Chapter 7: Sometimes, you just roll those NAT 20’s.

It's been a few hundred years since that fateful day when I got to break a senator's arms.

'Or at least, it sure as hell feels like it. I've been sitting here, staring at the damn wall from my bed for at least an hour trying to pick what I should use for my new clothes.'

'Should I go casual? Formal? Futuristic? There were so many options! Should I capitalise on my innate cuteness, or try to look edgy? There are pro's and con's to each.'

Nova: "Frustration: Ugh! I can't make a decision! So I will leave it to my subconscious and Fate! NULL take the wheel!"

Closing my eyes, I focused on the desire of wanting a new look for myself and let the Morphium flow. It took a few seconds, but soon it was done. I opened my eyes, and looked down at my new attire.

'Oi. Oi oi oi! Isn't this Rory Mercury's outfit from GATE, but modified slightly, and pink?!'

I bring up the 3D display of myself to double check, and I am right. Slowly rotating is my Kitsune self, in Rory's outfit. The only differences though is that it is black main colour and pink sub-colour instead of the red she had. And the little tie she had is gone, replaced with a decently sized bow with the ribbon on the back of my neck. I also do not have the headdress, as I have 'real' fox ears.

My Hair is also done up in a high ponytail now, to let one see the new neck accessory I am sporting. Also with a pink ribbon holding it together facing up towards the roof.

I get up off the bed, and walk around a bit in my new outfit. And I have to say, Rory has good taste. This is stylish, offers free range of movement, but at the same time disarms people that first meet you.

'I totally get the appeal of wearing this in combat. The contrast of a little girl in a dress, ripping and tearing through everyone will be great. Yea. Yea, I am keeping this for now. Good job Null and me!'

I bring up my status, and take a look.


~~ Status~~

Name: Nova

Model: O-0001: Omega Class First Generation

Race: Automaton

Material used: Morphium - 100%

Health: 100%

Status: Idle

Power source: Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable

Racial Skills: [Accelerated learning] [Tireless] [Semi-Immortal] [Upgradable] [High Speed Thought] [Parallel Processing] [Limited Control: Technology]

Skills: [Supernatural Combat: Unarmed-EX/ Sniper-EX]

Passives: [Made of Morphium- EX] [Last Stand-EX] [Gamer Body- EX]

Permanent Debuffs: [Slow Combat training- EX] [Muted emotions- EX] [Forced Logical Thinking]

Common skills: [Anti-Gravity: Low] [Goa'uld Ma'Tok staff blast] [Morphium Domain Control] [Zat'nik'tel Energy Shot]


I smile inwardly at my status. While not much may have changed, I still have gotten quite a few skills since activating. And with SG-1 planning to go to the address Daniel and I brought back from the other universe, I can get some more! I won't need to make a Death Glider's drive system. I can just absorb one from the hanger.

Nodding to myself, I head to the door of my room. I want to head back down to that testing area and see if I can make some new weapons, and some other tests.

I opened my door to Sam about to knock on it.

Sam: "Ah, Nova, the Gen–"

She just stopped mid sentence when she finally registered what I was wearing. Her eyes go wider every second she is comprehending what she is seeing.

Nova: "Amusement: Yes, Sam?"

My question knocked her out of her trance, closing her eyes and giving her head a little shake. Opening them, she looked at me again to confirm what she was seeing.

Sam: "Nova? What are you wearing?"

Nova: "Pride: When I entered the meeting and noticed you all dressed differently, it made me want to change my attire as well. I was not really fond of the outfit after all. So I looked online, and found this style. I believe you humans call it a 'Gothic Lolita' style. I think I did well on it, do you like it?"

Sam coughs a little but soon answers, "Uh, yea. I think you look great. Are you going to be always using that as your base wear?"

I give her a nod.

Sam: "I see. Ah! Sorry, as I was saying. The General would like to see you. He's up in his office."

Nova: "Acknowledge: Okay. I will go see him now."

Sam gives me a nod, and starts to walk away muttering to herself, "I don't know why. But I feel like Jack is going to laugh his ass off when he first sees her in combat dressed like that…"

I inwardly smile at that, and then start to make my way to the Generals office. As I make my way down the halls, I am getting a lot of attention because of my new look. Have to say, I like it. Rory really knew how to turn heads. Figuratively, literally, and sometimes violently.

Walking up the stairs to the meeting room, it is empty. I wonder if the crying organic is in the infirmary, or if they took him off base. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Walking up to the Generals open door, I give it a knock as I wait just outside it.

The General was talking with Jack, and my knock got the attention of both. Turning to see who it was, they ended up just staring at me for a while.

Nova: "Amusement: Take a picture. While it won't last as long as me, it will last longer."

Jack: "Uhhhh. New look?"

Nova: "Excitement: Yes! I got the idea for it from the internet. Its design is called 'Gothic Lolita.' Do you like it?"

Jack: "I do. I think it'll look absolutely hilarious when you start wrecking the bad guys looking like that. The look on their faces will be priceless."

Hammond: "Yes, you look… unique. Anyway I got some bad news. It seems that even with your… intervention, Senator Kinsey is still shutting down the program."

Nova: "Astoundment: Truly? After everything he has seen, he still wants to live in his illusion of a world? Maybe I should have broken his neck instead of his arms. He is clearly corrupt, and has an agenda. The money it takes for this program is a drop in the bucket of what your country is spending on its military yearly."

Hammond: "I am inclined to agree with you that he has an agenda. But what is done, is done. We have our orders, and the gate will be shut down, and buried the day after tomorrow."

Jack: "That's bullshit Sir, and you know it."

Hammond: "Yes, Colonel is it. But it is an order."

Jack: "Ill-conceived orders!"

Hammond: "But orders nonetheless, and I follow them when given to me."

Nova: "Query: Even when you know that it might very well doom your race to extinction?"

Hammond didn't say anything to that, and just looked upset at the whole situation.

Nova: "Query: What about myself and Teal'c?"

Hammond: "Kinsey wants to have you destroyed. And Teal'c will become a refugee that will continue to help serve this country."

Nova: "Mockery: He really is a useless organic. You do not have the technology. And as for Teal'c, you are going to make him a slave? Because that is exactly what it sounds like. He is not from this world. If you are not going to help him free his people, why should he serve your country?"

Hammond: "Not a slave. But the order has been given. The gate is not to be activated anymore. We can't send him or you for that matter, anywhere."

Nova: "Statement: You mean you won't. Fine, then here is what we will do."

I enter my "Battle Mode."

Nova: "Threaten: From the data I have about all the missions you have done, and on the general psychological profiling of the Goa'uld there is over a 90% probability that the one known as Apophis is indeed going to strike your world.

While I do not care for it, I do like having a team that can help me move around the galaxy. Therefore, you will order SG-1 to get fully suited up, and be ready to go to the address Daniel and I brought back. If you do not do this, I will kill everyone in this base and then I will leave for DC, and proceed to kill every member of your Government, starting with the President."

Jack: "Sir… I think you should do as she asks. It is in our best interests in a lot of ways. And off the record, this is the perfect way to disobey orders while not actually disobeying them."

Hammond gave a sharp nod.

Hammond: "Agreed. We will do as you ask Nova. SG-1 will be ready to leave in an hour."

I leave my "Battle Mode" and give the two of them a nod. Turning around, I left them with a sentence that chilled them as I walked out.

Nova: "Glee: Good, it would have been such a shame if I had to carry out that threat."

A little over an hour later, SG-1 and myself were in the gate room with Hammond giving a quick overview. Once he was done, and confirmed we were all ready to go, he left us to it.

We soon walked through the gate, and appeared in a dark room. It was no problem for me, and the team just switched to their Night Vision goggles. Wasn't long before they took them off though, and just switched to flashlights. As we spread out, Jack asked Daniel to send back the M.A.L.P.

Sam: "I don't see any doors or windows."

Teal'c: "Many Goa'uld facilities disguise doors within their structure."

Jack: "Teal'c. What are these things?"

Teal'c: "Transport containers, much like your shipping crates."

Sam: "So they are shipping something through the gate?"

Nova: "Statement: Or receiving."

Jack: "Let's take a peek inside, shall we?"

Teal'c bent down, and started to open a box we all gathered around. While Daniel had finished dialling back to Earth a moment ago and started sending back the M.A.L.P.

Opening up the crate revealed a bunch of Staff and Zat weapons.

Jack: "Cool. Oh! That reminds me. Nova, can we all get one of your Zat guns?"

I nod to him, and start making a few Zat guns for Him, Sam and Daniel. As I finished the last Zat gun, the gate closed again. Floating the weapons to my teammates, I decided to tell them what I "just noticed."

Nova: "Inform: By the way. We are on a Goa'uld mothership. I just noticed the computer core."

Daniel: "What did you–"

But before he could finish a growing sound could start to be heard. Like something is charging up with power.

Nova: "Amusement: I would brace yourselves everyone. The ship is preparing to enter hyperspace."

At my word, everyone braced themselves against a container, and a few seconds later a force was exerted on everyone, and Jack nearly toppled over.

Nova: "Query: You all good? Your squishy bits still where they should be?"

Sam: "Yes, thank you Nova. That could have been unpleasant if it took us by surprise."

When she finished thanking me, the lights suddenly turned on and the wall to the back of the room opposite of the gate started to open up horizontally like bay doors. We all scattered to hide behind the boxes to the side of the room.

I wanted to just kill the Jaffa patrol that entered the room, but I don't want to mess with the timeline just yet. The Jaffa soon finished setting up a giant silver orb that floated in the middle of the gate, and soon left. Leaving the lights on for some reason. Leaving our hiding spots, and gathering back into the middle of the room, we look up at the giant orb.

Jack: "I always get a happy tingly feeling when I see those guys. Teal'c, what is that thing?"

Teal'c: "It is a Goa'uld long range visual communications device. Somewhat like your television, only much further advanced."

Jack: "Think it gets showtime?"

Teal'c just silently looks at Jack with a slightly raised eyebrow. Jack just makes a 'well I tried' kind of looking face, then asks if he can open the door.

Teal'c: "Now that I know its location, I believe I can."

He walks to the back of the room, to the wall near the door. And then pushes in and turns a snake looking hieroglyph. Soon, the door rumbles slightly, and starts to open. Everyone gets ready for a fight, but the hallway seems empty. Giving us some military hand signals, we start to silently make our way through the hallway.

I noticed it while I watched the show, and again while we were moving. These hallway designs are really dumb. There are so many places for us to hide! Speaking of, while we were hiding in one of the indentations while a patrol passed by us, I took a look at what was written on the wall. During the show, I thought it was just there to make it look fancy. But now that I can actually understand the language used, what is written here is an epic about one of "God Apophis's" many battles. Just a quick pass over it, and I could tell there was a LOT of "creative liberty" taken with the retelling of this battle.

After several minutes we made it to the bridge of the ship. Making our way into the room, it was empty. Only a Goa'uld sarcophagus was in the room. Beyond it, you could see the control panel for the ship along with an opening to see out into space. We were currently in hyperspace and you could see the blue, almost like an aura surrounding us, hyperspace tunnel. It looked really cool.

'I really need to go absorb a Death Glider, and this things hyperspace engine. That would be a HUGE gain for me.'

Suddenly, a single Jaffa entered the room, and pointed a Zat gun at Jack, and spoke in Goa'uld. Luckily, the rest of us were not in line of sight of the grunt.

???: {"Who are you?!"}

Jack: "Hey! How you doing? Uh? Seen a bathroom around here?

Not caring for Jack's response, we went to shoot his Zat. Jack managed to duck just under the fired blue energy bolt, which then hit the seemingly empty viewport into space behind Jack causing it to spread around it.

Sam fired her Zat gun once to see exactly how the Jaffa would react. Observing him act like he was getting tased, she then shot him again killing him. Teal'c walked up to the corpse, and shot him a third time, causing him and his clothes to seemingly vanish into nothingness.

Jack: "Cool. Disturbing, but cool."

Sam pointed towards the view port and made an observation, "The blast hit the opening and spread across it like there was glass. This is a force field of some sort."

Teal'c: "That is correct. There is no transparent material capable of withstanding this velocity."

Sam: "Or temporal displacement. We're travelling faster than light, aren't we?

Teal'c: "That is correct."

While they were talking, I was busy trying to scan the sarcophagus. I was having little luck. I have no idea how this thing works. And there are no designs for it in their database. This must be one of the techs they only leave to genetic memory so it can never spread. Quite disappointed about that. However, What would happen if I absorbed it? Would it be redundant, and not even register? I can already restore myself by making more Morphium at an insane speed.

'Yea, I think it'll be redundant, or even just weaker than what Morphium can naturally just do. Would be nice to heal the organics with though. I think I'll absorb it later. Can't hurt to try after all. Oh, looks like we're moving on.'

Following the team out of the bridge, we made our way down the halls to the left once again. After a while we heard a large group of people heading our way, so we ducked into an entrance on the left side of the hallway. When the door started to close, Jack placed his knife in the way near the centre, keeping it slightly open so he could peek at the group as they passed us.

While he was looking, Daniel called out softly to us, "Guys, Jack. Look. It's happening, we're on an attack ship headed to Earth."

Behind us, there was a hanger full of Death Gliders, and crew members getting them ready to launch.

Jack: "Okay… whelp, we've got some problems then."

Sam: "Teal'c, how fast can this ship go?"

Teal'c: "A Goa'uld Ha'Tak vessel can travel at 10 times the speed of light."

Sam: "Okay, so if we are heading to Earth–"

Nova: "Correction: This is a newer Ha'Tak Teal'c, with a much more advanced warp drive than you are familiar with. This ship's current top speed is 32,000 times the speed of light. Not ten. At their current rate of travel, and the distance from Earth to the address we dialled for the gate, I estimate we will arrive at Earth in 4 to 5 hours."

Everyone paled a little at this revelation. Then an announcement rang out.

???: {"Gather at the Gate to welcome our Lord.}

Daniel: "They are being summoned somewhere for some sort of gathering."

Jack: "Okay, let's go!"

Daniel: "Uhh? Where too?"

Jack: "Wherever they all are going."

Nova: "Request: I would like to stay here, and attempt to absorb a Death Glider."

Jack: "Oh. Ah. Sure, we'll meet back up here then when we're done. Sounds good?"

I nod at them, while turning back to the hangar and making my way deeper into it. I decided to go to the very back of the hangar, and work there. Would take longer for someone to discover me if they came back and would look less weird overall when the Death Glider is missing. Like they forgot to bring in one at the very end.

'Whelp, time to see how long this takes.'

I jump up onto the Death Glider, and float slightly above it in a plank position. I reach out with my right hand and try to absorb it. My power draw created a new 'line' to my generator, and immediately started to draw the full 10 ZPM's worth of power. Then a vast amount of Morphium flooded out of my hand, and started to cover the entire glider 'eating' away at it. Slowly moving downwards, it took nearly five minutes for the Morphium to "eat" the Death Glider, then it all rushed back up to my hand and was absorbed.

If I was able to, the smile I would have on my face right now would break the hearts of everyone around me.


[Anti-Gravity: Medium]

With the current level of technology you have absorbed, and the power output you can sustain, you may use Anti-Gravity to 'lift' an object of up to 300 tonnes. Must be within 10 metres of the object. May also simply 'remove' 300 tonnes of weight on the object to let you lift it with your natural strength. Also capable of removing up to 100% of inertia depending on how much power you use.


Find a better generator design to up the amount of weight and range you may affect. May overcharge with extra energy to temporarily increase effect and range. However it is very low efficiency and the gain will not be substantial.



[Death Glider propulsion system]

Able to fly and maneuver like a Goa'uld Death Glider. Max speed is 1,000,000 Mph.


You still possess friction.



[Subspace communication: Low]

Able to send and receive communications via subspace of a range of 1 lightyear.


Huge gains! I also liked that little notice on the propulsion. I could totally pull an Omniman and wipe out a city on a planet by just going sonic levels fast! The upgrade to my Anti-Gravity is also really nice. That was a big jump from low to medium.

I really want to absorb some of the systems of this ship now. I want its sublight engine, and hyperdrive. And maybe the shield generator as well.

'It's like an all you can eat buffet!'

Suddenly I heard a shout/whisper from Daniel, "Nova! You here?"

Looking towards the door, I see Sam and Daniel looking around for me. I decide to float using my new propulsion system, and notice I have a slight pink glow around me now. Thinking about it, I discover it's the aura of the inertial dampener effect. Slowly flying up to the duo I ask what's up.

Nova: "Query: You are back. Where is Jack and Teal'c?"

Sam: "Umm, why are you glowing pink? And, they are going to try and abduct Apophis's son. His host is someone we know. Jack ordered us to place C-4 around everywhere to destroy this ship."

Nova: "Confusion: Why blow up the ship? Also, the pink glow is from my new ability I gained from the Death Glider. More specifically, its propulsion system."

While the two of them were slack jawed at my statement, I had a thought, 'Wasn't Morphium only supposed to absorb the qualities of the metal into itself? And not the aspect of what technology can do? Did I gain some sort of unexpected boon from that survey? What am I, a techno based Rimuru?'

Suddenly, a very faint voice spoke. It was so quiet, soft, and so far away I honestly don't know if I was hearing things or not.


???: "Finally noticed~. Hehe, hope you enjoy it~."


While I was looking around for the source of the voice, Sam and Daniel snapped out of their daze.

Sam: "Right, that's cool. But, we are going to destroy the ship to prevent it from attacking Earth. Why does that confuse you?"

Nova: "Condescend: Sam. What am I?"

Sam looked confused at first. But then both her and Daniel's eyes open wide and light up.

Sam: "Right! How did we forget that?! You're able to hack into the computer for this ship! You could turn off the life support and prevent the ship from doing anything!"

I just nod my head with as much exasperation as I could manage to show. Honestly, I think I failed epically at it.

Nova: "Query: Did you already place any C-4?"

Sam: "Yup. On the Stargate. We should disarm that…"

Daniel: "Agreed."

As we left to head back to the storage room, I asked Sam why she placed C-4 on the gate, and she just looked at me confused.

Sam: "To destroy it, obviously."

Nova: "Statement: Sam, the gate can tank the explosion of one of your 'Goa'uld Buster' missiles. Which has a yield of 1000 megatons. What is your play-doh going to do to it? I have said it before, and I have said it again. Your civilization is underestimating a lot of others in the universe, while overestimating your own."

Sam was wide eyed and just numbly responded with an "Oh." Shaking my head, we arrive at our destination, and head over and around the gate to its backside. There I see two packs of C-4 stuck to the gate. Shaking my head at the foolishness, I disarm both, and give them back to Sam.

As I was handing Sam the C-4, the door opened and in walked some fancifully dressed teen followed by Jack and Teal'c along with several Jaffa guards. The three of us hid behind the gate, and waited to see what the situation was.

They started talking to who I assumed was Apophis. A short conversation later and Teal'c was condemned to Death immediately, while Jack was set to be killed soon after.

After the orb went dark, and the execution was about to take place, the teen asked them to hold off for a moment. He tasked them to bring them to the bridge for some reason, and then they all left.

Floating up a bit so I could see past the platform the gate was on, I just tilted my head staring at their backs as the door closed.

Nova: "Confusion: Why did he suddenly tell them to stop?"

Daniel: "It was most likely because of the influence of the host, Skaara. We should follow, and go save the two of them."

Sam and I nodded, and we headed out of the storage room, and towards the bridge. One our way there, the ship left Hyperspace, and Sam and Daniel fell flat on their faces. I inwardly smirked a bit at that. After they got up we made it to the bridge in a few minutes. There we saw the Teen, Skaara, talking to Jack and Teal'c while looking out into space. We saw Saturn pass us by relatively quickly.

Sam: "So, how are we going to do this?"

Nova: "Sadistic: Like this."

With that said, I blurred into the room, and ripped off the head of the closest Jaffa. I then threw the head with considerable force to the Jaffa directly across from me. The head went right through the guy's chest, he died not even understanding how.

Deciding I wanted to try out some of my new toys, I brought up a Zat charge on both of my hands with the power of two ZPM's. I touched the two closest guards and they immediately just vanished from existence.

'Yup, that is going to be such a bullshit attack for normal people to deal with, I can just tell. Down side though; I get no loot!'

Jumping over the next Jaffa, I punt his head off and then push off his body with a handstand. I crash feet first into the last Jaffa on this side of the room, crushing in his chest badly. While he is falling down, I jump off (More like out of) him and land with grace on the sarcophagus.

This all happened in a matter of seconds. The two remaining Jaffa, to their credit, snap out of their surprise, and start shooting at me with Zat's.

Nova: "Mockery: Oh please, no. Stop shooting me. You'll mess up my hair."

They had a look of horror on their face when they realised their weapons were not doing anything to me.

Nova: "Glee: I want you two to know, I am going to enjoy what is about to happen."

I blurred forward, and ripped off one of the Jaffa's arms, and then shoved it through the other one's chest right in the heart. I then plunged my hand into his chest, and ripped out his own heart.

With his dying breath he looked into my glowing red eyes and weakly said, "M-m-monster."

Nova: "Acknowledgement: Yes, I am. Now die."

With that the light in his eyes faded, and he collapsed to the floor. Daniel started to scream all of a sudden. We all turned around and saw Skaara using a Goa'uld hand device to scramble Daniel's brain.

Jack raised his sidearm towards them and yelled for Skaara to stop. Pleading him to stop again and again, before he was forced to shoot Skaara to save Daniel's life.

'How the fuck did Daniel still manage to get caught? Better question, why did he even try to attack Daniel? Clearly I am a very big threat here… Fucking Goa'uld's man.'

Jack ran up to the dying Skaara, and just apologised. He died in Jack's arms. It was really sad.

'Oh no! Anyways, I want to swipe that hand device and absorb it…'

Teal'c: "Colonel O'Neill!"

Jack: "Yea, give me a minute here."

Teal'c: "I can not."

They all looked to Teal'c, and then out into space. Sitting there in all its blue low tech glory was Earth. They all walked up to the viewport to get a better look outside. While they were doing that I snuck over to Skaara's corpse, and swiped the hand device and readily absorbed it.


[Kara Kesh]

You can now use the abilities of a basic Kara Kesh, but to a much larger effect because of the amount of power you can supply. The Abilities are as followed: [Energy Shield] [Kinetic Energy Wave] [Harmful Neural Link]. Other abilities are redundant and discarded.


'Heh, nice. While I do not need the [Energy Shield] it can't hurt. And I am going to have a blast, literally, with the [Kinetic Energy Wave] I can just tell…'

While I was looking at my gains, all of a sudden a large round orb hit my foot. Looking down I recognized it, it is a Goa'uld stun "grenade."

Nova: "Alarm: Uh guys?"

They turned around and saw the orb just as it went off.

'Oh, that looks painful. I'll play along, I want to read what exactly these new abilities do anyway.'

"Falling down," I closed my eyes and began to read my new goodies. I also felt someone grab me inelegantly and pull me along like a brute.

'You're lucky I am busy right now Grunt D, or you'd be Dead Grunt D.'

Bringing up my UI, I looked at [Energy Shield] first.


[Energy Shield]

Able to project an energy shield around your person. Current setting (and limitation) is a foot away from your body in a cylinder. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 10 ZPM's. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected, some objects may get through, regardless of the amount of power being supplied. Can not block low kinetic forces or objects.


That was good. Kinda useless to me, since my body can survive a supernova by itself, but you can never have too much defence. Not surprised the handheld shield would need 10 ZPM's to block a nova (No punz!) though. Horribly inefficient. Anyway, next!


[Kinetic Energy Wave]

Able to produce a wave of Kinetic energy in a pulse from anywhere on your body. With the energy of 1 ZPM, the wave can destroy planets.


'...Holy shit. I won big here. I am now a planet killer with the wave of my hand. Or rather, the wave from my hand…'


[Harmful Neural Link]

Able to forcibly link up with an organic, and take information from their surface thoughts. The link will gradually damage the organics brain however, with the amount of damage ramping up exponentially.


The average human for example will only last 10~15 seconds before their brain is fried.


'Huh, neat. Don't know when I'll ever use it beyond just playing around. But, better to have than to have not. Hmm?, someone is shaking me?'

I open my eyes, and see Daniel shaking me a little, with Bra'tac and a few of his groupies standing near the door looking down at me. I think I'll scare them a bit for the laughs.

I enter "Battle Mode" and suddenly Daniel and Jack start trying to pacify me.

Daniel: "Whoa whoa Nova! They are our friends! Stop!"

Jack: "Friendlies Nova, friendlies!"

I deactivate "Battle Mode" and look at Daniel.

Nova: "Report: What happened. When you all got knocked out, I thought it best to see what was going to happen since they used a non-lethal take down method."

Jack: "Ignoring the fact that you were unaffected by that stun grenade thingy, Bra'tac here is busting us out. He placed Skaara in the sarcophagus, so he'll be up and about soon enough. We need to find a way to destroy this ship and Apophis's ship."

I look over to Sam and ask, "Query: Did you not tell, or actually remind Jack what I am?"

Sam facepalms.

Sam: "Sorry Nova. Jack, remember she's an Omega Class Automaton. She can take over the ship's computer systems, and shut down life support."

Bra'tac and Jack's eyes go wide, for different reasons I would hope.

Nova: "Confirm: That is correct. I was just waiting for your order."

Jack: "Can you also do that to Apophis's ship?"

Nova: "Denied: Not from here, no. I will need to ring over to his ship. I can do that alone, while you guys figure out what you want to do with Skaara. Sounds good?"

Jack: "Yea, sounds like a plan."

As I was getting up, Bra'tac spoke.

Bra'tac: "I do not know what an Omega Class Automaton is, but surely you are not sending a little girl all by herself, dressed like.. Whatever that is, to battle alone against a system lord?"

Nova: "Condescend: I am older than you by hundreds of millions of years, and I am stronger than you by hundreds of millions of times."

Bra'tac frowned while looking me over.

Bra'tac: "I do not believe you."

Nova: "Taunt: Then punch me in the face, as hard as you can. Not half as hard, not some arbitrary percentage. I want you to hit me. As hard. As you can."

I walked up to him, and looked him right in the eyes.

Nova: "Taunt: You. Me. Hard as you can. Are we clear?"

Bra'tac: "Fine. It seems you need some discipline."

Daniel walks over to Teal'c and softly askes, "This a good idea? I think there is a good chance he'll break his hand…"

Teal'c: "Indeed. But as he always said to me. This will be a lesson well learned."

Brat'tac, oh, I mean Bra'tac leaned his staff weapon on the wall, then walked back to me and got in a stance.

Bra'tac: "Last chance to back out, and understand your limits"

Nova: "Taunt: Just hit me already. You're not getting any younger, child."

With an annoyed grunt, Bra'tac pulled his whole arm back, and swung his fist at my face. I can tell, he really is going 100% with this. His poor hand.


And just like I thought (see: Sadistically wanted) he broke his entire right hand on my face. I didn't even move a millimetre from my spot, which was expected from everyone in the room who knew me.

Bra'tac: "Aghh!"

He leans forward a bit, cradling his broken hand near his chest. I walk past him and pat him on the back.

Nova: "Mirth: Don't worry kid, it'll heal. I'll see you all in a few, heading over to Apophis's ship."

With that I waved them goodbye, and made my way to the rings. If I remember correctly, they are on the bridge.

As I made my way to the bridge, I didn't bother to hide or be quiet about my advancement. I cut a bloody swath through the Jaffa to the bridge. Once I arrive, I notice Skaara getting out of the sarcophagus. He frowns heavily at me, and commands the Jaffa that are in the room to attack me.

I just ignore them, and head to the rings, and turn to face them.

Nova: "Quip: Oh, don't mind me. You got others coming along shortly after all. Good luck. Ah, might want to raise the shields soon as well. Looks like Earth sent you some gifts"

With that I activated the rings, and shortly after I appeared on Apophis's ship. Who just so happened to be looking right at me, along with 10 Jaffa. I noticed the shields were already online. Looks like I got here just before he raised them. Lucky that.

Nova: "Amusement: Oh, hello. You must be Apophis. Hrmm. You look rather boring."

All the Jaffa take aim at me, as Apophis raises his hand.

Apophis: "Who.. what are you?"

I step out of the range of the rings, and move towards his sarcophagus.

Nova: "Playful: Wouldn't you like to know? But well, for everyone here on this ship who doesn't get out? I am Death."

Apophis just scoffs, and lowers his hand. The Jaffa then all lay into me with both Staff weapons and Zat's. The firing soon stops though when they realise I am not getting hurt in the slightest.

Everyone is staring at me with bugged out eyes.

'This really will never get old.'

Nova: "Glee: Well, you better get going. After all, it looks like you're about to run out of air soon."

And for dramatic flare, I snap my fingers when I turn off the life support.

Goa'uld computer: {Warning! Life support is offline! Warning! Life support is offline!}

Apophis: "What?!"

He quickly walks over to the command terminal of his ship, and tries to activate the Life support again. While he was doing that the "Goa'uld busters" hit the shields of both ships, and to no one's (that mattered) surprise, did nothing. Even with this, I doubt they will learn anything. Stupid humans.

After trying for a minute to get the life support back online he gave up. Gave me a deathly glare and headed to the rings. I just gave him a shrug, and a wave and let him leave while the rest of the Jaffa started to gasp for air.

I thought about killing him. But letting him live, will bring about more technology I can take later down the line. That is my main goal after all. Not saving Earth, or being a hero.

While double checking all systems were locked out to everyone but me, I opened all doors in the ship. And locked all Death Gliders so they could not leave. I then looked towards the sarcophagus and reached out to absorb it. The usual flood of Morphium rushed out, and started to cover and break it down. After about a minute it was done, and it all rushed back to my hand to be absorbed.

[Healing Light] was added to the Kara Kesh. I'll check that later, for now time to get back to the team on the other ship. Stepping to the rings, I activated them.

Appearing on the first ship again, I looked around and my team and Bra'tac were laying on the ground groaning in pain. Looks like good ole Apophis did a number on them. Ooh, it looks like Daniel took a staff blast to his left shoulder. The man can't catch a break it seems.

Nova: "Query: Did I miss a party?"

Jack: "Sure did. Was grand. You would have loved it. Uggh. That wave from his hand hurt. He grabbed Skaara and bounced, didn't even make sure we were dead."

Nova: "Inform: The stargate was activated. Looks like they both fled through it. Shall I turn off the life support now?"

Jack: "Yea, do it."

As I mentally turned off the life support for every floor but this one, I walked over to Daniel.

Nova: "Pride: Let me show you a new trick I have, Daniel."

Daniel groaned in pain, and looked at me and simply nodded.

I raised my right hand and pointed my palm to his injury. My hand started to glow pink with a heavy purple hue around it. And his injury started to rapidly heal.

'Because of course it glows in those colours. Well, at least I love those colours the most, so it's all good in my books.'

Jack: "Status of the other ship?"

Nova: "Inform: Disabled, no life support, and the Death Gliders are grid locked. They can't launch."

Jack: "Great. It's been a long day, I need some rest. Wake me up when we're ready to gate back home or something."

Nova: "Concur: It has been long, yes. I can't wait till I can get all the Technology on Apophis's ship. It will be great. As per our agreement, the SGC can have this ship. That fine?"

Jack just gives a thumbs up.

'I can't wait. So much to get!'

And with that, our little attack on Apophis is over, with our total victory. Was there any real doubt though? I mean, after all it's just Apophis.