
"Eros Amit… right?" Malum smirked widely, pointing at the dark-skinned man.

Eros's eyebrow raised. "How do you know my name?" he asked as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

"Seriously?" The Disastrous shook his head. "I can't believe it! The people of this dimension are so ignorant!" He began maniacally cackling. Then, he threw up his arms, rolling back both shoulders. "Then again, it's not like I can blame you."

Amit couldn't shake this feeling. Monstrum was doing nothing and yet the flow of his signature sunk into the very rooftop, infecting Eros atop it. A sweat drop fell down the side of his face, glaring at the Disastrous through silver strands, teeth strongly clenched.

'I can't believe this. The King—no, Uncle Barron; he's lost an arm!' Eros grabbed his face, digging nails into his skin. 'If this guy can seriously defeat the Empire's strongest Fate-user, what chance do I have? No, even more so than that—what chance does everyone else have?'

The depths of that signature slammed into his bones, warning him of the danger Malum silently emanated. Regardless of his human-like form, it was merely a barren toy; in fact, Amit could see right through it. That changed things. If Monstrum wasn't inhabiting a real-life human, they had a chance to defeat him. Or more accurately, that was the hope.

But, as Eros was slowly realizing, the blinding rays of hope illuminating the Capital kingdom had all but faded once his eyes widened upon analyzing the Disastrous unsurpassable strength.

Malum moved first, attempting to puncture Amit's gut with one punch. Noticing he'd warped, Eros caught the blow, but not with his hand. Muscles locking his knuckles in place, Amit's palm slammed Monstrum's face, gradually shattering his skull and launching him down the steepened platform.

Veil emerged from his rear, punching Eros's face as he suddenly appeared behind him in mid-air. Feet scraping the ground, he briefly slid across the air—watching as Monstrum fell from the sky and slashed where he landed.

The young man scanned his opponents' movements while gradually retreating, relying only on defense as his bulky arms constantly blocked the blows.

'There's something about this guy I can't put my finger on! I can't sense any Fate within him, but that's impossible…' He gasped. 'Wait, it couldn't be—!'

Malum grabbed Eros by the throat and backhanded him with his fist, watching blood splatter into the air. The Disastrous grabbed both sides of his skull, guiding his face into his knee before flipping around to kick Amit's open chest. Monstrum vanished and reappeared above him, clasping together both hands to send the man launching from the kick into a crater embedded into the rooftop with his thunderous hammer fist.

After landing beside the crater wielding Amit's steaming build, Monstrum started pacing, silently summoning Veil and letting it hover beside him.

"You're rather durable, aren't you, brat?"

Standing tall in the hole, Eros was without a jacket, showcasing his chest riddled with scars long past healed and a recuperating aura slowly glowing in the wind.

Instead of succumbing to his injuries, Eros instantly recovered not only physically, but spiritually as well. Was the Unconquerable that powerful?

"I see. Naturally, Fate-users rely on base energy manipulation and strive only to injure their opponents. They substitute lack of physical strength with heightened spiritual power in one's innermost life force. However, there are those in this world descended from us. Displacement bodies are composed of the energy you creatures possess, granting us incomprehensible speed and power.

Our souls, composed of 'mankind's fears', are devoid of that energy, thereby making us purebred creatures. New beings carved from Destiny cursed with the power to defy God himself." Monstrum pointed at the young man. "Fear us, Eros Amit! Veil… DECIMATE HIM—!"

Eros's pointed finger aiming at his chest already finished blasting a straight beam of Fate. Steam dissipating from his fingertip, the Disastrous looked down, shocked to see the hole in his flesh.

"'Carved from Destiny'? Give me a break. Something about your so-called 'curse' gives me the chills. You're not a good person. I'll be killing you as painfully as possible," he said.

Monstrum licked his lips. "Really? And is that a promise?"

Amit warped from the crater and reappeared in front of him, punching Monstrum square across the face before ducking—dodging a swift kick overhead. Catching the Disastrous's leg in mid-air, Eros spun around and threw him from the rooftop, extending his finger to fire another fiery Fate beam.

The blast was softened against his arms as they raised to defend his face. His eyes quickly widened upon spotting Amit appear, gradually feeling his leg kick him through the air, sending him falling to the ground. Veil once again emerged at Monstrum's command, personally extending its hand to flawlessly catch Eros's descending fist.

Monstrum smirked from the ground, dissipating the spiritual Veil and jumping up, fading into darkness. The shadows spit him out behind Eros, leaving Amit to quickly turn around, grabbing the Disastrous by the skull before slamming him into the concrete below.

As expected, the platform began crumbling. Falling into the newly-formed crater, Monstrum flipped back on two feet, hanging out his tongue with wide sadistic eyes. Eros hesitated only briefly—but that was enough.


The Disastrous cackled, leaping into the air, clawing at the young man's eyes. Eros grabbed the Displacement's arm and pulled him closer, smashing his face personally with one elbow straight into the skull. Reeling from the blow, Malum coughed up blood, but not before Amit invoked his innate aura and enhanced his attack speed, relentlessly assaulting with a new barrage of punches intercepting the Disastrous in mid-air.

The knuckles in Monstrum's face sunk even deeper—expecting his opponent to collapse upon impact. Then, the Disastrous laughed. Manually growing two more arms from the side of his torso, the Displacement surpassed Fate, instantly landing three blows embedding holes in Amit's skin.

Eros launched back, sliding his bloody back against the concrete floor and panting rather heavily. Slowly, the young man sat up, shooting daggers at Monstrum as the villain stood over him and smirked with both hands pocketed.

"I can still fight." He groaned, nearly falling over as he commanded his Fate and manually summoned his deity-shaped familiar. "Slaughter… Revival." As ordered, the spirit dashed, sporting long brown hair and a feminine body shape.

Monstrum grinned. "Fight for me, Veil."

The blackened figure emerged from the Disastrous, raising its hands and remaining idle behind its master. It would lay waiting for an attack while Eros's familiar went on the offense—annihilating everything in sight simply by soaring with the wind.

Eventually, Veil swiped at the spirit, watching her vanish before its eyes. Suddenly, Revival appeared behind it, letting her purple figure briefly glisten as her sharpened eyes glistened with red.

After raising its arm over Monstrum's head, the limb instantaneously went flying—in addition to the several other limbs attached to the Disastrous's torso. Upon coughing up blood, Veil dissipated, returning to its master; Malum held his throat, staring up at Eros and Revival.

'I see. So this is the power of Fate in humans. The supreme Unconquerable technique and the man who possesses it—the incarnation of ultimate power. How intriguing. I wish to see how this Fate goes along.'

The Disastrous smirked.

Silver locks swaying with the wind before Eros's face, the young man sighed. "I hate having to end peoples' lives. I believe all human life is virtuous. But you're not human. You're pure evil. I have qualms about killing you. Perish… Monster."

Revival sliced down at Monstrum's skull, unhinging her jaw and screaming as she swung. Then, she stopped. By sharing eyesight, the master and its spirit saw the same thing—gazing at their foe as he slithered into the darkness.

The shadows of the night cast by the moonlight spawned several clones, each fitted with spiky white hair and blood-red eyes emanating the same sinister aura. Eros and Revival stood back to back, glancing at their opponents only briefly before they rushed at them abruptly. But something was off.

The way they ran and their stances; they were idle. These weren't clones, they were illusions formed by the moonlight brightening the night, birthing infinite shadows into Monstrum's domain. Instantly, the Disastrous appeared behind Eros, leaving him with widened eyes and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness within.

A blistering pain stung his right eye, originating from the tip of Monstrum's fingers dirtied with blood following the strike. Blood leaking from the scar across his eye, Eros shakily breathed, silently ordering Revival to return.

"Your power means nothing in the face of my strength. I'll make sure to remember you, boy, you, and that so-called 'Unconquerable' intrigues me to no end. I hope to see you again… sometime shortly," said the Disastrous.

Eros, despite the pain, found the strength within to speak. "W-what..?" he asked.

Veil disconnected from its host, raising one hand and forcing its fist right into his chest, innately summoning his technique to split him apart from the inside. Eros watched in horror as Monstrum disassembled into bloody bits, watching the gory remnants slowly slide together and pile up, gradually reconstructing into specific shapes unreasonably resembling muscular blackened arms.

The cleave in the air spontaneously combusted, blessing the sky with three beams of light spread across the clouds, briefly illuminating the heavens for all residents to see. The citizens of Barronia living solitary lives in their homes with their families looked up only momentarily—eyes shimmering under the glisten's sudden appearance.

Eros was entranced by it only briefly, before turning his head, quickly realizing the arms were gone and the Disastrous had fled. There was nothing more he could do.

The man limped over to the King, kneeling beside his body, releasing Revival from within him. She touched his chest, using her unrivaled healing touch to regenerate his wounds and replenish his blood. His body would have to do the rest of the work, but her technique succeeded; the King wouldn't perish from his injuries. Even still, Eros fell back, looking off into the distance with his face still bloodied.

The night was long and dark, but they made it to the morning ahead. Watching the sun peek over the horizon and leak rays onto the kingdom, Eros sighed briefly, digging into his pocket to reveal a joint.

'I thought things would go to shit so I rolled this just in case.' Amit summoned a flame atop the tip, igniting the end sticking from his mouth. 'What a day.'

As the young Amit boy smoked atop the palace, the Empire's fate changed that day—altered by the appearance of an otherworldly foe unknown to everyone in the form of inter-dimensional beings: Displacements.

The Displacement rampage has only increased in recent years, following the appearance of Apollo Moloch and a proper vessel for Malum Monstrum in Anthony Whitlock. Whatever the case, the relentless crimes all citizens suffer from no matter the kingdom not only originated from the King himself but the very pride of Barronia itself: the Amit Family House.

To Be Cont.