The World.

"You require my Predestined Power. Untimely End and the path beyond it are what leads to the future of all else in this world.

You require trust in me. The road ahead will be filled with trials and tribulations. You will face extreme pressure on both your body and soul. Nevertheless, you must put it all aside in the face of Fate's truth. Control your desires. Money, sex, fame, love, hate. It matters not in the face of Destiny.

You require a contract. Meet with the embodiment of your familiar, Revival, and demand it give you unparalleled power. In exchange, your life is forfeit should you fail this mission.

You require 10 sacrifices. The Fate of five men and five women must be extracted from their souls to be placed within the Crown to expand my power only temporarily as I heighten my senses and invoke my Fate.

What I require is courage. The courage to discard the technique etched into my soul and absorb the Fate of the slaughtered ten within the Crown, giving birth to something utterly new. A new Predestined Power. Using the ability, Boundary-Breaker, I will shatter the dimensional barrier and open a gateway to another world.

What I require is the location. North latitude, 40 degrees, 26 minutes. West longitude, 68 degrees, 75 minutes. The top of Barronia's Royal palace. Go there and wait for the new moon. Only then will the time be right… and proper."

January 23rd, 1994.

Eros tightened his new suit's tie. Staring at himself in the mirror, he sighed. 'Three weeks, huh?' He rubbed his nape and stepped away from the reflection, sliding over to the living room, and sinking into the furniture.

Leaning against the cushions, he puckered both lips—slowly expressing his innermost air.

'What a pain. And also how depressing. To get a woman, I asked the King himself and had to give myself as a Guinea pig. If I told her that, surely she'd leave the second she saw my face.' He hunched forward, picking a spliff from the ashtray before him and quickly lighting the end, putting it between his lips. 'I wonder if she does this too…?'

He groaned, and, after taking one puff, he extinguished the joint he held. 'What am I doing? I can't go on this date smelling like weed.' The man groaned. "Ugh—!" The man facepalmed, rubbing both eyes with his fingers. 'She's gonna think I'm a freak, I can feel it.'

Meanwhile, in the King's throne room.

"Did you have to give me something so horrid?" The woman asked.

Barron smirked. "What do you mean?" His head raised, removing the fist sunk into his cheek. "I think you look beautiful… Valentina."

She scoffed. "Oh please."

The youthful Valentina was clad in a tight purple dress that accentuated her curves. She could only roll her eyes at the King's antics; then again, it wasn't like she had much choice. As long as she knew that, she couldn't back down. But the King knew his subordinate—like the back of his hand.

"I understand you believe you have no agency in the matter. You're incorrect, Valentina." He averted his gaze; longingly staring out the window at the black night sky. "You do have a choice in the matter, of course. You see, the Outside Puzzle is close to being finished and the man you're going to see tonight is going to help me. In exchange, he asked me to set him up with a woman."

"So?" She shrugged.

"I'm saying this is a favor." Barron vanished from the throne, instantly reappearing millimeters close to the young woman's face. "You have doubts? Don't tell me you plan on betraying me one day. Then again, I wouldn't even blame you. The personal guard of the King knows everything. How he drinks his tea, how he eats his meals… even the time he goes to sleep. Remind me, girl."

He snatched her arm, leaning closer. "Why do you remain beside me still? You could've killed me already and taken the Crown for yourself. If you did, you could become the Queen… and surpass everyone. Do it, why don't you? After all—what's stopping you?" Golden eyes brightening her pale-freckled face, she shivered.

Valentina relaxed her expression. "I've never even thought about doing such a thing. Like I said before, King, you are nothing more than a god to me. I've no qualms about the justice I believe in," she said softly.

"I see." The King smiled. "Then you're still the same Valentina I know. Good. I have faith in you, darling. Go out there… and make me proud."

Eros and Valentina departed simultaneously; strutting through Barronia's differing districts, thoughts racing through their minds. For the man, it was the norm. Overthinking about his outfit, hair, and even the cologne he wore to the whiteness of his teeth. Because he was lost within his mind, he realized he'd made it to the restaurant before she even arrived. He sighed, pulling at his collar however briefly—pocketing his phone and entering the establishment.

Eros had been alone ever since he was born. However, the Amit name held some power, because he was able to live at a shelter and go to school. He didn't waste this opportunity to learn. Instead, he climbed the social castes of the education hierarchy, both mentally and physically, ending up as the elite regardless of wherever he was taught. To women, he was everything. To men, he was nothing.

That was the price of being beautiful. But Eros didn't realize that. He could've had any girl he want or been a part of any friend group yet he chose not to. Why? Because it was too scary. All his life, all he'd ever wanted was to be close to others, yet whenever that chance came, he would turn tail and run away.

'Who would ever like someone as disgusting as me?'

Those were the thoughts that ran through his mind.

By the time he finished reminiscing his past ignorance, he found himself seated at a booth near the window, playing with a toothpick between his fingers. Eros sighed, sinking his head into the table and pushing the pick into his mouth, flicking it up with his tongue.

"I hate waiting…"

"Sorry about that." Eros's head raised gradually, vibrant irises reflecting the woman's apathetic expression. "Are you Eros Amit?" she asked.

He nodded with sparkling eyes. "U-uh, yeah. And you are—?"

"Valentina Freeman. Captain of the King's Personal Guard. Nice to meet you." She beamed, giving the back of her hand.

"Likewise." Eros pecked her hand and stood up, helping her into the booth opposite his own. "You're… incredibly beautiful."

"Thank you," she smiled. "I know though."

He nodded and slowly sat back down in his seat with a shy smile. Across from him, Valentina's head tilted slowly.

"So, tell me about yourself. I find it funny you asked for a woman when you could've asked for literally anything else. Why did you? Are you lonely?" she asked.

Eros chuckled. "That's a rather personal question, don't you think?"

"Not really." Val shrugged. "Why? Do you think so? Are you ashamed to be lonely?"

"W-what? No!" The other customers perked their heads at the sound of his cry. He ignored their glares, instead focusing on the lady before him. "I'd… I'd just rather not talk about something like that so quickly into our first date," he said.

"I see. That's alright then. I guess I'll start with myself. My name, Valentina, has an unknown origin. Nobody on the continent regardless of the kingdom knows its meaning or where it came from. Pretty weird, huh?" She slouched on her fist. "On the other hand, my last name, Freeman, was pretty popular. Most of the kids in the college I went to in Helenheim had that last name." She averted her gaze, peering out the window.

"Wow, Helenheim, huh?" He leaned forward. "What's it like over there?"

She turned back. "Well, it's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. The schools are much easier to pass, though," she said, resting her chin on one hand.

"I see, I see!" Eros scratched his chin and raised one finger. "Is that because of the corruption and racism?"

"It is, unfortunately. I remember someone saying I was lucky enough to get into one of the prestigious ones. Honestly, I doubt it. Nobody's just randomly 'lucky enough. I think what they meant was I was 'white enough." She shrugged. "It's not like they're wrong though. I am pretty white."

"That's too bad." He turned his head, closing both eyes. "Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of white people," he deadpanned.

She chuckled. "Really?" Val sunk her hand into her cheek, inching closer. "Then what're you doing on a date with me?"

"Who knows?" He smirked. "I'm not the picky type."

"Ho?" Valentina grinned, sliding out of the booth, and clutching her purse. "Glad to hear it." She walked deeper into the restaurant, turning around the corner to venture toward the restroom.

Eros couldn't help watching her. "Damn." He quickly leaned back, comfortably resting in his seat. "She's super hot…"

The night went perfectly. With moonlight illuminating their heavenly bodies, the duo would eventually leave the establishment; walking down Barronia's midnight streets. Their strut would halt in one of the Capital's public parks. Releasing her arm from his hold, she sunk into the stone bench and watched as he sat in the space across.

Briefly, her eyes examined their natural surroundings. In the center, enclosed by four rectangular rows of bricks was a silent playground. Numerous trees were scattered across; most notably, one tree each was placed between the space separating the stone benches by a few inches. The golden gleam from the overhead lamppost peeked through the leaves, illuminating the couple as they sat across from each other.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked, scrummaging through her purse.

Resting on his propped-up arm's fist, he nodded. "Sure."

Valentina's head raised, flashing a joint and lighter at her male companion. "You smoke?"

"Definitely." He smiled.

The woman chuckled, covering the flame with her hand as it ignited the spliff's end once she pushed it between her lips, quickly inhaling. She held her breath, eventually coughing up smoky remnants—one arm stretched over the table.

"Don't kill yourself now." He picked it from her hand and put it in his mouth, gradually burning the lit end before venting the smoke. "When you'd start?"

"Huh? Oh, senior year. I figured I didn't have anything else to do so I might as well goof off and do nothing the year before I have to do everything, y'know?" She took it back, sharply inhaling. Holding it between both fingers, her eyes examined it. "Most people regret the things they do in their youth. Not me. I can wholeheartedly say I wasn't an insufferable child. Then again—" she laughed. "—I guess that makes me kinda a freak, huh?"

"Well…" He stared as she slowly held her stomach and unhinged her jaw, uncontrollably cackling through the dead of night. "Uh, what're you laughing about?" He asked, stifling a chuckle.

"Nothing!" She exclaimed, tightly holding both of her sides. "I have no idea… what I'm laughing about!"

Eros shook his head, taking the joint from her hand. "I don't think you should have any more of this," he said.

By the time 2 arrived, Eros watched her apartment door open and her figure turns around, long brown hair flowing with the cold winter wind.

When you're young you can stare at the stars, knowing deep within your heart you'll assuredly live forever. The choices you make across your youth influence the future no matter how the size. Gazing deep into her eyes, his hand slid onto her cheek, lips closer than ever before hers.

"Uh, how high are you right now?"

"Seriously?" Her eyes rolled; stifling laughter. "You smoked too, remember? We're both high."

"Yeah… I guess that's true."

Their bodies and lips slammed together; as they lovingly embraced under the infinite moonlight, little did they know their auras silently burst.

That night… Eros stood over at her apartment.

Valentina slowly recovered her labored breathing. Her hand on his atop the bed slid away the moment his leg stretched to walk across the floor. The bathroom opened before him and closed behind him.

The moment the shower's hot water ran, Eros leaned forward; temples pressing into the wall.

4 am. The bathroom opened once again. As steam leaked from within, Eros stood in the doorframe, a towel tied around his neck. He turned off the lights and removed the towel, throwing it into a bin before slipping back into bed beside Valentina.

She grumbled, eyes closed. "Where were you…?"

Eros slid into the center, holding her hand on his chest and staring at the ceiling while she cuddled into him. "I took a shower." He looked down at her. "Hey, you did wanna… like do that, right?"

"Yeeees." She grinned. "I simply thought it'd be fun to do it with you. Be proud, Eros. You had the experience few men ever do. Doesn't that make you love me so?"

He chuckled. "Well, something like that. Speaking of that 'experience' though, are you sure it was alright?" He looked down at her stomach past her idle head. "I didn't have anything."

Val nodded. "It's alright. I've already decided what kind of mother I'll be. I hope that's fine with you." She looked up at him. "You can be as involved as you want. But I want a family."

"So do I."

She sat up, eyes wide. "W-what? Are you sure?"

"Definitely." He smiled. "I've been alone my whole life. I dream about one day being a father and raising my children. Uh, is that weird? Maybe I'm too young."

"What, you're 19? And I'm 20. You know, money probably won't be an issue if you reclaim the Amit name. The King will surely grant you whatever you wish as long you comply with his Puzzle scheme," she said.

"I see." Eros nodded. "And what would you do?" he asked.

"The King previously oversaw the Syndicate as its Head. The Head doesn't have to do any work besides special assignments and background work. It's an easy job. If you remake the Amit Family House, the lineage will be returned to royalty and more threats than ever will oppose us. I think it's the harder job." Valentina pounced, grabbing his face with her hands while laying on top of him. "Are you capable of that? Or will you disappoint me…?"

"'Disappoint you? Is this coming from the same girl who was begg—?"

She covered his mouth. "Shut it. That information never leaves this room. Understood?"

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am," his muffled voice said.

"Good." She removed the hand covering his face and bent down, pressing her lips against his mouth, leaving a loving kiss.

Atop the Castle, King Barron's royal cloak swayed, leaning back into the chilly wind. Fate was moving as the world intended. The time to change the future was nigh.

19 days until the new moon.

Trivia: Talen was the first child of Eros and Valentina. In their youth, they were too proud to admit it, but they were both under the spell of love already. They would grow to accept their love the more they age.