
One day until the New Moon.

February 10th, 1994. Dawn.

"Valentina is pregnant, hm?" The King rubbed his temples. "I see. So I must choose another Captain for my Personal Guard," he said.

Eros shook his head. "I don't think so, Your Majesty. You're a king and as unrivaled as kings are, they do have their threats. Instead of having a small army to protect you, maybe you should have a whole army to do so. Maybe even Valentina could do it for you."

Divine's eye opened; leaning forward with his chin on his hand. "A whole army? Are you referring to the Syndicate? They're bloodthirsty and relentless Fate-wielding assassins. You think she'll be able to whip them into shape?"

"Heh." Amit chuckled, smirking up at Barron with one eye visible. "Do you underestimate her that much?" He stood straight and raised his hand. "I'll make sure to tell her you think so little of her—the Supreme King she believes is justice."

King Barron grinned. "Is that so?" By squinting, his golden eyes examined Eros's Fate silently swaying within him. "I understand now. The flow of your Fate is abnormally brazen. Valentina must've done a number on you, huh?"

"What can I say?" Eros beamed at the King: violet eyes shining brighter than the sun. "I'm a sucker for love."


In front of the bathroom mirror, Valentina's head turned, hearing the sound of the door opening slowly.

She peeked out of the frame. "How'd it go?"

Eros smiled as his bag flew onto her bed. "Surprisingly, really well." He entered deeper, leaning against the doorframe while Valentina did her hair. "The King agreed to make you the Head. In due time, I'll be resurrecting Amit's family name and using it to create something new: the Amit Family House. How's it sound?" he asked.

Valentina smiled. "Great." As she stood up, the brush released from her hand. "Everything's been going so great. Why do you think that is?" The woman stepped closer.

"Huh?" Eros lowered his arm. "W-well, I dunno. Maybe it's cuz we're blessed or something?" His head tilted. "Right?"

"Hah!" She guffawed. "Don't be ridiculous. Of course, it's not that!" The woman dangled her lips before him, grinning mischievously. "It's because of us. It's because we're together."

He sheepishly scratched his nape. "Uh, what?"

"Ah, you never change, do you, Eros? I must say, it's rather fun educating you about these sorts of things."

She leaned into his body and cupped his face with both hands, kissing the man ever so slowly as his eyes closed and arms wrapped around her.

Valentina stepped back. "It's because of our Fate. Were you so close-minded to believe that night felt so amazing just because we had sex?" she asked.

He traced her movements. Covering his face, he bent over, scanning her features. "Are you okay…?"

"Shut up!" She said, waving him away from her face.

Standing back up, he moved his hand from his face and scratched his scruffy chin. "Well, I was a virgin before I met you so…" he shrugged. "To answer your question, yes!"

Val's pupils were shrunk. "Y-you were a virgin? At 19? With that face?" She shrieked.

"Hm?" He nodded. "Yeah, why? Stop screaming."

Her head shook at his comment, moving her hair in tandem. "I don't believe that. Anyway, back to what I was saying… about sex and Fate and stuff. So, when Fate-users—"

Something about not only the man before her and the dirty apartment inexplicably disgusted her. Already clad in clothing, she shoved her purse under her arm, stomping out the door.

"Hey!" His hand extended. "Where are you going?"

Valentina stopped at the door. "Somewhere. Follow me," she said.

Together, they walked down Barronia's streets, yet only one of them was smoking a joint. Eventually, they stopped. Back against a lonely brick wall, Eros let the smoke hide his face as his hand lowered the joint and handed it to the lady.

"So—" The man spewed the mist from his throat, looking down at her once his head gradually turned. "Why'd we come out here? Just to smoke?"

Valentina shook her head. "Of course not!" Her muffled voice spoke, smoking the burning stick before releasing it from her mouth. "The more I think about it, the more I think we really should've stood back home."

"Yeah…" Eros scratched the opposite side of his chin. "That's kinda why I'm asking why we're standing around like idiots. It's not like I'm complaining though. I mean, just two months ago, I'd give anything to smoke with a hot girl I'm having sex with—"

"Hush," she said, silencing him with one finger. "I didn't take you here to smoke. I brought you here… to people watch."

"Really? What for?" Eros asked, staring ahead. Holding it between two fingers, he smoked the joint slowly.

"I asked you earlier why we're so blessed and you simply answered, 'because we're together.' It wasn't a bad answer." Valentina's head raised. "You're just missing the truth. You're right, we are blessed because we are 'together' but it's not just us being close. It's because of our Fate. Or more accurately, Fate itself. Sex isn't just a pleasure for the body. It's an aid for the soul… and everything else in between." She turned to Eros, widely beaming. "That's what it means to love another person."

Eros enjoyed the sight of her grin. Turning away to face forward again, his lips parted, "Does it go that deep?" He asked as he smoked more from the joint he held.

"I'd be lying if I said it didn't," she said. "Think about it. For you, I'm sure it felt amazing because you were undoubtedly a virgin but… even more so than that, it felt the same for me too!"

He snickered. "And you're not a virgin, huh? Tell me. How many?"

"Ugh." Her eyes rolled. Crossing her arms, she averted her gaze with a pouty face. "Forget it…"

Eros laughed a bit louder. Relaxing his arms, he longingly sighed. "I guess I'd never thought about it like that. In this world, before I met you, I didn't spend time worrying about trivial things. Sex, love, fame, money. I never longed for anything I didn't need. I just moved forward… living only for spite. I told myself, 'Keep moving forward. Live for anyone but yourself. Spite the father who abandoned you without a care in the world.'"

He grinned, returning to the sky and admiring the infinite clouds. Heavens reflected in his vibrant eyes and the sun illuminated half of his face; chilly winter slowly moved his hair so it could peacefully flow with the season's frosty wind.

"But then I met you. I didn't have to worry about anything anymore. Just being around you, regardless of wherever is good enough for me. The day we met: you say that night was amazing because our souls were intertwined. Or, more accurately, our Fates were. I can't imagine being with anyone besides you." He looked down at her. "I love you more than anything else. I don't ever want to lose you. That's why—you should be my wife."

Her eyes widened. "W-what?"

"Oh, don't act deaf now. You heard what I said. We're already having a baby together; might as well, right?" Eros asked.

"Well, yeah, but—"

"Listen." He grabbed her hand and gazed deep into her eyes. "I'm not going to force you to answer. In the end, it's your choice. But I want you. I need you. I love you. More than anything… you make me happy. Grant me the privilege of living out the rest of my life with you." He knelt before her. "Please. Do it for me."

Fate was a fickle thing. Valentina's life hadn't been the most intriguing, to say the least. Going to college, applying to the King, becoming the Personal Guard Captain. Most people hate themselves. They can't bear to look in the mirror simply because the self's ugliness is reflected in their face. The eyes of the beholder are the ones most cursed. That was the unequivocal truth. But she was different.

'I love myself. Everything about me… is true and just. That's what I believe. What I've always believed.'

But something more entered the fray. Just one month prior, she'd met this intriguing new man: Eros. Never had any of the plethoras of partners before he had the gall to offer their undivided devotion to her for eternity. One part of her wanted to believe it; another part strongly distrusted it. Regardless, for some reason, there was something within her, singing softly. Her hand moved.

'I wish I could understand. Eros, you wish to be beside me eternally? That can't be true. Someone as kind and beautiful as you can't exist. But you do. To my eyes, you shine. Nothing more than light before me. You're as bright… as the risen sun, Eros Amit. I want to be with you forever. That's why—'

"Alright then. I'll do it. This time next year—" Valentina jumped up with her fiancé, beaming with one wide grin. "We'll be husband and wife!"

January 11th: Day of the New Moon.

Standing atop the Royal palace, the King's crossed arms under his robe abruptly jerked; shifting to face the newly-appeared Amit man. Baggy attire flowing with the wind in unison with his hair, Eros walked ever closer, removing the hands hidden in both pouches. Briefly, he looked at Barron, only returning his gaze to the sacrifices after meeting his eyes.

Eros sighed and scratched his chin. "I see. So these are the sacrifices, huh? I assume they're all death row prisoners?" He bent over, examining the blindfold across their eyes.

"Naturally. Now, we don't have the time to dawdle." The King glanced at his relative, hiding a giddy grin. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Eros nodded. "Of course I am."

"Hm." Divine watched his nephew and smirked, stroking his chin devoid of a beard. "You've gone and got yourself a little saner, haven't you, Eros?"

The young man shrugged. "Who knows? Now let's hurry up and get this over with." Violet aura ablaze, Eros cracked his knuckles. "I have a girl to get home to."

To Be Cont.