Nova: "Annoyed: Just how slow are their hyperdrives? Come on."
Mother: "Compared to the drives you have created, Creator? Very, horribly slow. They also seem to be using a lesser hyperspace than the one we use."
Nova: "Interest: Really? … You are right. While we only need to 'worry' about the exit portal for our trips, they need to worry about the gravitational shadows of large objects or wells. It looks like they are on the first layer of hyperspace, and not deep enough to not have to worry about that. Interesting."
Mother: "Indeed Creator. I do not believe they have even considered trying to try and make better engines to access lower levels of hyperspace. It is going to take them many hours to get here, and by then we will have a strong foothold on the planet."
Nova: "Muse: Not like they will get past the fleet anyway. Oh well, I am going to go… oh? It seems our little guess has awoken."
I could hear groaning as the Jedi Master Kayliee started to wake up. Grabbing her head like she had a headache, she just sat there for a few minutes.
Grunting and shaking her head, she started to look around. The first thing she noticed were the two statues of her former friends, yet she said something most interesting.
Kayliee: "Serves you right, failures."
Floating over to her containment area, I waited for her to see me. She seemed to marvel at all the unknown technology around her, she even tried to touch the shielding that kept her there. Nodding her head in seemingly approval she finally looked at me, and gasped.
She quickly got into a lowered position with her head on the ground and yelled, "My Goddess!"
'I… what? Of everything I was thinking that was going to happen when she woke up, this was not even on the list. Goddess?'
Nova: "Query: You do not hate me for what I did to you? Do you understand what I did to you?"
Kayliee: "No! I could never hate you my Goddess! You have awoken me to the truth, and bathed me in the end of all things purging me of Creation's corruption!"
She looked up at me with her glowing pink eyes and even though they were a solid colour, I could still tell they held nothing but worship for me.
'Creation's corruption? Well, she has clearly changed, that much is obvious…'
Doing a full deep scan of her, I noticed several things I missed with the passive scan. First, she is no longer "alive" in any sense of the word. She's not even breathing. While I can scan her flesh and all the other Organic bits, they are not alive in the traditional sense. They are made from Abyss energy. It's like my Morphium when it is acting like another material, but still Morphium.
The Abyss is acting like her Organic body, and this intrigues me greatly. I shut down the containment shielding, and floated over to her.
Nova: "Order: Stand, and hold out your right hand."
She quickly followed my order, and I took her hand into mine. I then morphed a small blade and cut her palm. She gave no indication I had done anything to her, and the wound shed no blood. When I opened the cut some more, everything "looked" like a normal hand an Organic would have, just with no blood anywhere, and ashen grey in colour.
Looking into her eyes I ask, "Query: Did you feel me cut into you at all?"
Nayliee: "I did not my Goddess."
'Interesting. Well, this changes everything. Why destroy when you can control. But will she ever betray me?'
She will not. You have corrupted her mind, body, and heart. Her soul is starting to slowly corrupt naturally due to her body, but will take a very long time. If she is killed before then, you would need to seek out her new vessel and start it over again.
'Perfect. What will happen when her soul is fully corrupted?'
Not enough information available.
'Damn, guess I'll just have to find out the long way. Anyway, I can also no longer sense the influence of the Force on her.'
Nova: "Query: Are you free of the power you once called 'the Force?'"
Kayliee: "Yes, my Goddess! You purged that disgusting connection when you freed me from Creation."
Nova: "Glee: Good. Now, do I need to heal your hand?"
Kayliee: "No, my Goddess. I can handle that."
I focus my scans on her hand while she does whatever she is going to do. Which reveals a small surge of Abyss energy on the wound, and it mends itself nearly instantly.
'I wonder how long she could keep that up.'
Like you, she is now an entity of the Abyss, and thus naturally generates Abyssal energy. Her rate of restoration, and capacity are vastly weaker than yours however. As such, she can be overwhelmed and killed much easier than you.
'This is eye opening, and has made me realise how much of a waste what I just did really was. I lost quite a few pawns by being so wasteful. Oh well, it doesn't matter in the end really but it is something to keep in mind. But my removing the Force from Organics is most definitely going to attract the attention of the Ones eventually.'
Looking at Kayliee who is just standing there and looking at me with a small smile on her face I notice I do not have the same disgust for her anymore pre-corruption.
'Is it because she no longer counts as an Organic? Not really? Or is it something else? It has to be something else right?'
I close my eyes and focus deeply inwardly. Thinking that I may have a connection with her somehow, like other situations like this are handled in the True Omniverse, I focus on trying to find that.
'I'll start with my generator, since it's the main connection I have with the Abyss right now.'
I can sense all the "lines" I have connected to my generator. The ones powering my body, shields, weapons and a few other things. I then notice a very faint connection not connected to anything, but heading outwards.
'This is most likely it. Let's see if I am right.'
I follow the connection and true enough it leads to Kayliee. But it's faint, incomplete. Like it's waiting for something. As I was wondering what was going on, I got a UI notification.
Finalise connection and accept [Nayliee] as a follower?
Opening my eyes, I peer at said girl. She is still just looking at me with that small smile, almost dazed looking.
'She is my first convert, so why not. Yes.'
[Nayliee] has been accepted and connection fully formed! Rename?
'Yes, her new name will be [Sinya].'
New name has been registered as [Sinya]. Conversion will start. Stay with the original body, or change to Kitsune (one tail)?
'Kitsune, obviously.'
All of a sudden a flood of Morphium rushed out of me, and covered Sinya. While the Morphium was covering her, she couldn't of had a bigger smile on her face. I then got a UI notification.
As Sinya is not a companion, body makeup will be of the strongest metal you have access to: Asgardium. Her power source will be a degraded version of yours, a C-0001 Abyss-space Power Generator 1st Generation, with a max power output of 1ZPM. This can not be upgraded. She will have nearly none of your abilities. But will be protected by [Null-Cloak] as she is connected to you (Aka your soul.)
Followers have limited growth potential, unlike companions. You may upgrade a follower to a companion when their soul reaches 100% Abyss corruption and permanently becomes connected to you.
Lilith: "Congratulations on your first follower Little Nova~. A little tip from me though. It will not always be easy to corrupt people with Abyss like Sinya was. Well, unless you break their mind like you did hers~. But doing so will corrupt their personality in ways you might not want. And it may also remove talents of theirs, so be mindful~."
(A/N for Webnovel: Lilith is talking in to her mind. I can't colour this to display it.)
'I see, thank you very much for the information, Lilith! A question if I may though?'
Lilith: "She was simply what you could call a believer before you made her a follower. Think of them like cult sheep~. They will know who you are, and such but when you leave a Universe they will stay behind. Anyone can be a believer by the way, how fanatical they are about you depends on the level of Abyss corruption~. Well, that's all the help from me for now~. Goodbye little Nova~. I look forward to more of your growth~!"
'Goodbye Lilith, and thank you again. So, I now have a way to build an empire and while I can't bring tech with me when I cross over to a new Universe, I can bring followers and companions. This is great news. Having help I can trust will be such a massive boon. How long till Sinya is done changing?'
Sinya will be converted in one month. Update done to status UI, displaying.
~~ Status~~
Name: Nova
Model: O-0001-A: Omega Class First Generation Abyss Variant
Race: Automaton
Soul Level: 2
Material used: Morphium - 100%
Health: 100%
Status: Idle
Power source: A-0001-U Abyss-space Power Generator 1st Generation - Upgradable
Racial Skills: [Accelerated learning] [Tireless] [Semi-Immortal] [Upgradable] [High Speed Thought] [Parallel Processing] [Limited Control: Technology]
Skills: [Supernatural Combat: Unarmed-EX/ Sniper-EX]
Passives: [Made of Morphium- EX] [Last Stand-EX] [Gamer Body- EX] [Sangraal] [Morphium Domain Control] [Explosion Suppression System] [Extreme Speed Nanite Regeneration] [Extreme Speed Nanite Construction] [Perfect Nanite Mimicry] [Abyss Immunity]
Permanent Debuffs: [Slow Combat training- EX] [Muted emotions- EX] [Forced Logical Thinking] [Creation Weakness] [Abyss Corruption]
Common skills: [Anti-Gravity: Very High] [Goa'uld Ma'Tok staff blast] [Zat'nik'tel Energy Shot] [Asgard Transport] [Space Flight] [Subspace Communications: High] [Energy Shield] [Kinetic Energy Wave] [Harmful Neural Link] [Tok'ra Crystal Tunnel Creation] [Phase shift] [Healing Light] [Gravity Collapse] [Pain Energy Discharge] [Atomic Breath] [Universe shift] [Energy to Matter Fabrication] [Ion Cannon Blast] [Life Support Systems] [Temporal Domain] [Plasma beam] [Anquietas Hologram] [Cryogenic Burst] [Reckoning Pulse] [Gravity Shield] [Energy Field] [Wormhole Jump] [Butterfly Shift]
Novice: N/A
General: [Blessing of the Abyss]
Advanced: [Abyssal Fire] [Abyssal Ice] [Abyssal Earth] [Abyssal Wind]
Master: N/A
Godlike: N/A
Companions: N/A
Followers: Sinya (1% S)
'I guess that percent next to her is the level of her soul corruption. Okay, new plan. Get as many followers that I can that are worthy. First on the list: Satele Shan. No clue where she is right now. But I know where I can find out. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant.'
Nova: "Order: Mother, I am going to go on my own for now. Protect my new follower, Sinya, while she is transformed. I don't care if you have to blow up the solar system to do it, keep her safe. Contact me when she awakens."
Mother: "Of course, Creator. Have a wonderful trip."
Nova: "Correction: Ah, if you note anyone of merit when the Jedi come, try to capture them alive. Or at the very least, with their body intact."
Mother: "Very well, Creator. I will keep an eye out."
Giving her hologram a nod, I shatter into butterflies and appear outside of the ship some distance away. I plot a course for Coruscant, open a hyperspace window and go through. I was at my destination in a matter of seconds.
Coming out of hyperspace, I look down at the city planet. It is an impressive thing to look at, but at the same time vile. A den infested with Organics, and a complete mess of a planet. Shaking my head to get rid of the useless thoughts, I scan for the Jedi Temple. Did not take long, as it was flooded with the energy from the Force. Focusing in on the strongest readings I can find, which I assume are more Jedi Masters, I teleport into the room they are gathered in.
Looking around at the stunned Jedi, I don't see Satele. When I was about to ask, one of the Jedi Masters, a human, jumped up from his seat and drew his lightsaber.
???: "You! You are the machine we got the warning about from Dantooine! How are you here?"
When he asked that, all the other Masters' eyes grew wide slightly, and also joined him on the one side of the room with their lightsabers ignited.
Not even wanting to bother them, I connected to one of their computers to see if I could find any logs about what her current mission is. Unfortunately, there was nothing stating directly where she went, only that she was on a mission.
Nova: "Query: Where is Satele Shan?"
???: "No clue. And that is information you don't have any right to access. A better question is what have you done to Dantooine?"
'Oh? Now this is helpful. They have her health records and all that. Perfect, I can use her DNA and scan for it. Too bad my sensors are not powerful enough to scan the entire galaxy. But, at least I can check if she is on a planet near me.'
Nova: "Reply: Conquered, and all resistance quelled and destroyed. Civilian casualties: Sub 1000. Jedi Casualties: No survivors."
???: "N-none? Not even the younglings?"
Nova: "Reply: They were among the first. They attempted to flee the planet, and were consequently obliterated for it."
The whole room became silent, and filled with sorrow. I also picked up one of the Masters starting to have Dark side energy flow through them. I decide to mess with them while I go into the Republic's hidden closed systems.
Nova: "Taunt: Does it anger you that they were slaughtered like the useless Organics they were? That they died a meaningless death?"
They all looked greatly taken aback by my comment, while the one with Dark energy started to channel more of it.
???: "Be quiet you stupid machine. A single youngling is priceless, and their deaths will not be mocked."
Nova: "Cruel: Priceless? I don't know.. I managed to get all of them for the low low price of three plasma beams. Seems pretty cheap to me."
???: "You!"
???: "Calm yourself, Master Lynion. She is trying to make you fall. There is no emotion, there is peace."
He starts to calm down, and takes deep breaths.
Nova: "Taunt: No emotion? I bet those children felt a great deal of fear in their last moments."
Lynion: "You will not turn me, Monster."
Nova: "Mockery: Awe. Well, you're better than Jedi Master Kayliee. She fell nearly instantly. Was quite the show, seeing her rage about trying to fight. Oh well, I found what I was after. I look forward to your struggles, Jedi. Do try to make this interesting."
With that, I shattered into butterflies and teleported my max distance. I found Satele Shan. She is currently on her way to, or already at, Alderaan to help with the battle there. So, plotting a course, and opening a hyperspace window I was off.
Coming out of hyperspace, I scanned the planet and all ships nearby. I found her fighting in some forest down on the planet. Seems to be a Sith if the Dark readings I am getting are any indication. I smile inwardly, and rush down to the planet and crash in between the two fighters.
As the snow and dust settles my glowing red form could be seen looking at Satele Shan.
Nova: "Threaten: Hello, Satele Shan. We have some business, you and I…"