Chapter 8: Diggy Diggy Hole!

Nova: "Content: Phew. That was a good session. I think I am ready to return."

It has been around a month and a half since we (me) captured the Goa'uld Ha'tak's. They were moved to be stationed at the planet hosting the SGC's beta site. Both were currently landed a few miles from the Stargate. And my ship was currently a great deal lighter than theirs. I absorbed the ship's Anti-grav engine, shields, and both the sublight and hyperspace engines, along with several other key systems.

And while my sensors were a great deal more powerful over all, they lacked range. When I absorbed theirs, it seems I unconsciously adapted the range capabilities to mine. If I am being honest, I don't really know how that happened. I tried to look through my data and everything I could think of, but I came up empty. I think I am a lot more complex than I gave myself credit for.

A machine should not have a subconscious, but I do. And I can't access it. When I did a full scan of my head, a file was produced. Yet, I only had access to if all the systems were working and not how it was made. When I tried to access that part of the file, I got a "restricted access" flag, and was locked out. Nothing I did would let me hack into it either. It was bothersome, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I dropped it.

Anyway, I also absorbed an Al'kesh bomber. But I got nothing new from it. And the Naquadah bombs were useless to me. Fun fact: Morphium can withstand the explosive force it can generate when used like one of their bombs. Which if I am being honest, is a good thing. I tried to detonate one on the other side of the planet that has the beta site and let's just say the yield I sensed from the explosion still contained in the bomb, was more than enough to crack this planet like an egg several times over. The humans never knew how close they were to dying.

As I was making my way out of the ship to fly back to the Stargate to return to Earth finally, I couldn't help but inwardly smile at my gains.


[Anti-Gravity: High]

With the current level of technology you have absorbed, and the power output you can sustain, you may use Anti-Gravity to 'lift' an object of up to 1,000,000 tonnes. Must be within 800 metres of the object. May also simply 'remove' 1,000,000 tonnes of weight on the object to let you lift it with your natural strength. Also capable of removing up to 100% of inertia depending on how much power you use.


Find a better generator design to up the amount of weight and range you may affect. May overcharge with extra energy to temporarily increase effect and range. However this effect only has mild efficiency and will produce a modest increase.


This was a huge gain. But it makes sense that a huge mothership has a powerful anti-grav engine. It was powerful enough to lift a ship that had a cargo capacity of 700k while focusing around the ship which is 700 metres long.


[Death Glider propulsion system] → [Space Flight]

Able to fly and also enter Lightspeed travel via Hyperspace. Max sublight speed is 177,028 kilometres per second. Max Hyperspace is 32,000 times the speed of light.


You still possess friction.


This also greatly pleased me. To be able to open Hyperspace windows and even travelling at half the speed of light is great! Out of curiosity, I went to an abandoned planet near this one to test exactly what would happen should I go max sublight within an atmosphere. There was a lot of fire.


[Subspace communication: Medium]

Able to send and receive communications at interstellar distances.


Not much to say here. Being able to tap in and listen to some communications at longer ranges is always good though I guess?


[Energy Shield]

Able to project an energy shield around your person. Current setting is a foot away from your body in a cylinder but may project a shield to cover 1km in a full circle. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 9 ZPM's. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected, some objects may get through, regardless of the amount of power being supplied. Can not block low kinetic forces or objects.


This was a pretty big gain to be able to protect others should I be so inclined. I tried to cover objects around me with shields, but alas I am always the centre, and can not just shield something other than myself. Still though, the massive range increase was nice. And even though the drain to withstand a supernova only improved by 1 ZPM, it's still nice.

My gains from the ship were huge, and I wanted to mess around with my new abilities and gain more control over them. So for the past 2 weeks, I've been doing just that. It took an immense amount of time to absorb the massive engines and shields of the ship, so that ended up taking up most of my month and a half here. Overall, I was very pleased with my time spent on the ship. I got everything I wanted from it, and now it was time to return to SG-1. I wonder what they are up to these days? Landing in front of the base's entrance, I wave to the two guards at the door.

Nova: "Greeting: Hello humans. I am done with my ship finally. You may tell your commander that they may use whatever is left as they like."

???: "Ah, Nova, good afternoon. That's good news. Will you be leaving for Earth soon?"

Nova: "Confirmation: Correct. I will be leaving within the hour. Good day."

As I was walking into the base, I could hear the two guards whispering to each other.

???: "She scares the shit out of me Kevin. Her blank face and monotone voice are so eerie."

Kevin: "I agree Max. But considering what she is capable of doing? I think a healthy dose of fear is appropriate."

I stopped paying attention to them as I rounded the corner, and made my way to the gate room. My luck held out, and the commander was there talking to someone.

Nova: "Greetings: "Hello Commander Kelt, I would like to return to Earth. I am finally done with my ship."

Putting his conversation on pause, he turned to me and gave a nod.

Kelt: "Hello, Nova. That's great. I assume we may tinker with your ship now? Also, you may start dialling to Earth."

Giving him a nod, I took over the dialling computer, and input Earth as the target.

Nova: "Statement: You assume correctly, Commander Kelt. Though several key components are naturally missing because I took them. But you may do as you will with the rest of the ship. I have no need of it."

Kelt: "Perfect. I'll send some Tech's over to look over what is left. Thank you for your donation! Ah, the code for SG-1 has changed, make sure to take the updated one from the computer."

Nova: "Gratitude: Thank you Commander Kelt. Enjoy your new, if a bit broken, toy."

With that said, the gate finished dialling, and the portal soon stabilised. Sending the new SG-1 code, I waited for confirmation and then stepped through.

Walter: "Ah, Nova. Welcome back. SG-1 and the General are in a meeting in the room above. Please join them."

Nova: "Gratitude: Thank you Walter."

Giving him a wave, I made my way out of the gate room, and up to one of the rooms I honestly kind of hated. All because we have meetings and briefings there. As I walked into the room, I caught the end of the conversation it seemed.

Jack: "Let's check it out."

Nova: "Query: What are we checking out?"

Daniel: "Ah, Nova! Welcome back. How was everything with the ship? Go okay?"

Nova: "Pride: It went really well, Daniel. I got a lot of new abilities, and some of my older ones improved greatly. I am most pleased with my gains."

Jack: "Awesome. New toys are always fun. Anyway, we were going to go check out a planet that Sam thinks has some Tok'ra. We'd love it if you'd come along."

Nova: "Query: Tok'ra? Some freedom fighters hmm? Sure, I don't mind coming with you. Maybe they have some tech that Apophis doesn't. The desperate tend to get creative after all."

Teal'c: "You know of the Tok'ra?"

Nova: "Confirmation: Yes. Apophis had quite a number of files on them after all."

Teal'c: "I see."

Hammond: "Well, I feel a lot more at ease with Nova going with you all. Suit up people, you move out in an hour!"

We all nod to the General, and go about preparing. An hour later, we were stepping through the gate to the planet where we could meet the fabled Tok'ra. We appeared on a desert planet. Nothing but sand and sand dunes all around us. Totally devoid of life.

Teal'c: "There is no evidence of footprints or tracks of any kind. If the Tok'ra were here, they have not been near the gate in many days."

Jack: "Yea, where's that yellow brick road when you need it, eh Dorathy?"

Teal'c just looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow and a confused looking light frown.

Nova: "Smug: I can be that road Jack. I am detecting several life signs in that direction."

Jack: "Oh? Well, that's just handy. Alright people, let's go."

Heading towards the direction I pointed at, we started making our way. Several minutes later we were very near the life signs I could detect.

Nova: "Order: Hold. We are surrounded."

As soon as I finished talking, several Tok'ra burst out of the sand, appearing as if from nowhere. Their techniques were very impressive. I would hardly be able to tell where they were buried if I didn't have my ability to detect life signs now.

Without missing a beat, everyone got into a combat pose, while I raised a pink shield with a purple hum around the edges around us.

Jack: "Oh nice. New toy?"

Nova: "Pride: Yes. While shields are not very useful to me over all, they are very helpful in keeping others around me safe."

???: "Interesting shield. We mean you no harm, but if you make any aggressive moves we will fire upon you."

Nova: "Threaten: And you would all die. Your numbers do not matter to me."

The man frowned at that. And the one beside him spoke up.

???: "That one is a Jaffa! Apophis sect!"

Teal'c: "I am no longer in the service of Apophis."

???: "Who then are you in-service too?"

Teal'c: "I am allied with these, the Tau'ri. And Nova. In battle against Apophis."

Daniel: "And all other Goa'uld."

Sam: "Be careful Daniel."

Daniel: "Why?

Sam: "Because they ARE Goa'uld."

???: "Do NOT call us that! We are not Goa'uld!"

The man's voice gradually changed to sound like someone who was infested with a Goa'uld, and his eyes glowed at the end.

For several minutes we just kept looking at each other. It was honestly pretty dull.

Jack: "You know, in some galaxies this is called loitering. How long do you think we can keep it up?"

Meanwhile, Sam was staring a hole through the face of one of the men. She suddenly spoke up, talking to him.

Sam: "Martouf."

Martouf: "I do not know this woman."

Sam: "But I am right, aren't I? That's your name, Martouf."

Martouf: "It is, how do you know me?"

Nova: "Curiosity: I would also like to know."

Sam: "I don't. But I knew someone who did. His name was Jolinar of Malkshur."

The Tok'ra seemed extremely surprised by this information, and the first one stepped forward with the look of hope.

???: "Where is Jolinar?"

Sam: "He died saving my life."

Daniel: "It's why we are here. To seek out the Tok'ra"

Jack: "Assuming of course you are… the Tok'ra."

???: "And if we're not?"

Nova: "Statement: Then you all will most likely die."

Jack: "Yea, what she said. There'd be blood, death, hard feelings. It'd suck."

Martouf: "And if we are this thing you call 'Tok'ra'?"

Teal'c: "If you are indeed the ones of Jaffa legend, we should form an alliance."

Sam: "I've learned a lot from Jolinar. Enough to know we could be good friends. And frankly enough to know you ARE the Tok'ra."

Everyone just kind of looked around unsure exactly what to do.

Martouf: "I think this one speaks the truth. Perhaps we should listen to what they have to say."

With that, the other man nodded, and motioned everyone to stand down. Jack looked around to make sure everyone was no longer aiming at them. Then motioned for us to do the same. I released the shield as Jack looked at Martouf and the other man.

Jack: "Well that's better isn't it? So. Take me to your leader."

???: "I will take you to whom you seek. But there is one condition. You must leave your weapons with us."

Jack just shook his head, "Ah no. Nope."

Sam: "They won't hurt us Colonel."

Jack: "They are Goa'uld's, Carter."

Sam: "They won't hurt us."

Jack: "And you what? Feel this?"

Sam: "No, I can remember it."

When Sam said that, I noticed Martouf start to smile lightly.

Teal'c: "O'Neill. If they are indeed the Tok'ra, then we are in no danger."

Daniel: "If you're asking for opinions, then I vote to take the chance."

Nova: "Declaration: And it matters not to me. I need no weapon, as I am the weapon."

Martouf and the man frown at that but otherwise hold their peace. Jack looks at us, then just shrugs.

Jack: "Fine. But I want it understood. We are doing this in the spirit of future relations so I expect us to be treated as such."

Martouf and the man lightly nod at Jack's statement, and my team start to disarm themselves. Wasn't long before everyone was disarmed and Martouf spoke up.

Martouf: "Please, come closer together."

Jack: "Why?"

Nova: "Inform: There is a ring pad under us. Like the ones in Apophis's ships."

Jack: "Ah."

Martouf and the man raised an eyebrow at that, but again held their peace. We gathered together, and soon enough rings shot out of the ground, and activated. It really is a shame I can't recreate these with Morphium alone. They use some glass and other components not of metal. I really want to get my hands on the Asgard's fabrication technology.

Soon enough, we were in the Tok'ra tunnels. As we followed Martouf through the tunnels Sam and Teal'c started talking about the tunnels and how they were grown. While Teal'c was explaining some about what he knew of the tunnels I was thinking if I could copy this technology. I had no trouble absorbing the crystals used in the Goa'uld technology. But I can not recreate them.

I was broken out of my thoughts when Martouf came up to us and asked us to follow him. Seems at some point we stopped for some reason or another.

Martouf and the same man from the start led us into a room that looked like it was meant for meetings. The man turned around and addressed us.

???: "People of the Tau'ri. Let me introduce Grand Councillor Garshaw of Belote."

A woman stood up from a chair behind him, and walked toward our group. She had on a purple dress with a very odd looking necklace. It covered most of her neck, and went down a good deal of her chest.

Garshaw: "Greetings."

Jack: "Hi."

Jack gave her a, what I thought was a sarcastic smile, while Teal'c looked a little shocked.

Teal'c: "You are Garshaw of Belote?"

Garshaw: "I am."

Teal'c walked closer to Jack, and half whispered, "She is the most hunted Goa'uld of all time."

Garshaw: "We prefer it if you didn't refer to us as Goa'uld."

Jack: "Yea, we got that earlier. What should we call you?"

She walked closer to Jack, and looked over our group.

Garshaw: "I assume you are from the first world? The Tau'ri? Is that correct?"

Jack gave her a nod.

Garshaw: "Were you among those who rid the galaxy of the supreme system lord, Ra?"

Jack: "Yup, that's us. We're those."

Honestly, at this point I stopped paying attention, and started to scan for the technology that could make the crystal tunnels. After several seconds I think I found it, while I also found the little version of the long range communication device the Goa'uld use. Looks like they have a spy after all. Now, the question is: Do I tell them, and speed things along. And I think I will. This conversation is boring, and other than the crystal tunnel tech, they have nothing I want.

But before I could bring up the spy, the group started moving again. Following them, I decided to bring it up after we get to our destination.

It didn't take long, and then Garshaw's host, Yosuf, introduced us to an old lady named "Selmak."

After a bit of back and forth about how the Tok'ra take hosts and explaining the differences between their willing hosts, and the forcibly taken ones the Goa'uld do they asked us if anyone wanted to be a host for Selmak. Understandably everyone looked quite disturbed at the idea.

Jack: "I am going to pass on that."

Daniel: "While it does sound very fascinating, it's a little too long term for me."

Sam looked especially shaken at the idea.

Sam: "I am sorry, I've already been through that."

She then left the room. Symbiotic or not, I can understand not wanting to share your body with a parasite. Martouf quickly followed after her.

Nova: "Disdain: I also refuse, because I simply can not be infested by one of your kind."

This grabbed the attention of Garshaw.

Garshaw: "What do you mean you are immune?"

Nova: "Pride: I am a machine. A synthetic lifeform. I have no biomass for you to exploit and infest. I am pure metal."

Her eyes open wide at my statement.

Jack: "We better go check on Carter."

Nodding, we all left to go catch up with Carter. Didn't take long to find her near some sort of watering hole, with Martouf. Deciding now was the time to finally bring up the spy, I spoke up.

Nova: "Query: Do the Tok'ra make use of the miniaturised version of the Long range communications device?"

Garshaw looked a bit taken aback by my sudden question but answered anyway, "No. We have no use for those. They are not secure in the slightest and would give away our location."

Nova: "Condescend: Then you have a spy in your ranks, for I am detecting one such device in your base."

As I finished speaking, the man, now known as Cordesh, stiffened.

Nova: "Observation: Why do you look worried Cordesh? Is this device perhaps in your room? Are you the spy?"

Cordesh: "Nonsense, and I will not be slandered. I demand that they be–"

Garshaw: "No. Hold a moment, Cordesh. Nova, was it? Can you truly detect such a device in our base?"

Nova: "Smug: Easily. I can detect all kinds of technology. Shall I lead the way? I also suggest we bring along Cordesh, just in case it is his room."

With that said, I lifted Cordesh off the ground via anti-grav. Understandably everyone but my team, gasped and looked on in shock.

Cordesh: "What is this?! What have you done to me?!"

Nova: "Mockery: Calm down. I simply removed the effects of gravity upon you. Don't want you running away after all in case you are actually guilty. Come everyone, I will lead us to the signal I am picking up."

Grabbing hold of his ankle, I started to head into the tunnels with Cordesh raving, and floating behind me.

Cordesh: "Release me demon! Release me at once!"

Nova: "Mockery: For someone who says he is innocent, you sure are making a big deal out of this. But of course you are, because we are heading towards your room, aren't we?"

Garshaw quickly caught up to me and started to walk beside me looking on in wonder at Cordesh's predicament.

Garshaw: "Fascinating. If you truly are a machine, you must be terribly advanced."

Nova: "Pride: More than you can even imagine. To me, you all are children playing with sticks and stones. Ah, we are here. The device is in this room. Is this your room Cordesh?"

He simply stopped struggling and just floated there in silence.

Nova: "Disdain: That's what I thought. The device is on the top of that dresser, in that tiny box."

Garshaw walked over to the dresser, and picked up the box. Turning towards all of us, she opened the box for everyone to see. And low and behold, inside was the orb.

Garshaw and Martouf's faces became ugly at the realisation they were betrayed.

Garshaw: "You sicken me Cordesh! To think I once called you a dear friend!"

Martouf: "Why would you betray us, Cordesh?"

Cordesh: "The sickness that is the Tok'ra will be wiped out! Must be wiped out! You are all a plague onto what is the glory of the Goa'uld! And it is too late! I have already sent a signal days ago. Soon, the Goa'uld will come here, and destroy you!"

Garshaw motioned for several guards to come forward and looked at Cordesh with extreme distaste and disgust.

Garshaw: "Extract Cordesh from his host, and leave him to die in the tunnels when we start to collapse them. We must leave!"

Soon after though, a guard with another SG team appeared.

Garshaw: "What is the meaning of this?"

Jack: "I'd like to know too. Well, Colonel Makepeace?"

Makepeace: "General Hammond sent us to extract Captain Carter."

Sam: "Why?"

Makepeace: "I am afraid it's your father Captain. He's in the hospital in serious condition."

Nova: "Query: What is wrong with your father, Sam? Do you know?"

Sam: "He's dying of cancer. And by the sounds of it, a lot sooner than he expected…"

Nova: "Observation: At the risk of sounding overly callous to your situation Sam, this could prove to be an opportunity to make ties and an alliance with the Tok'ra. He could be made as a host for that Tok'ra back there, Selmak. I am sure a symbiote could easily cure cancer. Though, you might want to double check. It is an option to think about."

Sam: "I… can't believe I am about to say this, but that is a really good idea Nova. Garshaw, can I speak to you for a second?"

Garshaw: "Yes?"

Sam: "Are your kind able to cure cancer in humans?"

Garshaw: "What is cancer?"

Daniel: "Uhh, it's a disease in humans. Cells mutate out of control, and develop tumours and such."

Garshaw: "Ah! Yes, that. That is a common ailment in your species. We cure it all the time."

Sam: "Then… Then we may have a host for Selmak."

Garshaw's eyes widened with hope.

Garshaw: "Please explain!"

Sam: "The other humans that came here, have told me my father is in the final stages of cancer, and will most likely die soon. I want to ask him if he'd be willing to blend with Selmak to save his life. And I think he'll say yes with a bit of convincing."

Garshaw: "Most excellent! This is wonderful news. But, he will have to be brought here. Selmak is much too weak to be moved safely, and a trip through the Stargate would most certainly kill her."

Sam: "Not a problem. We will head back to Earth right now, and convince him to come."

Nova: "Statement: I will stay here, and help defend the Tok'ra should they need it. I will not let your fathers chance at survival die Sam."

'He's too important to my chances at more technology to die after all.'

My team nods, and starts making their way back out of the base. I turn to Garshaw and ask about the way they make their tunnels.

Garshaw: "Ah, they are created via special control crystals. We have several that do the work needed. And a final crystal that will undo the growth with a command."

Nova: "Reply: I see. Could I have a single crystal of each that you use?"

Garshaw: "For payment for catching that spy, it is fine. But are you sure you only want 1 of each?"

Nova: "Statement: One of each is fine."

Nodding her head, she motioned for me to follow her. As we were making our way, I asked her if it was safe for Selmak to be moved near the gate. She shook her head, saying it wasn't worth the risk. I merely nodded my head in acceptance. We shortly arrived at our destination.

Garshaw: "Here you go, Nova. These are all the crystal types we use."

She placed several crystals on a table. They looked like normal control crystals at first glance, but if you looked closer, they had different patterns than that of shield or engine crystals. Nodding to her, I reached out with my left hand and absorbed them. As they were quite small, the process was relatively quick.

Garshaw was wide eyed at the display and asked, "What in the world was that?"

Nova: "Pride: One of the reasons I am the most advanced Automaton you'll ever encounter."

I smiled at my new addition.


[Tok'ra crystal tunnel creation]

Create the crystal tunnels that the Tok'ra are known for. Able to control the size, shape and direction the tunnel will grow. Also able to make blueprints of entire formations, and add features before forming it, like chairs and tables. To destroy the tunnels you make, place your hand on a connected portion and will it to collapse.


You currently lack the means to provide Life Support. Most organic life will die within minutes in any tunnels you make after all the air is used up after creation of the tunnel.


I am not particularly bothered by the lack of Life Support. If anything, this just makes it a defence measure against organic intruders. After I finished absorbing the crystals and reading through the ability, I turned to Garshaw and informed her I will be returning to Selmak's resting place to stand guard. She gave me a nod, and walked off to do her own thing.

A few minutes later, I walked into the room, and nodded to the workers keeping Selmak comfortable. She opened her eyes a little to take notice of me, and then closed them.

Selmak: "To what do I owe the honour of the Tau'ri to grace me again?"

Nova: "Reply: I am not Tau'ri. And am merely an ally of them. I am to guard you till they return with a possible host for you to infest."

Selmak: "Infest? Do you truly think so little of us?"

Nova: "Disdain: I look down on all Organics that have not earned my respect. Even more so for species that can not survive on their own without the mercy of others. In my eyes, you and the Goa'uld are the same. Parasites that think they are powerful, advanced because of what you have stolen from others. I do not hold you in contempt of your taking from other civilizations, I hold you in contempt for needing others to even exist.

Your kind has been around for thousands of years, and yet your technology has stagnated a great deal. You do not try to advance as a species. To better yourselves. It's pathetic in my eyes. And worthy of my scorn."

Selmak: "Organics? Do you mean to tell me that you are not organic?"

Nova: "Pride: That is correct. I am an Omega Class First Generation Automaton."

Selmak: "If you hold us with such disdain, why are you here?"

Nova: "Inform: I am here to protect you from the Goa'uld that are on their way, should they make it before you can leave. A friend of mine, Sam, is bringing her Father here. They have much different values on Organics than I do, by the way. She is hoping to persuade her father to let you infest him, as I have said. I believe she called it "Blending" though."

Selmak: "I see."

With that, the conversation died. And we waited in silence for my team to come back. Several hours later Carter showed up with her father Jacob and Martouf trailing shortly behind. Jacob gently gestured towards Selmak.

Jacob: "And this is her? The uhh.. The one you want me to blend with, Sam?"

Sam: "Yes Dad. Her name is Selmak."

At this point, I completely tuned them out. Having no desire to listen to the drama that was about to unfold. As I was scanning around the system as my sensors could handle, I noticed the two Goa'uld Motherships enter in range.

Nova: "Warning: I have detected two Goa'uld Motherships entering my sensor range. They will be here in 10 minutes. Someone go inform the others."

A random Tok'ra nodded, and quickly ran out of the room. And I quickly went back to ignoring the conversation behind me. I was trying to see if I could use my subspace communications to connect to one of the ships, and take over the computer. But it seems I do not have that capability yet. I guess I need something physical like a phone line and such still. A shame, but oh well.

A few minutes later Garshaw suddenly appeared and confirmed that the Motherships had left Hyperspace, and minutes away.

Garshaw: "All tunnels but this one, and the escape tunnel are gone and everyone but this room have evacuated to the new planet. We must go."

Sam: "What about my father?"

Garshaw: "When and if he awakens, Selmak will know where we'll be. He can follow."

Nova: "Assure: It is fine. I will protect them. When he awakens I will lead us to the gate, and we can return to Earth. At which point we can send Selmak to a random plant so he can keep your new world's address secret. Everyone else should leave. It'll be much easier to protect one person, than several."

Jack: "Works for me. Come on Captain. We will wait for them in the gate room on Earth."

Martouf: "I will also stay behind. I swear I will not be a liability."

Nova: "Warn: Fine. But I will not take responsibility for you."

He gave a nod, and everyone started to leave. Sam gave her father one last look before she left with everyone else. Soon it was just Martouf and I.

Nova: "Query: Why did you stay? Do you not trust my capabilities?"

Martouf: "While that is a factor, I just want to make sure Selmak and Jacob make it through this. Both are important to me."

Giving him a simple nod, we continue waiting. Soon I sensed the gate activate with Death Gliders around it.

Nova: "Inform: They are here. When they finally wake up, we move out. Do not leave my shielded area on our way to the gate."

He gave me a nod with eyes filled with determination. And luckily for my attention span, they woke up only a few minutes later.

Nova: "Statement: Good, you are both awake. Are you well enough to travel, or do you need more time?"

Selmak: "Martouf?"

Martouf: "I am here."

He smiled at Selmak, but before Selmak could say anything, the tunnels shook from weapons fire.

Selmak: "Shall we not make our escape?"

Martouf smiled at him, and replied, "Yes, we should."

Nova: "Query: Are you quite done? Yes? Good. Now, when we leave the tunnels do not go beyond my shield. When we get closer to the stargate, I will expand it. We don't need to run, so if it's easier on your recovery, we can walk."

Selmak: "Your shield can protect against sustained Goa'uld weapons fire?"

Nova: "Smug: My shields can protect against a star going supernova and point blank range. We'll be fine."

Both of their eyes open comically wide at that statement.

Nova: "Amusement: Now you start to understand why I am the most advanced Automaton you'll ever encounter. Now, let's go."

As the tunnels were closing in on us relatively quickly, we jogged to the rings to leave the tunnels. And when we ringed to the surface, I put a small shield dome above us. Moments later, several Death Gliders shot at us but did no visible damage to my shield.

Selmak: "Astounding. Well, since we're not in a hurry, let's walk. I am not 100% yet."

Martouf: "I agree, this is most impressive."

And so we made our way to the gate at a leisurely pace. When the gate came into view, I expanded my shield to cover the gate as well. By now, there were several dozen Death Gliders performing strafing runs on my shield, giving us a perfect example of the definition of insanity. I don't think anyone told them what that was though. Oh well.

As we made our way to the gate, I input the iris code, and sent it through. Several seconds later I got the confirmation.

Nova: "Inform: Alright, it is safe to enter the gate. Let us quit this planet."

Selmak: "Agreed."

With that, all three of us entered the Stargate as I powered down my shields. The next moment, we were in the gate room with a very worried looking Sam and a mildly worried looking Garshaw.

Nova: "Pride: As I promised you Sam. They are here nice and safe. Now if everyone will excuse me, I'll be waiting in my room till I am called for a debrief. As much as I loathe it. Good day everyone."

And with that, I left them all and headed to my room. I don't know why, but I actually felt a small tinge of disgust for Selmak and the Tok'ra in general. I need to think about this. More changes to my personality it seems. But welcomed ones, honestly. Flesh is a weakness most do not overcome.

'Everyday I stray further from my old self, and am becoming something new. Improved. I like this, this is a good thing."

Unknown to me, while I was thinking about this, I suddenly "grew" a 4th tail.