Chapter 21: A mistake, a talk, and some fun~.

It's been just over a week since I started messing with magic, and I got a few spells. Honestly, making these things is a lot harder than I was first guessing. The first spell I got was Abyss Ice.


[Abyssal Ice] -Advanced rank-

Draw on your generator to create Ice corrupted by the Abyss utilising your completed spell formulas. Level of corruption can be increased, until it is fully Abyssal Ice.


Abyssal Ice will start to get colder and colder with enough corruption until it starts to freeze souls, leading to finally causing heat death in the affected area.


I got this from creating several versions of ice spells, and it all just combined in my UI for ease of view. I also did the same for the fireball spell I made before, while adding a few lines to move the spell forward a bit.


[Abyssal Fire] -Advanced rank-

Draw on your generator to create Fire corrupted by the Abyss utilising your completed spell formulas. Level of corruption can be increased, until it is fully Abyssal Fire.


Abyssal Fire will start to disintegrate instead of burn with enough corruption, leading to it finally burning souls.


I was quite pleased with both of these. But while the spells say I can cause heat death and burn souls, I can't right now. My generator can't supply enough Abyss energy to bring it to that level. Both get a power boost, for sure when I pump out max corruption I am able too, but it's not enough for heat death. And I have no way to test souls without actual souls, if I even have the ability to sense souls.

Today however, I made my first support/buff spell. Coming up with the spell formulas was actually quite the challenge. It took several days with full focus to finish the maths needed for the spell.

'You'd think it'd be easy to make a spell that just makes you "stronger" but noooo. And since I am a machine, and have no muscles and shit to boost… geh. Worth though!'


[Blessing of the Abyss] -Novice rank-

Draw on your generator to create an Abyssal blessing using your completed spell formula. Grants a 100% increase in performance to yourself. Lasts until cancelled.


Having this on will have a rather marked increase in your passive Abyss corruption to your surroundings, and it will be easy to detect you.


'I can't wait to improve this spell, but I can already tell it's going to be a bitch and a hal-'

Nova: "Query: Who are you? I can see you but not sense you, at least not fully. Force projection?"

???: "That is quite amazing. For a machine to understand what this is so suddenly. This further convinces me you do not belong here. What are you?"

Nova: "Quip: Isn't it rude to answer a question with a question. Well, it doesn't matter. I think I know what and who you are."

???: "Oh? And who do you think I am?"

Nova: "Reply: The embodiment of the Light Side of the force. Daughter. Which, by the way, is a really stupid fucking name."

Daughter: "My name aside, I am greatly surprised you know me. Honestly, I am even more surprised you can see and lightly sense me."

Nova: "Pride: Do not underestimate what my creator has built and put in motion, Organic. Now, how did you find me, and better yet why are you here?"

Daughter: "Honestly, it was total fluke that I found you personally. This base had sent out a great disturbance in the force, so much so that it almost felt like Abeloth was freed. Which confused us greatly, as this is nowhere near where she is trapped. Father had bid me to investigate. Your little house stands out a great deal compared to everything else around it, so I got curious.

Nova: ….

'Really?! Damn it. It seems I still have some of my old Organic tendencies left.'

Nova: "Annoyed: To be found because of something so mundane. So, now that you've seen me, what are you and yours going to do?"

Daughter: "Nothing. We don't really intervene in the lower realm. And while trying to look into your future is futile, I can however look into the future the army outside. And while the loss of life that will happen is sad, it's nothing new to this galaxy."

Nova: "Query: So you're also implying that if I escalate this to a certain height, you and yours will step in and stop me?"

She just looks calmly at me.

Nova: "Reply: I will keep that in mind. Now, leave. I do not appreciate uninvited guests in my home, even as temporary as this one will be."

She looked at me for several seconds before vanishing from my sight, and sensors.

'So I now have to worry about "The Ones" of all things. Great. Well, maybe I should start a fight with one of them when my [Universe Shift] is off cooldown to see if I can kill them. Would be a good test of strength.'

With that odd encounter out of the way, I went back to my spell creation and upgrading.

— Nearly two years later —

It's been some time, and I've made a bit of progress on my magic.


[Abyssal Wind] -Advanced rank-

Draw on your generator to create Wind corrupted by the Abyss utilising your completed spell formulas. Level of corruption can be increased, until it is fully Abyssal Wind.


Abyssal Wind will start to gradually fully corrupt anything in its range at an increasing rate with enough corruption, leading to it finally corrupting and warping souls.

[Abyssal Earth] -Advanced rank-

Draw on your generator to create Earth corrupted by the Abyss utilising your completed spell formulas. Level of corruption can be increased, until it is fully Abyssal Earth.


Abyssal Earth will slowly spread the Abyss corruption around it, with enough corruption it will slightly buff Abyss aligned entities and weaken everything else making contact with it.


But sadly, despite my best efforts, I only managed to raise the rank of my blessing by one rank.


[Blessing of the Abyss] -General rank-

Draw on your generator to create an Abyssal blessing using your completed spell formulas. Grants up to a 200% increase in performance to yourself. Lasts until cancelled.


Having this on will have a rather marked increase in your passive Abyss corruption to your surroundings, and it will be easy to detect you.


It is a little sad, but it was the best I could do with my current understanding of magic. Which is very limited. The rest of the time was spent getting used to magic, and fighting with it.

I may or may not have blown up a planet or two with some of my tests. While the total power output and corruption value was limited, the scale was grandiose to say the least.

'Being able to freeze an entire planet down to its core is great. It also seemed that my Abyssal Ice lasts a long time, and is hard to melt or even damage. While at the same time, Abyssal Fire is a bitch to put out via normal means and next to impossible with the amount of corruption I can fill the spell with.'

The rest of the time I wasn't training or messing around with my spells, I was trying to invent a better Universe shifting technology. Unfortunately all my efforts so far have been futile. What I did manage to do though was make a Universe Shift engine that can link up with and follow me. But Lilith confirmed that my [Null-Cloak] will not hide anything but me personally. So until I can hold my own against nearly anything, it's best to go solo and just make what I need in the new universe.

— Connection request: VI Mother —

Nova: "Query: Yes, Mother. What is it?"

Mother: "Creator, I am ready to start my invasion of the inner part of the galaxy now."

Nova: "Glee: Great. Standing army size?"

Mother: "I have 100 starships, and around 500 million droids currently. Each ship can 'crew' 20,000 while holding 10 million in digital storage. Thank you again for solving that transportation issue, Creator."

Nova: "Reply: It's fine. I am the one who didn't want to make crew ships after all. Are you ready to leave at this exact minute, or do you still need an hour or two to finish preparations?"

Mother: "I would like an hour for final checks and such, Creator."

Nova: "Reply: That is fine. I will go aboard a ship and just wait. Launch whenever you are ready to begin your assault."

Mother: "As you will, Creator."

— Connection closed —

I was already on my way up to a ship by the time the connection closed, and I arrived at the random ship I chose a few seconds later. Phasing through the shields and hull, I entered the bridge and phased back. Looking around, this looks pretty much like the Asgard O'Neill ship. But with a few upgrades here and there, as well as being in my colours. I also had my sigil on the side of each ship, the Omega symbol with fox ears.

After sometime Mother informed she was ready to go, and everything gave the green light.

Nova: "Query: So, which planet are you going for first?"

Mother: "I will be attacking a planet named 'Dantooine' first. It is a farming world, and the location was heavily guarded by the Light Side cult Jedi. This should be a great move to announce our presence to the galaxy at large."

Nova: "Glee: Perfect. I will attack the Jedi enclave that is there personally. You will take out anything else that might be around on the planet that you deem worthy of removing."

Mother: "As you will, Creator. I am predicting they might come in force for this world, the Jedi I mean. It seems to hold special meaning to them."

Nova: "Reply: Understood. Show them the might of the Aeterna Digitalis Abyssi Imperium."

With that said, my fleet enters hyperspace with Dantooine as the target. It only took us five minutes to reach the planet, thanks to our powerful engines. As soon as we left hyperspace, I started to scan the planet. I didn't detect much intelligent life compared to how big the planet is, but I did quickly find the enclave.

Inside the enclave I was able to detect several life signs that are near each other with energy that I classified as " The Force." The readings that they were giving off were the same as when the Daughter paid me a visit. But much more solid, for a lack of a better term.

Seeing no reason to waste time, I teleported myself inside the room. Looking around I see several races of, what I assume are Jedi Masters, looking at me in surprise and wariness.

???: "Who are you?"

Asked a Twi'lek with red skin. Have to admit, she looked great, even in those Jedi robes. At least they were armoured robes too.

Nova: "Threaten: My designation is Nova. I am here to offer you, your lives. Surrender, and obey. Or resist and be destroyed. This planet is now under the control of the Aeterna Digitalis Abyssi Imperium."

Midway through my warning, they all pulled out their lightsabers and put up their guard.

???: "It was most foolish for you to come here alone like this Miss Nova. You stand before several Jedi Masters. If you surrender, we will not harm you."

Nova: "Mockery: And you stand before an Omega Class First Generation Abyss Variant Automaton. I know that I stand in front of Organics who have a high degree of control over what you have named 'The Force,' and yet I have come anyway. What does that tell you little Zabrak?"

This time a human spoke up, "That you are not programmed properly, ha. As if a machine could ever-"

I shattered into butterflies and attempted to stab my hand through the back of his chest to get at his heart, but he managed to get away at the very last second with a moderate wound on his back.

This caused all the Jedi to become full alert and move to the other side of the room, while another human went and started to heal the Jedi I had failed to kill.

Nova: "Shock: I am impressed, Organic. You are the very first to dodge, if barely, a surprise attack like that. But it does not bode well for you all now, does it?"

The first Jedi spoke up again, "That was indeed impressive and unique for a machine, Nova. But now we know what to expect, and it will be that much harder."

Nova: "Smug: Oh? Then how about this? [Abyssal Ic–"

???: "No!"

The next thing I knew, I was flying through several walls and ejected outside of the conclave crashing in to the ground laying on my back. My shields were fine, but I somehow managed to take 1% of my HP in damage.

Blinking a few times while staring at the sky just laid there for a few seconds.

'Okay, note to self. Make myself heavy when fighting Force users. Or don't and have more fun? Hmm.'

Getting up, and having my body just ripple to absorb all the debris on me, I make my way back towards the building. While I was making my way back, several Jedi were also rushing so the fight was no longer inside their building.

???: "Why did you suddenly Force Push her away, Kayliee?"

Kayliee: "The Force warned me that she should never be allowed to use whatever that was. It was extremely deadly and would have killed everyone. I have never gotten such a clear feeling of Death from the Force like that before, Kyle."

Kyle: "That is worrying."

???: "Agreed."

???: "Enough talk! Let's dismantle her now!"

A younger looking Jedi Master of the Mikkian race yelled as she charged at me. Jumping, and raising her blue lightsaber for an aerial attack, I made no motion to block.

???: "Ha! Not so tough, to be expected of a machine!"

She brought her blade down on to my neck and fully expected to slice through. But when it hit my shields, and caused her blade to violently bounce back and it broke her stance while also shocking her. This gave me the time to reach out and grab her by the neck.

Nova: "Praise: You have such a wonderful pigment colour for your skin. It is such a waste to destroy it."

I turn my head to the now named Kayliee and look directly in her eyes.

Nova: "Cruel: You and your Force were right to fear it. [Abyssal Ice]."

???: "Aahhh!! Please stop! IT HURT–"

In a matter of seconds, her entire body was nothing but solid deep purple ice. A perfect looking ice sculpture of this Jedi.

All of them gasped, and took a step back in horror.

Kyle: "What… What have you done to her? That is not normal ice at all. It feels so. Wrong. Not even the Dark side gives off this horrible feeling…"

I let her go, and she hits the ground with a loud thud. Abyss Ice, I have found, is surprisingly quite hard to break. It's almost like metal in how strong it is.

Nova: "Mockery: Why don't you ask your vaunted Force for answers. One down, and three more to go. Speaking of, weren't there more of you?"

Kyle swallowed hard, ignored me and said, "Come Kayliee, Tonika. This is going to be much harder than we may have originally thought."

I take one last glance at the ice sculpture I made, and wonder how someone as impulsive as that could have reached the rank of Master.

Taking a closer look at the three Jedi masters I have left to kill, I finally take note of their appearances.

Kyle is a tall Human male. Brown skin, blue eyes and black hair. His lightsaber colour was blue.

Kayliee is shorter than Kyle by a bit, and is blue skinned Twi'lek. Has green eyes, with a green lightsaber.

Tonika is around the same height as Kyle and of the Togruta race. She has orange skin with the white tribal looking tattoo on her face. Her montrals and head tails were both white with some blue in the hue. Blue eyes and a yellow lightsaber.

Nova: "Query: So, if I kill the three of you, will the rest of your little cult here surrender? Or do I need to do some pest control."

Kyle: "Pest control? Do you mean to wipe out all Organic life in the galaxy?"

Nova: "Disinterest: Only the ones that resist."

Tonika: "There will be no surrender, because while we keep you distracted, they are going to flee. Our lives for their safety is a good trade."

I was honestly a bit stunned she would just tell me their plans like that. And also confused as to why they thought they could get away from my fleet in orbit. Then I remembered that mother had the ships in stealth mode atm. Just waiting.

Nova: "Query: Escape? You mean those ships?"

I point as a few ships are starting to take off, and flee to space.

Kayliee: "You will not harm them! There are children on those ships!"

Nova: "Sadistic: You are correct. I will not harm them. Mother. Target any and all ships that attempt to flee the planet and destroy them."

All three Jedi, "No!"

Suddenly every ship that was trying to escape was rammed or cut in half by blue beams of light, obliterating every ship.

Nova: "Cruel: Wow, looks like you were right. I didn't get to harm a single person on those ships. Truly, the Force can see all."

They all looked at me with a great deal of sorrow on their faces, while Kayliee's had something else.

Kyle: "You monster."

Kayliee: "They were children! CHILDREN! How could you?!"

I just shrug at them.

Nova: "Statement: I gave you the option. You chose destruction."

I noticed a shift in the energy I was detecting from Kayliee. I couldn't put it into words, not really. What I was sensing from her was still the Force, but just "darker" now.

Kayliee: "I will destroy you, you monster! THEY WERE CHILDREN!"

She then hit me full on with some good ole fashioned Force Lightning. This caused my shields to flare up as I was being bombarded by it. Interestingly enough though, my HP was rapidly going between 100% to 99% as she was attacking me.

'Interesting, while my shields stop the physical aspect of the attack, once again the supernatural part gets through.'

Kyle: "Kayliee, control yourself please! Do not fall to the Dark side! That will not lead to victory, but your destruction!"

Nova: "Quip: As if any of you are going to leave here. While this lightning is flashy, it does nothing. My turn."

I charge forward at Kayliee right through her lightning, raising my [Energy Field] coated fist and punching towards her chest.

She stops her attack and raises her lightsaber to black my fist. Unfortunately for her, my fist just ignores the blade all together, which causes her eyes to widen. She manages to dodge at the last possible second, but still takes a huge hit in the chest. My fist had burnt through all her armour, and a few centimetres into her flesh. No blood because it was cauterised instantly.

Not giving her much time to refocus, I continue my onslaught. She has wisely given up on trying to use her lightsaber to block and is just narrowly dodging all of my attacks. But she is still accumulating damage over time as a few punches are slipping by her defence every now and then narrowly.

I keep attacking her while I start to taunt her, "Mockery: Is this the best you can do? Is this all what the lives of those children measured up to for you? This paltry performance? You are running out of steam Jedi, and I am still only playing."


The whole time I was playing with the woman, the other two Jedi were trying to attack me, while also trying to talk some sense into her. I just ignored them completely though.

I noticed her going for a two handed Force push, so I increased my Gravity by a 100 times to prevent myself from being thrown. The two Jedi behind me were not so lucky.

Before she recovered her stance, I stopped time. I walk behind her, and grab her by the back of the neck, and lift her up while resuming time.

Kayliee: "What?! HOW?! Let me go you damn machine!"

She struggles wildly, clawing at my hand while also trying to use Force Push several times to get me off her.

Nova: "Cruel: I wonder how this will change you, while you are embracing the Dark side you so hate."

Kayliee: "What?"

Nova: "Sadistic: [Abyssal Wind]."

I then conjured an upstream of Abyssal wind around her, causing the Abyss corruption to rapidly spread through her body, ravaging it. She started screaming her heart out as her blue skin was rapidly losing its colour, and being replaced by an ash grey. Even her clothes and lightsaber were not spared. They became a deep black, while her lightsaber blade was now ash grey and started to emit a black smoke like vapour along the blade.

Kayliee: "Ahhh!! AHHGHH!! No! Stop! I can't. I CAN'T!! NNrgh… Hate! HATE! I HATE EVERYTHING!"

Eventually the entirety of her eyes started to glow a solid pink with a purple hue around them. Feeling that there was nothing left to corrupt, I let go and she crumpled to the ground. She got up on her hands and knees and started to rapidly smash the ground causing little tremors with her now seemingly enhanced strength while screaming hate over and over.

By now, the other two Jedi finally made it back to us, and looked on in extreme worry to their friend.

Kyle: "Kayliee? Are… are you okay?"

She heard his call, and looked up at him and snarled.

Kayliee: "You! HATE YOU!"

She quickly picked up her lightsaber, ignited it, and charged at her former friend. Her speed seemed to surprise him, or the fact that she attacked, as his eyes went wide.

Kyle: "Kayliee?! What happened?! SNAP OUT OF IT! Kayliee!"

But she just kept on attacking him wildly while screaming hate.

Nova: "Amused: It seems she has gone mad with hate. How interesting."

Tonika: "What have you done to her? You are more of a monster than a machine, that's for sure…"

Nova: "Pride: Thank you. My creator would be most proud to hear someone say that about me. As for what I have done?"

I shatter into butterflies, and appear in front of her with my first heading towards her head.

Nova: "Sadistic: Nothing you can undo."

She seems to have learned from my fight with Kayliee, and dodged my fist instead of even trying to block, and tried to counter with a Force Push.

Seeing it do nothing to me, she raised her lightsaber and tried to put me on the defence. I merely grabbed the blade and stared right into her eyes.

Nova: "Query: Really. What is your plan? Nothing you are doing is working. Has no-one told you the definition of insanity before?"

Before she could respond, there was another explosion in the sky.

Nova: "Cruel: Another one bites the dust. It seems the learning capabilities of some Organics are severely hampered."

Tonika: "The Force guides me, you cold, cruel and soulless machine. And I trust in the Force."

Nova: "Mockery: It guides you to your death, Jedi. And for the record?"

I pull on her blade causing her to stumble slightly forward, and I grab her wrist.

Nova: "Sadistic: I have a soul. It's more advanced than yours. Goodbye Jedi. [Abyssal Earth]."

As she was slowly turning into stone, she calmly looked me dead in the eyes.

Tonika: "There is no death, there is the Force. And the Force is Eternal."

Nova: "Statement: The Force is only as Eternal as I let it be, Organic."

She closed her eyes, and had a serene look on her face as she fully turned to stone. I heard a loud gasp and looked toward the two Jedi Masters that were fighting. It seems Kyle managed to knock out his former friend, Kayliee. He looks up from her knocked out state, and towards us. His face turns to sorrow when he sees the state of Tonika.

Nova: "Cruel: I wonder how many credits I could get for a lawn ornament of a highly detailed statue of one Jedi Master Tonika."

Kyle shakes his head and speaks, his voice heavy with sorrow, "You truly are a monstrosity. Who could build such a horrible thing?"

Nova: "Reply: A woman so broken by grief that she made an automaton that could wipe out her own race single handedly. You stood no chance from the beginning, Jedi. Ready to die?"

He turns off his lightsaber, and closes his eyes.

Kyle: "There is no death, only the force."

Breaking into butterflies I appear floating in front of him with my hands on his shoulders.

Nova: "Sadistic: And agonising pain. But, at least it'll be quick. [Abyssal Fire]."

He quickly burst into pink and purple fire and screamed for a few seconds before not even ash remained. Dusting off my hands for no real reason, I shatter into butterflies and appear on the ship I arrived in.

Nova: "Query: I am done. Mother, did they send out a distress call or anything?"

Mother: "Welcome back Creator. Did you have fun? And they did. I let it go through, as bait."

Nova: "Sadistic: I had fun, yes. And good. Now we wait for their tiny force before moving on. I take it you have started to set up a base on this world?"

Mother: "I have, Creator. It will take two weeks before this world is protected enough to leave for another."

Nova: "Order: Good. Now, I want you to make a five by five metre containment shield near me."

Mother: "At once, Creator."

As soon as the barrier was up, I teleported in Kayliee. She was still knocked out, but I was interested in seeing if she calmed down, and how she'd react to me. I also brought up both the statues of the other Jedi Masters and set them near the containment barrier.

Mother: "Creator. I have detected a small contingent of Jedi spaceships. No Republic forces yet."

Nova: "Ponder: These must be the first responders. Maybe the Republic is still getting some units free. Oh well, It's your turn to play some Mother."

Mother: "Do not worry, Creator. I will show you a wonderful performance."

Nova: "Cruel: Oh, I do not doubt it."