Chapter 9: Cults, Gods, and more Diggy Diggy hole?

'Finally. Damn stingy Tok'ra. That it took a month to track down a measly assassination target, who was never even in the show, irritated even someone like me. Oh well, at least they held up their end of the bargain and got me two sets of rings. Would have built my own, but I lack the non metal parts.'

As I was mentally complaining, Selmak was dialling the gate back to Earth. I've been gone for a while, hunting some shitter to get some rings for my tunnels I plan to build under the SGC. I don't want to have any organics there, so having two sets of rings was the logical conclusion I made. One to use, and one for back up.

With the ability to create tunnels like the Tok'ra I decided it was time to make my own base of sorts. Nothing permanent or anything, but some place to have my own. Maybe even a lab. I'll have to buy some resources though, since not everything can be made out of Morphium yet.

'Ahh, the sooner I get my hands on energy fabricators the better.'

Martouf: "Thank you again, Nova. The path of destruction you left in your wake will make our mission even easier going forward, never mind the target you killed for us."

Nova: "Dryly: Do not mention it. Really. I am displeased that it took a month, but it couldn't be helped. At least I can finally go about my plans back on Earth now that I have these rings."

Nova: "Tease: Are you sure you don't want to go see your love?"

Martouf just coughed a little bit, and shook his head while walking away. Soon after the gate opened and the Tok'ra code was sent through.

Selmak: "Let's go."

Nodding to him, we head through the portal. A trippy light show later, we are standing in the SGC with SG-1 and the General waiting for us. Walking down the ramp, I greeted everyone.

Nova: "Greetings: Hello everyone. It has been a while. How much fun have you had without me, I wonder?"

Jack: "Oh you know us. Time Travel, blackholes, abductions and rogue factions. Among other things. Fun times abound!"

Nova: "Pout: You guys had all the fun. All I did was hunt down a slippery snake, and blew up several Goa'uld ships and stuff of that nature."

Jack: "My condolences for your lack of fun, Nova. We'll make sure to bring you on our next adventure."

Sam and Daniel let out a small snicker at that.

Jacob: "George. Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, Daniel. Sam!"

After greeting the others, he hugged his daughter.

Jacob: "How you doing kid?"

Sam: "Okay dad. Been a wild ride as of late, but none worse the wear."

Jacob: "So I've heard! You all are the current hot topic at the Tok'ra water cooler. Heard you kicked some major Hathor butt!

Jack: "Yes, we do take pride in good work. But that's not why you're here?"

Jacob: "No. We need your help."

Sam looked surprised at her dad's request and asked, "You need our help? With what?"

Jacob: "Let's just call it a Goa'uld hunt, hmm?"

Everyone looked a bit confused at that.

Nova: "Complain: I just finished hunting one. Please tell me you actually have information on this target, and not just 'Oh, we think he's around this part of the galaxy.' Because if it's that vague again, I am going to sit this one out."

Jacob chuckled a little and replied, "No worries Nova. We have a bit more information on this target. Come everyone, let's head to the meeting room to talk about this."

Nodding, we all head up to the meeting room, while I ask the General something.

Nova: "Request: General, could I ask you to have some men transport my rings up to the surface? When I get some free time, I want to build some Tok'ra tunnels for a base of my own. I plan to use the rings as a way in and out as my tunnels will not have a connection to the surface and lack the Tok'ra's ability to provide life support"

Hammond: "That is fine Nova, Airmen, I want you and how ever many it takes to do what Nova has requested. Then post a guard around them till Nova comes to receive them, understood?"

???: "Sir, yes Sir!"

Nodding, the General and I walk to the meeting room above the observation room of the gate.

When we sat down with the rest of the group, Jacob placed some kind of device on the table, and it started to project a 3D image. How have I not absorbed one of these yet? Scanning the device, I take note of its simple design. I could build one quite easily, but again, I do not have the crystal needed that acts like a focus for the light to pass through. After lamenting my inability to morph Morphium even further, I tune back into the conversation.

Daniel: "Actually, I was referring to what was being displayed. It's like a, uhh… family tree of the ancient Egyptian gods…"

Jacob: "Actually, of the Goa'uld system lords."

Daniel started to list all of the Goa'uld lords, and after a few Teal'c noticed one was flashing. The symbol of Seth.

Daniel: "That is the symbol of Seth."

Jacob: "Have you met him, Teal'c?"

Teal'c: "I have met descendants of his Jaffa, that is all."

Jack: "Alright, who is this Seth fella?"

Daniel: "Ancient Egyptian god of Chaos, embodiment of hostility, and outright evil…"

Hammond: "Why haven't we heard of him before?"

Daniel: "I doubt we have even scratched the surface of meeting all of the system lords. Probably thousands right?"

Jacob: "Only dozens in the rank of System lords, thousands in general though."

Sam: "What makes you think we've met this one?"

Jacob: "The Tok'ra have been taking a census of the system lords of sort. Where they are, what domains they rule, who serves them. That sort of thing. Seth is the only Goa'uld system lord that is unaccounted for. And our record of him ends when the Earth's stargate was buried in ancient Egypt.

Nova: "Conclusion: So you think he never left this planet, and has been hiding out ever since?"

Jacob: "Yup, that is the general idea we're going with so far."

Hmm. I know Daniel will find him, but I want this to go a bit faster. I have no use for this Goa'uld, and he has no new tech that I can remember from the show.

While the group was talking about Seth, I connected to the computer terminal next to us, and started to search for anything related to him. And, unsurprisingly, like Daniel I found him rather fast. Typical Goa'uld. Left a trail, most times of bodies, after he was finished with his little cults he formed, or was cornered. Currently, he is wanted by the C.I.A as a terrorist organization under the name "Children of Seth."

Jack: "Nova? What cha up too?"

This caught everyone's attention, as they looked at me then at the computer near me that had the picture of Seth from the C.I.A file with my Omega fox symbol over the screen.

Nova: "Inform: I have found your missing system lord."

Sam: "Really? How?"

Nova: "Disappointment: He's a Goa'uld Sam. And he stuck to their tired MO. That of fake religions. So I merely searched for the variations of his name, and symbols related to him throughout your history. He has shown up several times, raising up a cult. Only to end up killing them all when he was done, and moving on.

Currently, he is even wanted by the C.I.A as the leader for a terrorist organization called, "Children of Seth."

Jacob looked totally gobsmacked. Everyone else wasn't too far behind him. Daniel however looked very impressed with what I did.

Jacob: "You mean to say you actually found this guy?"

Nova: "Amusement: Most of your race is not subtle when they think they are dealing with lesser life forms. Which is close to all of the time."

Sam: "Why do you think this is our Goa'uld, beyond the name?"

Nova: "Quote: Deprogrammed ex-members of the cult describe Seth as having magical powers and the ability to heal. Also claiming he has murdered several members in front of the others. Several independent reports also state that the cult leader can make his own eyes glow."

This grabbed everyone's attention immediately.

Hammond: "Where are they based, Nova?"

Nova: "Reply: Just north of Seattle."

Hammond: "Alright. You all will be there within hours. Get ready people, we got a Goa'uld to catch."

Nova: "Query: Catch, General? Or is termination fine?"

The General looks at Jacob for his opinion.

Jacob: "Catch would be the most ideal outcome. But the lives of the innocents come first. If it's too much trouble, we can just take him out."

Hammond: "You heard the man. Go get ready."

Everyone gave a curt nod, and left to go get ready.

Several hours and a flight later, we were arriving via a truck escorted by the local sheriff to the front gates to the area Seth claimed. Getting out of the truck we all started to look beyond the gate. I started to scan the compound myself, and I detected a few instances of Goa'uld technology.

Finishing up my scan I turned to see Jack talking to some random dude, named Jason, who said he was camping out for a month to try and see if his son was still alive.

Jason: "I don't mean to harp on your ways, but why have you brought a strangely dressed little girl along?"

Jack: "Oh, don't worry about her. You'd be quite surprised what she can do. Anyway, why don't you show us that area you said would be a good entry point?"

Jason: "... sure. Whatever. Follow me then."

As he started to lead us away, Teal'c leaned in to Jack and said we were being observed.

Jack: "Yea, most likely F.B.I. Or maybe A.T.F."

Several minutes later we arrived at the spot Jason said would be a good entry point. Jack set up some thermite on the bars, and lit it up. Burning a hole so they could enter.

Nova: "Statement: I think I should remain here with Jason for the time being while you scout. My colours tend to stand out."

Jack: "Uh. Yea, good idea. I forgot about that for some reason. We'll be back soon."

While they were climbing through the gate, Jason looked at me with a bit of confusion.

Jason: "You talk very weirdly."

Nova: "Reply: It is a byproduct of how I was born and raised. I do not wish to talk about it with someone like you."

Jason: "Someone like me?"

Nova: "Clarification: A civilian."

Jason: "Oh. Ooohhh… I am sorry."

Shaking my head and inwardly smiling at the misunderstanding I created, I wait for my team to come back. Which only took five minutes thankfully. I really do not like spending time with organics I do not know, or care to know honestly. After they climbed back to our side of the fence and we started making our way back to the front road, I tossed the question.

Nova: "Query: So?"

Jack: "The dude lives by the word 'Overkill.' Lots of guards, and even has a pair of .50cal mounted guns on the roof. They also have a lot of Zat's around, so the target is confirmed."

Nova: "Mockery: Ah, so not much of a problem then. Want me to rush them and just kill my way to Seth?"

Sam and Daniel: "No, Nova!"

I tilted my head to the side and motioned them to continue, but we were interrupted by a group of men with handguns pointed at us.

???: "Lower your weapons!"

Jack: "I was wondering when you folks would show up! We got a bet going. I say F.B.I., they say A.T.F"

???: "Special Agent James Hamner. A.T.F."

Jack: "Damn."

After introducing everyone, and confirming who we were, they asked us to follow them to their little base they have set up a few miles down the road. After we got to the base and exited our vehicles the team started to make their way into the main command tent. I endeavoured to stay out, as I cared not for the dick measuring that was about to happen. Instead I just started to explore the camp.

After finding nothing worth looking in too, I just leaned against a van and waited for my team to come out. Didn't take long thankfully, and they soon joined me.

Daniel: "Jack, based on Seth's history, if these guys go in there guns blazing he's going to kill everyone in there."

Jack: "Jacob, are we right to assume there is some sort of brainwashing going on in there?"

Jacob nods his head and says, "It's most likely Nish'ta. It's a biological compound that once inhaled will infect all tissue in your body, including your brain. It tends to make your mind extremely pliable."

Daniel: "That is what like Hathor used."

Jacob: "It's stronger, more encompassing.

Teal'c: "I believe that is the substance Apophis used on my son, Rya'c."

Jack: "Can we reverse it?"

Jacob: "Yes. A strong enough shock will do the trick. But the host will also then become totally immune to it from that point on."

Teal'c: "That is why Rya'c returned to normal after I shot him with a Zat'nik'tel."

Jack: "Then we go in with Zat's."

Daniel: "Same problem Jack. It won't be covert, and he may kill everyone else."

Sam: "Plus, we won't stand a chance with the amount of firepower they have."

Nova: "Observation: Then the solution is easy. I will pose as a new hopeful. And when they bring me before Seth, I will just release a mass Zat energy discharge. Stunning everyone in the room, including Seth."

Jack: "That… is actually a really good plan. Alright, let's do that. We'll wait for your all clear, and then join you."

Nodding at the plan, we all entered back into our truck, and drove back to the entrance of the compound. When we exited, we noticed we were followed by Hamner again.

Hamner: "Colonel. I've followed to inform you that the President called a few ago, and told me to hand over this case to you. Seems you already have an idea of what to do?"

I ignored him, and started to make my way into the compound. As I was walking away though, I heard a bit of the conversion.

Hamner: "Wait, what? Colonel, why are you sending in the little girl in a costume to a terrorist compound?! Are you insane?"

Jack: "Oh, don't worry. You'll see why soon. But everything about her, besides her name is Classified. Even higher up than the weapons these idiots managed to get a hold of. Just a friendly warning Agent."

Soon as I was around the bend, I stopped paying attention to them, and instead to the five armed guards making their way to me with AK-47's raised.

???: "Stop. Who are you, and why have you approached?

Nova: "Hopeful: Is this where the God Seth has returned too? My Grandmother and mother always said he would one day return. Please, I must know if he is the God my family has been waiting for."

Several of the guards smirked.

???: "Yes! He has come! Is most certainly the God you seek! Come, we will take you to him."

They lowered their weapons, and ushered me towards the compound. While we were making our way in, one of them asked a question.

???: "Why do you talk the way you do?"

Nova: "Reply: My family is taught that only the God Seth is worthy of our emotions. And nothing else. So until we can serve him again, we must lock them away. So when we finally meet once again they are true, and untainted by the world of mortals."

???: "Wow! Your family has the right of it! God Seth will be most pleased such faithful have returned to him."

I merely nodded my head. Soon I was led through the rather large mansion and to a large room. In the middle of the room, near the wall sat the Goa'uld we are hunting on a throne surrounded by what seems to be most of his followers from what I scanned. The arrogance of such a pitiful organic race is truly impressive.

Seth: "Ah, and who might you be then?"

???: "My lord! She says she is from a family that has long worshipped you, and has been waiting for your return."

Seth looked at me with a little suspicion, but with mostly pride and arrogance.

Seth: "Truly?"

Nodding my head I say, "Statement: Yes, and I have a gift for you."

Seth leaned forward intrigued, "And, what is this gift?"

Nova: "Mockery: This."

And then before anyone really understood what was happening, I built up a Zat blast all around my body. Less than a second later, it was released causing pink with purple surrounding it lightning to appear all over the place and knocking everyone out.

Taking a quick scan, I can see there are only four guards left, all at the front on the roof of the mansion. Creating a small tether of Morphium, I tie it to Seth's ankle. I also disarmed him, which in this case, was to just remove his Kara Kesh.

Making him float behind me, I went up to the roof to stun the rest of the guards. It didn't take me long, and after stunning them and doing a second check, and a wider scan to make sure I didn't miss anyone, I floated down from the roof. Thinking it would be funny, I created a mouth clamp around Seth so he can't make noise and absorbed the makeshift rope I had made earlier.

I then let Seth's body drop back to the ground, grab his left ankle and started to pull him along the ground back to my team. Not taking me overly long, I pass the bend again, and come into view of my team. And their reactions are great.

Jack is laughing. Teal'c has an eyebrow raised, and looks impressed. Sam was trying to hide a smile and a laugh behind her hand, and Daniel was just shaking his head with a smile. Jacob just looked amused to no end. He got used to the shenanigans I get up to when I "work" while I was helping the Tok'ra for that month. Agent Hamner just looked absolutely gobsmacked and honestly, maybe even a little bamboozled.

Jack: Heh heh heh. Now remember Agent. Top Classification."

He just nodded absentmindedly.

Nova: "Joke: One dumb cult leader. As ordered. No refunds."

I say as I plop him down in front of everyone. Jack is quick to cuff him.

Nova: "Inform: The rest of the cult has been knocked out. They should be coming around soon, and broken free. Jack, this house will need a deep cleaning as it were. He has a great deal of the forbidden weapons."

Jack: "Yea, all good on that end Nova. We got several people on the way for clean up. I made the call after you went in. Figured it wouldn't take you long. It never does after all."

I put my hands on my hips, and puff out my little chest.

Nova: "Pride: I do my best. Most of the time."

They all slightly laugh at that. It must look a tad weird with my totally blank face, and monotone voice. But eh, you work with what you got.

Jack: "Alright guys. Captain, Teal'c, 'General,' I want you to go and secure the weapons and such. Nova and I will wait for the others to come."

I looked over to the agent to see if he noticed that a colonel was giving orders to a "general" but it didn't look like it. Still stunned by what he saw it looked like. Heh.

Numerous hours later we were back at the SGC, and finishing up the debrief. It seems the Tok'ra were going to take Seth, and try to squeeze out as much information as possible from him. We also gained a ton of weaponry from Seth's little cult. Tens of staff weapons and Zat guns. Several bomb and stun grenades'. Was a good haul for the SGC, considering.

After the meeting I made my way up towards the surface, and my sets of rings. It was time to finally build a small base of sorts. I had asked the General where it would be fine to have it, and he said on the other side of the mountain was a great location and I agreed. I'd still be close, and in range for their communications to get to me, and it wouldn't be a pain in the ass to get back for missions.

Landing at the opposite side at the base of the mountain I set up a pad for the rings about a foot under the soil. I then started to tunnel my way down for about 500 metres, thinking that would be good enough. Touching the side of the tunnel, I willed it to close back up to the part where I was standing. While it was doing that, I sat down on the ground and started to think of exactly what I wanted the underground crystal base to be. It can't be overly fancy yet, as I can't fabricate, and the ability I got from the tunnel crystals I absorbed can only do so much.

Focusing, I wanted a base that was a kilometre long and wide in the shape of a square. In the very middle of this, would be the main hallway. I then partitioned four square rooms close to me two on each side of the hallway, each being 160m wide by 495m long. Giving each room 6m of bedrock between them and me a 10m wide hallway. The last room was 662m wide and the full 1km long. It will be my main space, with all my technology for building and research.

Then with a thought, I pushed my "blueprint" out and let my ability activate and start making the complex. I stood up and noticed that the previous hole I "dug" was already filled in. I set up the sister ring pad to the one on the surface, and activated them. With a flash, I appeared right where I should have.

'Now, to change how these work a bit. I don't want anyone but me using these after all.'

Connecting with the ring system, I modified the permissions needed to use them. That is to say, they won't work unless they get the order from me alone. And the only way to get that order, is directly from my ability to connect to technology.

'I doubt this is hack proof honestly, but should be more than enough for now.'

Giving myself a slight nod, I put the other set of rings, which were still packed up so they took up less space, and beamed back down to my base. I have a lot of work ahead of me with this. But it will most likely be worth it.

'Time to go shopping for shit online! Thank you Kinsey for your generous donation to charity. Hehehe.'