
A brief story from the past, documenting the past experiences of the Amit Unconquerable.

Barronia. January 22nd, 1994.

The start of a new year. Eros Amit was but a college student at the time; burying his face within the limitless books of the school library. The man was incredibly attractive--blessed with extended silver locks and enchanting violet eyes. What ran through his veins was the blood of the Unconquerable: a Predestined Power manifested by one of Barronia's founding fathers capable of seemingly warping reality. For centuries on end, the Amit Family would go undefeated as long as they held that legendary technique. Unfortunately, in 1994, there was only one member of the Amit Family: Eros himself.

He had no other family besides his father who he'd never even met before. All he knew was that he existed. Eros lived a quiet life; working hard as a scholar during the day and fighting as a professional Fate-user at night.

One day, Eros came home late, opening the door to his apartment and removing the shades over his eyes. Closing his eyes, he reached over his head--squeezing the rainwater from his hair with both hands.

"Tell me, young Amit. What do you believe in?"

How couldn't he recognize that intoxicating tone? Even as he walked into his living room and saw who stood in the center, it didn't feel real. Surely with the way Supreme King Barron was standing right before his eyes, it had to be a dream.

The King smiled. "Everything in this world is ordained by Kismet. We guided by Fate are granted supernatural capabilities and can manifest overpowered abilities such as Predestined Powers. Depending on their personality and the soul's unique signature, they're given a technique that reflects themselves entirely. Fate-markings, the things we use to awaken others, don't you wonder how they work?" he asked.

But Eros was confused. The King was undeniably enchanting; the sound of his deepened voice soothed the young man's ears, but that didn't matter.

"I don't mean you any disrespect, King Barron, but I don't understand. Why have you come here to me of all people?"

"Excuse me? 'You of all people?' My boy, don't you know who you are? The inheritor of the Unconquerable technique--an Amit! The Amits were a family of nobles in the past, but they've all died out now. You're the only one left." The King tilted his head. "Why haven't you reclaimed your glory? Don't you know of your true heritage?"

Eros nodded slowly. "I'm well aware. The Amit Family was the strongest. A pinnacle of Fate. Its past Head, Atlas, my father, manifested the Unconquerable and was one of Barronia's founders." The man walked into the kitchen and placed his belongings on the counter; the King watching, leaning against the door frame. "I never knew my mother and I never even got to see my father. Nor do I want to. The Amit Family is his legacy, not mine. I already chose my destiny," he said.

"I see. So, why do you moonlight as an Enforcer then?"

Eros stopped. "You... you've been watching me?"

"Of course." The King's smile softened. "The truth is Atlas Amit wasn't a good person. Above all else, he's nothing more than a mad scientist cursed with the power to exploit Fate. If he were to exist now, he'd undoubtedly be cast away as an enemy Violator."

"What?" Ero's eyes widened. "How do you know so much about him?"

"Ah, that's right." King Barron chuckled, shaking his head. "I suppose I've become forgetful in my old age. Records of your lineage were locked away in the royal Castle after the Amit Family collapsed. That's why you don't know... that he was my brother."

"Y-your brother?! But that can't be! Doesn't that make me your--"

The King nodded. "Indeed. You're my nephew. So tell me. After what I've told you, do you wish to know more?" His hand raised. "It comes with a price, though," he said.

"Price?" Eros shed the jacket he wore, staring at the King with the sleeves half-off. "What price?"

"Before I answer that, I must query one last time." Hand hovering below his chin, blonde strands fallen over his eyes, the King's lips parted. "Do you believe in 'God'?"

In due time, the conversation would move to the apartment living room. Comfortably leaning back onto the couch across from the other sofa, the King sipped from his wine glass before lowering it, revealing his eyes yet again.

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not talking about religion. 'God' is something everyone knows about. It is the very thing that operates the shape of not only the world but the universe itself. Perhaps the very thing we call 'Fate' is another version of 'God', or rather, 'God' Himself. If that were true, doesn't that mean we're all blessed--especially with our abilities?" The King asked.

Eros slouched on his cheek. "Where are you going with this?"

"Your Unconquerable technique can reshape reality. Normal Predestined Powers are embedded with restrictions and so, to use their abilities, Fate-users must work around or add more conditions to strengthen themselves. It's the basic concept of risk and rewards amplified tenfold. But yours is different. The Unconquerable technique is unconditional."

Amit quirked a brow.

"Before the Unconquerable's manifestation, my brother always used to wonder about the extent of our world. The energy we boundlessly manipulate, Fate, holds so much more than destructive potential alone." His hand raised--this time, moving with a golden aura.

"We can heal others, conjure weapons, shoot projectiles. Why does it have to stop there? Atlas's curiosity stemmed from his general power; reversion. What more could his power do besides healing others? Could it hurt others? Compel them into obeying him? Kill them?

His child-like curiousness eventually faded as he went through puberty and eventually became an adult. Or so it seemed. In the end, he managed to somehow use both his reversion technique and Fate manipulation to manifest the Unconquerable. And now, here you are. Blessed with the power to warp reality."

Eros sat up. Fist on his cheek, the man's empty eyes strolled over, gaping at the moonlight adorning the window's blinds.

"So what you're saying is... I'm a messed-up experiment my father made for the hell of it." He sucked his teeth. "What a shitty old man."

Barron chuckled. "I have to agree. For someone as smart as my brother, he committed many twisted sins. Nevertheless, his interest piqued my own. I thought more about it. Fate's origin is rather simple. As humans, we all follow the path of time, whether it be the past, present, or future. Many people devote their lives to the idea of God for the sake of believing in something bigger than themselves. People can't believe their lives are meaningless so they find meaning in believing in something nonexistent. That is the very idea of Fate itself.

The hearts flowing blood through our veins and the souls we have are all surrounded by the idea of destiny. Our past which was formerly our future was predetermined and so, the rest of time is surely predetermined as well. Or rather, that's the idea. 'Destiny', 'Fate', 'Kismet.' Who's to say they're not all frauds like 'God'? Who's to say anything's predetermined at all? Perhaps we do have free will; manifested in our Predestined Powers that defy basic logic. Regardless, it is all meaningless when compared to how this world came to be--and what lies further beyond it." He rubbed his temples with two fingers.

"The Kismet Empire was founded 1,000 years ago. Did they have the ability to manipulate Fate then? What is the purpose of Fate-markings to begin with? Are the Powers we possess truly blessings from 'God'? I wish to explore this further. However, my resources are limited. The Crown is only so powerful. Even with its unrivaled power, I found it impossible to dig any deeper into the origins of Fate. But you're another story. You can warp reality and as a Fate-user, you have the innate ability to sense others' auras. You are the final key to the Outside Puzzle, Eros Amit. You have the power to see beyond the dimensional barrier and peer into alternate worlds."

"What?" Eros sat up, removing the fist from his cheek. "Dimensional barrier? Alternate worlds? How is that even possible?"

The King placed his wine glass down. "I'd be glad to enlighten you, but there's more. You realize what I'm asking you for, right? I have no intention of doing this nonconsensually, Eros. To make it clear, I'm asking you to help me track a Fate signature and pinpoint its approximate origin," he said.

"I understand. I can't say it doesn't sound interesting, sir. But what about me?"

"You?" Barron snickered. Opening his eyes, he grinned. "I plan to compensate however you wish. It'd be cruel to make you my guinea pig and you get nothing in return, you see." His head tilted. "Though that's not the problem, is it? You still have doubts about this... because of the hatred for your shitty father. Both the Fate world and the Unconquerable technique are remnants of a tainted legacy. If I planned on doing this for the faint of heart, I wouldn't have come to you.

My actions and thoughts are purely unclouded, in tandem with the true meaning of 'just'. Everything I do is for the sake of my home and the people within it. This is the dream I unwaveringly believe in. I won't back down, Eros Amit."

Eros nodded. "I see. Then again, I didn't expect you to." He sighed, leaning forward and picking a joint from the ashtray in front of him. "It all sounds insane."

He lit the end, inhaling before removing the end from his mouth. Blowing smoke into the air, his wrist went limp as he continuously gazed into the intoxicating moonlight.

"Then again, what more do I have? I don't have any family. Not even a single girlfriend. There is no home to return to. What more could I lose when I already have nothing?"

"I see then. Your conviction is pure-hearted. I accept your resolve. I am in your debt, Eros Amit." The King bowed his head--lips wielding a genuine smile.

"Uh, thanks I guess? I'm not doing this for free though. Before we do this crazy thing... I want you to do something for me. Is that alright, Supreme King Barron?" He asked.

"Of course." The King sat back down. "What do you wish for?"

"A woman. The hottest one you can find--set me up on a date with her."

The King couldn't say he expected that. Even so, his momentary surprise faded, nodding at the boy and extending one hand, charmingly smiling.

"I understand. If that's the price for gaining your trust, I'll do it. After all, I have just the woman in mind... who'd be right for you."

Trivia: The secrets of the Kismet Empire are locked behind the vault of time. Even with the almighty Fate's Crown, it's impossible to gaze into the past and ascertain the truth. The only hope anyone has of peering into the past is through King Divine Barron's plan: the Outside Puzzle. The Outside Puzzle refers to the method used to break the dimensional barrier and locate the origin of Fate itself. More information will be released shortly.