony grinned. "Thanks, man. I feel the same way. Hey, speaking of which, don't you still have more to teach me? Maybe you can tell me all about it when we get to the place," he said.

"Sure, that'd be fun. Though," He pointed at Tony. "I don't have much else to teach you. Sorry, but my experience doesn't go any further back than 10 years ago. If you want any more advanced pointers, you'd have to ask the old man."

Tony nodded. "I see. Thanks for the tip, Tal."

"Nothin' to it," he said with a shrug and smile.

Everyone continued down the road to Helenheim's outskirts, hoping their march would make some sort of headway eventually. But while they lamented the seemingly-endless walk, Talen's legs moved autonomously, as the gears in his mind worked ever gradually.

'It's true, there is nothing more I can teach Tony at this point. After all, if he managed to stand a chance against Uriel, I'm sure he's strong enough to face the coming threats. However, I can only allow everyone to continue… if I get stronger. When we were ambushed at the house yesterday, I was all but powerless before Apollo's technique. I have to do better! I have to be stronger! To protect everyone. But it's not easy. The only person who'd have any steps on how to advance this tricky ability is—'

"Hey, look!"

Everyone stopped in their tracks immediately. Towering over them and blotting out the sun was none other than their desired destination, azure coloration embedded into the buildings glistening under the blue sky, scraping the heavens' golden clouds. Despite the dreary rumors, from outside, it looked… nothing short of marvelous.

Valentina's eyes grew barren. She stepped forward.

Talen's hand extended. "H-hey! Where are you—?"

She turned back to her son, peering through the brown strands prohibiting her vision. "Don't even think about it, Talen. Nothing any of you have faced up until this point matches what Helenheim will have in store for you from here on out. The Powers in this kingdom are unregistered for a reason. It's because they're taboo. Purely destructive capabilities constructed from souls riddled by hatred… should never exist in this world. This location is full of abilities like those." She marveled at the kingdom, reflecting its structures in her dark purple eyes. "However, before I came to Barronia, I went to college and honed my technique here. If I remember correctly, I should still have some glimmer of influence here."

Tony's eyes sparkled. "So that's why you came, miss! To help and guide us with our mission!"

"Heh," she smirked. "It's nothing so simple. Originally, I planned on returning home after dropping you off here, but nothing remains for me over there. The house is compromised and all my children are here. I will be providing the essentials for us, but when the time arrives when we are attacked, we will be on our own. If you understand and wish to stay, don't move. If you wish to turn back, the time is now."

"Oh, please." Talen's build passed by his mother. "How can any of us… turn back now?"

Deserters arc - Start!